Good Deeds :D

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
Things aren't improved solely by "pointing out", you have to try to make more constructive criticisms. A lot of good ideas end up in the bin because of people thinking "it won't work". And very often (you can see that obviously on GWG) arguments are "local" ones, it's like that because I see it like that and don't try to make me think otherwise (ideas are free, they're never really imposed, in a non-coercive environment ... though one could ask whether we are in one given the level of addition of certain people).
And I never said they were. The point is there will always be things wrong. Just because a flaw is pointed out doesn't mean that it's being dismissed.
I'd also rather someone just point something out to me than me being completely unaware.

And just to note, the person you quoted the first time actually told exactly what they thought what the problem was. And though I noted that I've seen somewhat negative reactions, I never brought up that there was a flaw. Just that I thought it was stupid of someone to suggest that you shouldn't be allowed to say there's a flaw because there will naturally be some. So, I have no idea what you mean by "make more constructive criticisms".



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Not a good deed that I did, but there was a guy in Bergen Hot Springs giving away money and stuff, cause he was quitting the game. He said: "Who wants 100k?" of course, I opened trade, not expecting to get anything, but oh how wrong I was, he put in 100k and gave it to me, just like that; and he spent the next hour giving away all of his stuff to people, two of my guildies also got 100k each from him too.

This is a good deed because, he quit and didn't let his stuff rot on his account, he was nice and gave it away to people who will use it, unlike 90% of people who quit the game, they just let it rot.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Antheus

Kindness appears out of need, and fear of consequence.
Speaking for yourself... you mean.

Human species is predatorial in nature, and will do anything to win - compensating for its numerous weaknesses. Unlike most animals, where strength determines the hierarchy.
Too much of a simplistic generalization not accounting for duality of nature.

Humans utilize mind. That involves exploitation of others, and complete lack of consideration.
Huh? Utilizing mind involves exploitation of others? Again... speaking for yourself you mean.

People don't get kind to each other because they feel like it. Only when there is more profit to be had in kindness.
Oh poor jaded baby. And again... speaking for yourself.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


I think ppl like this still exist, although its really rare. I remember a while ago someone gave me like 150k for the heck of it... I handed out 100k of it in 20k sums to ppl in some obscure district of LA.

For something more recent, I gave someone a jade armor cause they went along with my joke.

Another example, few days ago, I gave someone 5k (im really poor now, that was the last of my money XD) because he was selling a piece of crap staff struggling to get 5k. And yeah, he was a really nice guy just talking to him, before I even hinted at free money FYI.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


I generally won't give away my cash - I work hard for it, I intend to keep it and use it. There was this guy who, after viewing one of my tutorials, kept asking me for cash to buy his skills. Oh come on. -_-. Go replay a mission or two, advance a character... kill random stuff... that's how I learned to make money. I'll give you tips, show you, create tutorials, find alternatives - anything so that you stop relying on other people to get you cash.

For my friends, guildies and alliance members, I sell on discount (rather big discounts too) or give away items. I don't mind giving them stuff that they need or will use, and not sell back 5 minutes later for the price I intended selling it.

As with random people in outposts... don't mind replying questions most of the time. I've stopped helping random people with missions or running because they don't realize people actually spend time to help them, and don't even say thanks or just scam you. I make sure my runners (when I'm the one to get a run) get the cash they deserve, and I've paid a few times for people who didn't pay. My sellers/buyers always get a thanks too.