Should they just close FA and the Jade Quary in favour of AB?
In a similar way to prophercies where they closed the areanas to make way for the more specialised "battle ayles", I cant help but feel that Fort Asbenwood and the Jade Query are now redundant.
The Jade Query is virtually always empty, aside from maybe those special hours when your lucky, and its a pain to explore because of that.
Fort Asbenwood is still active and yes its fun, but it pails in comparison to Alliance battles for a few reason. You can pick your own 4 man teams for AB and fight along side people you know, the faction reward is far greater and AB offers a more complex battle then just knocking down a few gates and killing one NPC.
It just feels more thought out as a battle then FA does!
The only advantage which FA seems to offer is the ability to easily fight for either side, regardless of your guilds alliance. While for AB you are restricted to your guilds side unless you get invited to an opposing sides guild and enter that way.
I realise there are quests connected to both FA and JQ, in the sense of "go here and find this place", but you could still keep the connected outposts open but close access to the starting areas.
You could just add an NPC to either outpost for alliance battles to take you isntantly there instead.
Otherwise what exactly does either FA or JQ still offer ingame, that AB doesnt improve upon?
The Jade Query is virtually always empty, aside from maybe those special hours when your lucky, and its a pain to explore because of that.
Fort Asbenwood is still active and yes its fun, but it pails in comparison to Alliance battles for a few reason. You can pick your own 4 man teams for AB and fight along side people you know, the faction reward is far greater and AB offers a more complex battle then just knocking down a few gates and killing one NPC.
It just feels more thought out as a battle then FA does!
The only advantage which FA seems to offer is the ability to easily fight for either side, regardless of your guilds alliance. While for AB you are restricted to your guilds side unless you get invited to an opposing sides guild and enter that way.
I realise there are quests connected to both FA and JQ, in the sense of "go here and find this place", but you could still keep the connected outposts open but close access to the starting areas.
You could just add an NPC to either outpost for alliance battles to take you isntantly there instead.
Otherwise what exactly does either FA or JQ still offer ingame, that AB doesnt improve upon?
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Fort Asbenwood and the Jade Query

Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Otherwise what exactly does either FA or JQ still offer ingame, that AB doesnt improve upon?
I wouldn't be in favour of having these closed down...even if noone does use the Jade "Query" - it still provides some sort of Cartographer-Title challenge, as frustrating as some may find it.
Aspenwood, as you say, is still pretty active. Just because some people don't find it fun doesn't mean it should be shut down for those who do.
Sakura Az
i can't say anyhting about your question.. but closing those places would screw anyone trying for the cartography title
Wish Swiftdeath
as long as you can enter in AB how would it 'screw anyone' over
6am3 Fana71c
Yeah I agree. Just remove them or totally redesign em.
While the concept for both of these battles were nice, their usage after other things have been released has diminished to the point where they are almost completely obsolete. I don't know what to do about them, but I do know that trying to do the cartographer through those areas can be a pain without having anyone on to do them. The battles indeed are a change but really provide very little to the game as a whole or even their storyline
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
Yeah I agree. Just remove them or totally redesign em.
Though they have increased the faction gain before, I can't help but wonder if the Jade Quarry would see more play if there were even more faction up for grabs for winning.
Originally Posted by Sakura Az
i can't say anyhting about your question.. but closing those places would screw anyone trying for the cartography title
One you felt a bit bad for exploring in FA while everyone else fought and you got "stop exploring and help", and JQ is an absolutely nightmare to explore because no one is ever there to let you in.
I dont see how it would screw anyone over since its only about 0.5% in each area and it would relieve the stress.
1)They definitely should be opened up for Cartographers as an explorable zone.
2)As for the missions themselves, Anet needs to sit down and address the overall prevalence of exploits and "unfun-ess" of these missions.
The lack of any sort of team effort really makes it a downer.
2)As for the missions themselves, Anet needs to sit down and address the overall prevalence of exploits and "unfun-ess" of these missions.
The lack of any sort of team effort really makes it a downer.
Ebony Shadowheart
Ack! NO!
I'm Luxon, I rely on Aspenwood to get faction for befriending the Kurzick quests, farming amber for my armor, and just for kicks when I need to blow off steam at the stupidity of my own side. Its free and fun. I sure as hell aint paying for a guest invite to some Kurzick guild where I don't know anyone. Besides, everytime I've tried people want to charge an arm and a damn leg for 100g invite. Bah!
I'm Luxon, I rely on Aspenwood to get faction for befriending the Kurzick quests, farming amber for my armor, and just for kicks when I need to blow off steam at the stupidity of my own side. Its free and fun. I sure as hell aint paying for a guest invite to some Kurzick guild where I don't know anyone. Besides, everytime I've tried people want to charge an arm and a damn leg for 100g invite. Bah!
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
I realise there are quests connected to both FA and JQ, in the sense of "go here and find this place", but you could still keep the connected outposts open but close access to the starting areas.
they could close JQ and i dont think anybody would care.
But myself and many others prefer FA to AB.
FA is more fun (that one opinionated), map doesnt change, some people dont want to be bothered with forming a group. its like saying they should close RA cause you can form a group in TA.
in AB what happens to you when you are trying to test out builds and the build happens to suck? you get everyone mad and they kick you out of the party and now you have to find a new party. or if your party gives you the benefit of they doubt and keep you in the party, they will probably kick you or disband while you are trying to tweak your build if it takes too long.
not everyone plays FA for faction. it the lack of having to form a party up and the destroying of turtles ppl love. i said destroying of turtles cause there are almost always more people on kurz side then luxon.
But myself and many others prefer FA to AB.
FA is more fun (that one opinionated), map doesnt change, some people dont want to be bothered with forming a group. its like saying they should close RA cause you can form a group in TA.
in AB what happens to you when you are trying to test out builds and the build happens to suck? you get everyone mad and they kick you out of the party and now you have to find a new party. or if your party gives you the benefit of they doubt and keep you in the party, they will probably kick you or disband while you are trying to tweak your build if it takes too long.
not everyone plays FA for faction. it the lack of having to form a party up and the destroying of turtles ppl love. i said destroying of turtles cause there are almost always more people on kurz side then luxon.
It is very debatable if AB is more "fun" than Aspenwood. I play both and I actually have more fun with Aspenwood than I do with Alliance Battles. Aspenwood is one of the few PVP places I can go and bring any profession/build I want and be successful.
I have noticed that there is a lot of FA regulars that play there on a daily basis plus there are always quite a few new people that show up as well. PVP will always need a place for players to be able to quickly get into a battle with a minimum of fuss. Aspenwood fits that bill perfectly and should not be shut down.
I have noticed that there is a lot of FA regulars that play there on a daily basis plus there are always quite a few new people that show up as well. PVP will always need a place for players to be able to quickly get into a battle with a minimum of fuss. Aspenwood fits that bill perfectly and should not be shut down.
Crom The Pale
I think they should add some AI foes to each so you can play them when there are no live people/insuficient live players. This would solve the problem of cartography for both and allow those that have never played the almost always vacant Jade Quary.
{{troll}} ~~~~
Seriously, I wish the guru community would learn not to participate in the biweekly spectacle of a freekedoutfish thread.
Seriously, I wish the guru community would learn not to participate in the biweekly spectacle of a freekedoutfish thread.
As Arena Net has no time to redesign them they should just close them, FA is poorly designed and JQ was left neglected for over a year.
Originally Posted by Esan
{{troll}} ~~~~
Seriously, I wish the guru community would learn not to participate in the biweekly spectacle of a freekedoutfish thread. |
stupid thread.
Did you even think before writing all that crap? Of course not. FA redundant? How is it redundant when it is a DIFERENT map and has DIFERENT goals.
Did you even think before writing all that crap? Of course not. FA redundant? How is it redundant when it is a DIFERENT map and has DIFERENT goals.
Hey freekedoutfish usually I just post here to troll people or generally create a disturbance, but here's some genuine advice; straight from the heart:
Download the new version of Firefox and use it, it has a great spellcheck feature. If you can't spell correctly due to some sort of cognitive disorder, it'll help you a lot. If you deliberately spell this badly, I hope you die a painful, painful death. Its hard to take your posts seriously at this point, no matter what kind of legitimate concern you bring up in them. Please, for your sake and ours, get that Firefox yo.
Edit: If you're just trolling, join us in Guildwarsguru chat; you are mighty and we could use your strength.
Download the new version of Firefox and use it, it has a great spellcheck feature. If you can't spell correctly due to some sort of cognitive disorder, it'll help you a lot. If you deliberately spell this badly, I hope you die a painful, painful death. Its hard to take your posts seriously at this point, no matter what kind of legitimate concern you bring up in them. Please, for your sake and ours, get that Firefox yo.
Edit: If you're just trolling, join us in Guildwarsguru chat; you are mighty and we could use your strength.
lol hooray for irony indeed 
He has just as much rights to making a thread. Oh my god, don't criticise his spelling and grammar. It is true what they say, there are too many trolls on these forums.
I do agree that Jade Quarry should be made more appealing or opened up as a explorable area but don't take it out of the game. On ocassions people play it but just becuase people don't use a feature, it doesn't mean they should remove it from the game.
Fort Aspenwood i beleive gets alot of visitors. Its more PVE and i think some people prefer it to alliance battles. Isn't there also something to do with say doing the befriend quests for your oppisite alliance. I did luxon side of pve and did fort to get faction. I didn't want to join a luxon guild to do the AB

He has just as much rights to making a thread. Oh my god, don't criticise his spelling and grammar. It is true what they say, there are too many trolls on these forums.
I do agree that Jade Quarry should be made more appealing or opened up as a explorable area but don't take it out of the game. On ocassions people play it but just becuase people don't use a feature, it doesn't mean they should remove it from the game.
Fort Aspenwood i beleive gets alot of visitors. Its more PVE and i think some people prefer it to alliance battles. Isn't there also something to do with say doing the befriend quests for your oppisite alliance. I did luxon side of pve and did fort to get faction. I didn't want to join a luxon guild to do the AB
faction reward should be boost imo, currently i think all faction should be boosted to be comparable to the fff speed in lutz.
While the faction rewards for AB are a lot more, the wait time for ABs is also like three times as long usually. FA is fun and should be kept because some people enjoy it. Simple as that.
While the faction rewards for AB are a lot more, the wait time for ABs is also like three times as long usually. FA is fun and should be kept because some people enjoy it. Simple as that.
Merge both Apenwood and the Quarry into a single town, similar to how the various PvP arenas were merged before the Battle isles. you will have a random chance to play either FA or JQ when you enter mission. JQ gains new life, cartographers have an easier time mapping wherever, and this simpler setup might even attract new players. Yay.
This is an interesting idea ultimastrike
Sha Noran
Originally Posted by ultimastrike
Merge both Apenwood and the Quarry into a single town, similar to how the various PvP arenas were merged before the Battle isles. you will have a random chance to play either FA or JQ when you enter mission. JQ gains new life, cartographers have an easier time mapping wherever, and this simpler setup might even attract new players. Yay.
Originally Posted by fallot
Hey freekedoutfish usually I just post here to troll people or generally create a disturbance, but here's some genuine advice; straight from the heart:
Download the new version of Firefox and use it, it has a great spellcheck feature. If you can't spell correctly due to some sort of cognitive disorder, it'll help you a lot. If you deliberately spell this badly, I hope you die a painful, painful death. Its hard to take your posts seriously at this point, no matter what kind of legitimate concern you bring up in them. Please, for your sake and ours, get that Firefox yo. Edit: If you're just trolling, join us in Guildwarsguru chat; you are mighty and we could use your strength. |
Originally Posted by Esan
{{troll}} ~~~~
Seriously, I wish the guru community would learn not to participate in the biweekly spectacle of a freekedoutfish thread. |
I actually write a lot of this stuff at Uni which doesnt have firefox on all machines.
My 2 cents is that if there is no opposing team, or anyone else but you and some seller bot spamming crap or wanting you to join his they should do what they did with the cooperative missions, assign NPCs (henchies or some flavor of mob) to the other side and you go at it. Then peeps who actually want to do the mish can withour having to have real live people on the other side...
3D House of Beef
First of all, nothing is less relevant than you liking AB more than FA and JQ. I love FA (either side) and AB bores me to tears (weee Hero Battles with a mob of n00bs), but it doesn't mean I feel compelled to advocate for it's removal.
If they want to increase participation in underutilized area's like JQ, then they just need to increase the rewards. Simple as that. If there was a double faction rewards weekend for JQ and FA, the place would be full. So up the rewards and make it worth peoples times. No one plays Polymock outside of the quest requirements, because the rewards are a joke. Decent rewards would make a quick fix here. Giving it an overhaul so it was more appealing to play is the right answer, but that takes engineering cycles.
As a side note to all that...
I look forward to the weekend events, but as someone who has already unlocked everything in the game, every bit of Balthazar faction I earn is totally wasted. Stacks of Tournament Tokens are a lame reward for managing to unlock every item/skill/rune in the game.
They have a million gold sinks, but only one thing to do with extra faction, Tournament Tokens.
I'd be much more inclined to play in an area like JQ if I could do something with the Balthazar faction earned there. As it is, all of these double rewards weekends for Arena's, AB, Hero Battles, are a waste. I hate to go to that effort just to buy Tournament Tokens with the rewards.
First of all, nothing is less relevant than you liking AB more than FA and JQ. I love FA (either side) and AB bores me to tears (weee Hero Battles with a mob of n00bs), but it doesn't mean I feel compelled to advocate for it's removal.
If they want to increase participation in underutilized area's like JQ, then they just need to increase the rewards. Simple as that. If there was a double faction rewards weekend for JQ and FA, the place would be full. So up the rewards and make it worth peoples times. No one plays Polymock outside of the quest requirements, because the rewards are a joke. Decent rewards would make a quick fix here. Giving it an overhaul so it was more appealing to play is the right answer, but that takes engineering cycles.
As a side note to all that...
I look forward to the weekend events, but as someone who has already unlocked everything in the game, every bit of Balthazar faction I earn is totally wasted. Stacks of Tournament Tokens are a lame reward for managing to unlock every item/skill/rune in the game.
They have a million gold sinks, but only one thing to do with extra faction, Tournament Tokens.

I'd be much more inclined to play in an area like JQ if I could do something with the Balthazar faction earned there. As it is, all of these double rewards weekends for Arena's, AB, Hero Battles, are a waste. I hate to go to that effort just to buy Tournament Tokens with the rewards.
AB is dull and unrewarding unless it's a special reward time. The system and gameplay needs work, the idea of axing other things to get players in it is just crazy.
Martin Firestorm
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Fort Asbenwood is still active and yes its fun...
JQ maybe, but FA never.
Fort Aspenwood should stay...but I could care less about the Quarry..
similar to what other people have said,
there should be a military NPC you go to, they send you "randomly" to either Jade Quarry, Fort Aspenwood, or the Main Battlefield, basically depending on how full each of the servers are, so JQ and FA would remain the same in that all the players are grouped randomly, and the Main AB battle would change to this as well
this doesn't mean they have to remove the actual outposts though, if they did make these changes, they could actually integrate the NPCs at the outpost into one that would be able to send the player into one of the three maps
just so it flows for those who care, the NPC could say something like "we're checking where we need reenforcements, we'll send you to the area in most need of backup"
I think overall, this would make faction battles less boring since its probably not going to be the same map over and over and it will allow for more variety in the main AB battles where you would have previously been able to team up with a group before entering
there should be a military NPC you go to, they send you "randomly" to either Jade Quarry, Fort Aspenwood, or the Main Battlefield, basically depending on how full each of the servers are, so JQ and FA would remain the same in that all the players are grouped randomly, and the Main AB battle would change to this as well
this doesn't mean they have to remove the actual outposts though, if they did make these changes, they could actually integrate the NPCs at the outpost into one that would be able to send the player into one of the three maps
just so it flows for those who care, the NPC could say something like "we're checking where we need reenforcements, we'll send you to the area in most need of backup"
I think overall, this would make faction battles less boring since its probably not going to be the same map over and over and it will allow for more variety in the main AB battles where you would have previously been able to team up with a group before entering
Originally Posted by ultimastrike
Merge both Apenwood and the Quarry into a single town, similar to how the various PvP arenas were merged before the Battle isles. you will have a random chance to play either FA or JQ when you enter mission. JQ gains new life, cartographers have an easier time mapping wherever, and this simpler setup might even attract new players. Yay.
anet really need to fix both of them to make them well... more fun and with more ppl... need better rewards i guess, dunno but now it kinda sux
Yes close Jade Quarry. Took me 2 days to get into it to map it to finish legendary cartographer. GG Anet for not making it explorable when it can make or break a cart title.
I see two problems with FA and JQ. The first is that JQ is dead because everyone plays FA. It can be fixed with this idea:
It doesn't even have to be a random chance. Having the playable map change based on a timer should also work.
The second problem is people going in there to map, not to play the map. This can be fixed by changing FA and JQ so that they don't count towards the cartography title.
Both probably warrant separate threads in the suggestion forum.
Originally Posted by ultimastrike
Merge both Apenwood and the Quarry into a single town, similar to how the various PvP arenas were merged before the Battle isles. you will have a random chance to play either FA or JQ when you enter mission. JQ gains new life, cartographers have an easier time mapping wherever, and this simpler setup might even attract new players. Yay.
The second problem is people going in there to map, not to play the map. This can be fixed by changing FA and JQ so that they don't count towards the cartography title.
Both probably warrant separate threads in the suggestion forum.
Edge Martinez
Just put a guy for JQ and FA in the Arena Battle area. So, you go to your guild hall. Click on the dude to go fight Kurzicks or Luxons. When you get there, either join a group for AB, or go talk to the JQ/FA guy and wait for the countdown. Make it so when the Luxons are winning the map battle, the dude send people to FA. When the Kurzicks are winning, the dude sends you to JQ.
Originally Posted by ultimastrike
Merge both Apenwood and the Quarry into a single town, similar to how the various PvP arenas were merged before the Battle isles. you will have a random chance to play either FA or JQ when you enter mission. JQ gains new life, cartographers have an easier time mapping wherever, and this simpler setup might even attract new players. Yay.
Originally Posted by ultimastrike
Merge both Apenwood and the Quarry into a single town, similar to how the various PvP arenas were merged before the Battle isles. you will have a random chance to play either FA or JQ when you enter mission. JQ gains new life, cartographers have an easier time mapping wherever, and this simpler setup might even attract new players. Yay.
Though it would be hard to merge two different physical locations into one town.
Instead of the random map idea, people would play either JQ or FA if their side is winning or losing.
FA is clearly a Luxon attack / Kurzick defense map.
JQ is... rather a balanced map.
- Maybe they should add a third Kurzick attack / Luxon defense map to the rotation. It makes me sick that I am always defending as a Kurzick.
And what map is played then depends on win/loss ratio in the battles and/or AB win/loss ratios.
(I am basically what Edge Martinez and ultimastrike already suggested. I know a lot more people who share very similar ideas about the competitive missions.)
The competitive missions as well as the AB's need some love and attention. Kanaai Canyon is still not fixed, I could hug the fences and get out way before the battle started last weekend again as a Kurzick.
freaky naughty
Heck no, please please please don't remove FA it's probably the only reason I still level my characters up. FA is way more fun than AB and everyone can contribute without even fighting. After I complete PvE for a character the first thing I do is make a build for that character and send him to pwn some luxons at Fort Aspenwood. HA is too serious for me I don't like the fact that you need to have a high rank to be able to get a higher one unless you have a good guild, and one of those I don't have.
I agree with Ultimastrike's idea, but if that isn't implemented make it so that neither JQ or FA count for cartographer. The only people that could possibly dissappoint are the ones who waited hours to collect a group of people to play at JQ.
Just because AB rewards are better doesn't mean we should just remove FA from the map.
I agree with Ultimastrike's idea, but if that isn't implemented make it so that neither JQ or FA count for cartographer. The only people that could possibly dissappoint are the ones who waited hours to collect a group of people to play at JQ.
Just because AB rewards are better doesn't mean we should just remove FA from the map.