Originally Posted by mr_groovy
I bought Guildwars Factions for a friend of mine. I showed him the basics, and gave him a little bit of gear. He made a warrior, as it is one of the easiest prof to start with.
I told him he should upgrade his Armor every chance he got, monestary, seitung harbor & finally in Kaneing Center. He now has been playing for 40 hours, is lvl 20 and has almost done all the quests he can find before doing Vizunah Square. (Told him better to have max armor for that one). And here's the problem, he still hasn't got the money to buy it. With max armor using 200 Iron & 32 Steel Ignots the price get's pretty steep. And he merchs all the stuff he can find, and uses expert salvage kit's on for materials also already. Now I don't know if lootscaling has anything to do with it, as he travels with 8 all the time. But I know first hand that if you kill a lot of creatures in a near instant moment, the scaling bumps in and u get almost nothing. Now take this example. I go farm 1/8 and kill 12 creatures in an instant. I usually get 0-3 drops. Now if i'm 8/8 I will get (0-3)/8 drops. (Better example kill tons of groups of margonites in HM with Battle of Turai's Procession, in a instant with during pre-nerf splinter weapon, netting also 0-3 items). Yes you might tell me your calculations are wrong because of lootscaling you still get the 0-3 drops because lootscaling recognizes party size. But experiences differ. So my question is do you Experience the same in the quantity of drops, or is this just a figment of my Imagination? Ps keep it clean, refrain from ranting. And please don't steer the pvp vs pve thing. |
Point him in the direction of Guildwarsguru and have him set up an account. Then send him over to the farming section to research builds.