It's a Coop conundrum that ANET CAN'T fix !!!!
Accordingly, I believe that the PvE community MUST find it's own IN-GAME solution. Please reply with your comments...
I recommend the following:
Tell ppl on UR friends list to ALL-CHAT the following messsage in towns/outposts (depending on campaign). I DO NOT ADVOCATE SPAMMING!!!! The intent behind the message is to create a way to facilitate PUG's playing Guildwars PvE HM, as opposed to players being forced to solo Guildwars PvE HM because other players aren't in a SPECIFIC town/outpost at the EXACT same time for HM PUG creation. The ultimate hope is that at some point in time, the technique in the following message will become common knowledge/practice of where to go IN-GAME to LF HM PUG's
PvE PUG's UNITE: Go to EoTN outpost to LF HM PUG's
PvE PUG's UNITE: Go to Temple Of the Ages outpost to LF HM PUG's
PvE PUG's UNITE: Go to Zin Ku Corridor outpost to LF HM PUG's
PvE PUG's UNITE: Go to Chantry of Secrets outpost to LF HM PUG's
R U tired of WASTING hrs in towns/outposts LF HM PUG's
Caps lock spam is still spamming.
And this post is helpful to how many of the gw players...half of which probably don't even read forums...
As for me I have yet to find anything in HM that I can't H/H.
As for me I have yet to find anything in HM that I can't H/H.
Friar Khan
I only solo farm in hm, but I think it'd be nice if it could be easier to form pugs, for people who prefer that over h/h. IMO Anet should take it upon themselves to put all HM hunting/mission searches into a list that can be viewed from any town.
No I R not anymore, i used to waste lots of time like that due to my own laziness and tendency to depend on others but...
Two players with heroes or even h/h is all you need for most areas except elite missions. All you need to learn is how to lure, make strategy and decide what builds to take.
Two players with heroes or even h/h is all you need for most areas except elite missions. All you need to learn is how to lure, make strategy and decide what builds to take.
pugging in hm = total waste of time. It's a waste in these ways:
1. Takes so long to find one
2. Generally inefficient and not knowledgable about the game
3. AFKing, dropping, leaving
4. Inane banter, arguing over who draws aggro or calls targets, mid-game trading, being stupid or impolite
I recently got legendary master of the north, and I"m happy to say ***NONE*** of that was done with a pug. Good guild/alliance/heroes/consumables, and efficient!
Seriously, the harder the task, the more useless a pug is.
1. Takes so long to find one
2. Generally inefficient and not knowledgable about the game
3. AFKing, dropping, leaving
4. Inane banter, arguing over who draws aggro or calls targets, mid-game trading, being stupid or impolite
I recently got legendary master of the north, and I"m happy to say ***NONE*** of that was done with a pug. Good guild/alliance/heroes/consumables, and efficient!
Seriously, the harder the task, the more useless a pug is.
No, but I am tired of people over using Caps lock and posting pointless threads like this. By the way posting this here and about 20 other forums doesn't make you clever.