dunno what was anet idea with past weeks/month skill balance but it turned Ha into some joke.
at begining Ha was crowded with iway crap and vimmay.
then came some other shiet, includin sway who made iway obsolete cause all traps.
then arena net had great i must admit idea nerf sway.gg job i can only applause.
but hencefor iway is back....ok i know u have stuff lie kvocal minority,well of silence etc.
but still some skills shud get serious nerf, liek fear me who shud be target applyign not area or enrgy skill or iway makin party meember applying not ally/pets.
or just ban heroes from ha....iono
make HA less lame..
some Ha suggestions..
Water Angel
Originally Posted by Water Angel
make HA less lame..
It's the only one I see in the whole post, then again, reading it was a challenge in itself.
Sardelac is not the place to post such "observations".
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