Add new function to the Radar Circle - Spread Out
Spread Out. So tired of placing flags so that a boss can’t hit all my team at once. Example heart of the mountain in Gwen He can blast your team in seconds. Just a function that can be clicked on that tells a Hench/heroes to spread out from me and each other.

this sounds like Dan's idea(flags for henchmen) that was mostly signed and wasnt implimented into the game...
however - its still good(but anet should put in a "i finally figured how to kite" button on them....)
/signed,'nuff said.and first post
however - its still good(but anet should put in a "i finally figured how to kite" button on them....)
/signed,'nuff said.and first post

Shadow Spirit
/signed big time!
No more 1 hit Molotov Rocktail h/h wipes!
No more 1 hit Molotov Rocktail h/h wipes!

Yeah this keeps pissing me off. The foes do spread out when they get hit by AoE, but the henchies/heroes don't. Kind of stupid :/
Woop Shotty
would be very nice
Not to much I can say really.
Not to much I can say really.
But I think the reason that itll never be implemented is because they're worried people won't team with players even more.
Also, you can kinda flag them to spread out, just in a very annoying way.
Last, at least improve the AI, they actually do spread out when they take the damage, just like the enemy AI, but heroes/henchies return back to the player because you're the 'anchor', which is insanely frustrating. At least make the 'return to anchor' happen more than a second later.
But I think the reason that itll never be implemented is because they're worried people won't team with players even more.
Also, you can kinda flag them to spread out, just in a very annoying way.
Last, at least improve the AI, they actually do spread out when they take the damage, just like the enemy AI, but heroes/henchies return back to the player because you're the 'anchor', which is insanely frustrating. At least make the 'return to anchor' happen more than a second later.
Sergeant of Marines
Why, you dont like seeing your Heros and Henchies die in one hit due to a HM Boss's Spirit Rift, Meteor Shower, Searing Flames? /endsarcasam
It would be a great update if they did this.
It would be a great update if they did this.
Who really uses Henchies? lawl
Not Signed.
Not Signed.
Originally Posted by Nightmare_Pwner
Who really uses Henchies? lawl
Not Signed. |
/signed because if the monsters are smart enough to do it, so should the henches.
Since the very Nightfall release I've been posting requests for adding 1 extra button that would tell your whole group of heroes and henchmen to SPREAD THE F*** OUT!
Now the only option is to put flags for every hero manually before the fight but its slow and not really convenient method and henchies still stay (and die) in one tight group. This feature is much more needed now than before, as in Hard Mode the old hero AI which makes them run from AoE after receiving the damage for a couple seconds is far too slow and leaves them dead. Also there are lethal AoE damage effects which don't trigger their code - those that kill in one or two quick shots!
Ever had a whole party hit by a Deep Freeze -320? Or quick Searing Flames spike (about -200)? Or even some siege wurm type explosions? Then you know that if you could quickly press that SPREAD OUT button seeing that Deep Freeze coming would save your team.
The button should make the heroes spread away from each other and try to keep at least 'nearby' distance from others party members. It should be enough, developing AI that would react to incoming threats would be far harder. Let us manually tell the heroes what should they do, pointing flags for them separately doesn't work when there's only 1 or 2 seconds to react.
Since the very Nightfall release I've been posting requests for adding 1 extra button that would tell your whole group of heroes and henchmen to SPREAD THE F*** OUT!
Now the only option is to put flags for every hero manually before the fight but its slow and not really convenient method and henchies still stay (and die) in one tight group. This feature is much more needed now than before, as in Hard Mode the old hero AI which makes them run from AoE after receiving the damage for a couple seconds is far too slow and leaves them dead. Also there are lethal AoE damage effects which don't trigger their code - those that kill in one or two quick shots!
Ever had a whole party hit by a Deep Freeze -320? Or quick Searing Flames spike (about -200)? Or even some siege wurm type explosions? Then you know that if you could quickly press that SPREAD OUT button seeing that Deep Freeze coming would save your team.
The button should make the heroes spread away from each other and try to keep at least 'nearby' distance from others party members. It should be enough, developing AI that would react to incoming threats would be far harder. Let us manually tell the heroes what should they do, pointing flags for them separately doesn't work when there's only 1 or 2 seconds to react.
pumpkin pie
meteor shower and they will all be dead...
meteor shower and they will all be dead...
Uber Mass
/signed defo had my irritations of HH dancing around in MS and Maelstrom
This is one of my biggest gripes with H+H, and it would be a trivial thing to fix:
Toggle button off: H+H maintain approx. adjacent distance to you and each other
Toggle button on: H+H maintain approx. nearby distance to you and each other
This is one of my biggest gripes with H+H, and it would be a trivial thing to fix:
Toggle button off: H+H maintain approx. adjacent distance to you and each other
Toggle button on: H+H maintain approx. nearby distance to you and each other
Kratos Angel
/signed too, the mobs can do that, I don't see why heroes and henchies wouldn't ... racism ! ^^
/Not signed
Some better AI allowing them to step out of AoE would be nice but this isnt needed. Micromanage instead.
Some better AI allowing them to step out of AoE would be nice but this isnt needed. Micromanage instead.
That would certainly help in aoe area's. Can we have the same option for Pug's please.
That would certainly help in aoe area's. Can we have the same option for Pug's please.
i swear I signed this, but my post seems to have disappeared. So...
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
meteor shower and they will all be dead... |

Phoenix Tears
one thing, where you can see, that Anet fails in creating good AI's still over the years and that they absolutely still don't care in improving the crap, they gave us ...
First off: Anet really made it to create henchmen, which are more clever, then Heroes ...HURRAH *applause for stupidity*
Why I say this ? Because even the dumb AI of Henchs knows, to run out of ANY AoE in the meanwhile ...
Heroes don't ...
The extreme stupid Heroes knows a shit, unless they get guided by the player in form of flags.
Then have heroes much too less orders ...why the **** have we players only the stupid orders ...attack, guard and don't fight -.- ?
Give us finally more order, to improve this crap system around heroes....or do you really think...leaders of armies on their battles won wars, by ordering their warriors only
No...giving Heroes commands should be much more complex.
Orders like:
Attack (either Frontline, Midline or Backline)
This should define, if your heroe should prefer to attack tanks, supporters or ranged enemies)
meaning if you give now your melee hero the Attack backline command, then your hero will try to thrust through the enemy lines, to attack anything ,what stands in the backline and then the hero ignores anyrthing else.
When I give the Order Attack Strongest/Weakest ... then my hero will ever attack the foe in his near, which is either the strongest or the weakest part of the enemy group ...
When I give the Order .. Attack my target...then the foe will be attack, which the player attacks...
give I now the order .. Guard Ally X .. then the hero will stay ever in the near of ally X and tries to protect that ally with aggro manament to receive the aggro, when something tries to attack ally X...
give i now the order .. Guard Area ... then the hero will attack any foe, that will come into the near of the area the hero has to protect...
give i the order FLEE !!!!!!.... than have all heroes to follow ME and to STOP the god damn fighting, regardless what they are doing atm or where they stand....
and so on and so on ..
there are douzens of orders, this crap hero system would need, to become a good command system.... not to mention, that the player should be able to give his hero group a FORMATION, let heroes spread out .. or give them orders, which let heros do things...which normaly do only players ..
orders like:
Lure Target ... when u give an hero this command, before the hero will do it.. the player give the hero the info, which target shoud be lure and to which area... then the hero will run out... tries to get the aggro of the given target and tries to lure it to the area, where you want to have it.
Now this order has naturally a 50/50 chance, either ur hero is succesful and gets only the aggro of the target, or not and you get a whole bunch of monsters on your neck...
or orders like: Set Trap...
do you think, any foolish hero would be good at setting traps by the AI alone ß rofl ..forget it ..
no, there hsould exist a command > set trap... player clicks it...movable area pointer appears, player double clicks and the hero will set traps in the area, where you have setted the area pointer ... that is real hero manamgement, not the crap Anet wants to sell us as hero system ...wow, we are such good comandeurs, we can command our heroes attack, guard and dont find, like the useless whims these heroes are >.>...can't follow good orders ,can' fight... the only thign they can is, being loyal... and followign you on each step where you go like a dog.....when there would exist toilets ingame...i bet my money on, stupid H/H would even follow the player there on too *sarcasm*
The Hero System is to say it short .... total garbage and absolutely not worth it, to be called a hero "System"
What is please on this a "System" ..to give some customizable Henchs the 3 most simplest, most plain easy and stupidst programmable orders, that are also look ingame total childish..as the whole fight system looks childish ?
Hmm ? Attack, Guard and Don't Fight...common Anet. don't make us laugh about this pitiful "system" .. we know you can do it better... show it us!!!!
hopefully in GW2's Companion System, what will be not such a joke, like GW1's hero System >.>
First off: Anet really made it to create henchmen, which are more clever, then Heroes ...HURRAH *applause for stupidity*
Why I say this ? Because even the dumb AI of Henchs knows, to run out of ANY AoE in the meanwhile ...
Heroes don't ...
The extreme stupid Heroes knows a shit, unless they get guided by the player in form of flags.
Then have heroes much too less orders ...why the **** have we players only the stupid orders ...attack, guard and don't fight -.- ?
Give us finally more order, to improve this crap system around heroes....or do you really think...leaders of armies on their battles won wars, by ordering their warriors only
No...giving Heroes commands should be much more complex.
Orders like:
Attack (either Frontline, Midline or Backline)
This should define, if your heroe should prefer to attack tanks, supporters or ranged enemies)
meaning if you give now your melee hero the Attack backline command, then your hero will try to thrust through the enemy lines, to attack anything ,what stands in the backline and then the hero ignores anyrthing else.
When I give the Order Attack Strongest/Weakest ... then my hero will ever attack the foe in his near, which is either the strongest or the weakest part of the enemy group ...
When I give the Order .. Attack my target...then the foe will be attack, which the player attacks...
give I now the order .. Guard Ally X .. then the hero will stay ever in the near of ally X and tries to protect that ally with aggro manament to receive the aggro, when something tries to attack ally X...
give i now the order .. Guard Area ... then the hero will attack any foe, that will come into the near of the area the hero has to protect...
give i the order FLEE !!!!!!.... than have all heroes to follow ME and to STOP the god damn fighting, regardless what they are doing atm or where they stand....
and so on and so on ..
there are douzens of orders, this crap hero system would need, to become a good command system.... not to mention, that the player should be able to give his hero group a FORMATION, let heroes spread out .. or give them orders, which let heros do things...which normaly do only players ..
orders like:
Lure Target ... when u give an hero this command, before the hero will do it.. the player give the hero the info, which target shoud be lure and to which area... then the hero will run out... tries to get the aggro of the given target and tries to lure it to the area, where you want to have it.
Now this order has naturally a 50/50 chance, either ur hero is succesful and gets only the aggro of the target, or not and you get a whole bunch of monsters on your neck...
or orders like: Set Trap...
do you think, any foolish hero would be good at setting traps by the AI alone ß rofl ..forget it ..
no, there hsould exist a command > set trap... player clicks it...movable area pointer appears, player double clicks and the hero will set traps in the area, where you have setted the area pointer ... that is real hero manamgement, not the crap Anet wants to sell us as hero system ...wow, we are such good comandeurs, we can command our heroes attack, guard and dont find, like the useless whims these heroes are >.>...can't follow good orders ,can' fight... the only thign they can is, being loyal... and followign you on each step where you go like a dog.....when there would exist toilets ingame...i bet my money on, stupid H/H would even follow the player there on too *sarcasm*
The Hero System is to say it short .... total garbage and absolutely not worth it, to be called a hero "System"
What is please on this a "System" ..to give some customizable Henchs the 3 most simplest, most plain easy and stupidst programmable orders, that are also look ingame total childish..as the whole fight system looks childish ?
Hmm ? Attack, Guard and Don't Fight...common Anet. don't make us laugh about this pitiful "system" .. we know you can do it better... show it us!!!!
hopefully in GW2's Companion System, what will be not such a joke, like GW1's hero System >.>
That picture owns.
I'd compromise with h/h complying with the flags, they can't even do that anymore.
I'd compromise with h/h complying with the flags, they can't even do that anymore.