best necro weapon
hmm I tried searching through the forum for something like this but I couldn't find anything, I'm sorry if there was but, what's the best death necro weapon in the game? and how much would it cost? I'm kind of new but I'm not a retard but to all replies (thx)
is it this?
I really have no idea.
I really have no idea.
The best weapon is the one that works for you and the enemies you face. In my opinion, the Bortak staff lacks a death magic staff wrapping. Additionally, if you are planning to try to steal corpses from enemies, it's too slow. In that case a 10/10//20/20 set works better.
hmm idk what you mean when you say 10/10 or 20/20 if you could explain this to me but I get everything else
Song Rui
Best Death Necromancer Staff would be something like this.
11-22 Damage (Req 8 Death Magic)
10% Fast Casting (Universal)
10% Skill Recharge (Universal)
+5 Energy
+1 Death Magic (20%)
11-22 Damage (Req 8 Death Magic)
10% Fast Casting (Universal)
10% Skill Recharge (Universal)
+5 Energy
+1 Death Magic (20%)
lord of shadow
i have a
20% recharge when using death magic
20% casting " " "
+5 energy
thats pretty damn good
20% recharge when using death magic
20% casting " " "
+5 energy
thats pretty damn good
I always dream of a time noone asks these lame questions.
Originally Posted by StaindRoX
hmm idk what you mean when you say 10/10 or 20/20 if you could explain this to me but I get everything else
10% universal faster recharge
20% death faster cast
20% death faster recharge
IE: Morgriff's Scepter with the collector 20/20 death cesta.
I suppose it would depend on what you're using death for. If you're focusing on minions, bortaks cesta would be ideal, for the fast cast and +1 death (lvl 19 minions are sexy.)
lord of shadow how much for ur staff?
First, the Q&A forum is not the Ventari's Sell forum; attempts to buy or sell items on the forum dedicated to helping people with information will not be taken kindly to. Second, this thread is about three months old. Closed.