Houses and Living Areas in Guild Halls
azariah magus
hey everybody,
.yrassecen ees uoy esle revetahw dna snoitseggus dda ot eerf leef .ti dekil elpoep hguone fi yllaicepse ,redisnoc dluow tena gnihtemos eb yletinifed dluow siht taht kniht i tub ,ko eht nevig saw ti fi ,etadpu kciuq a siht ekam ton dluow devlovni gnimmargorp eht taht wonk i .kniht uoy tahw wonk em tel ,yrassecen sa tnemmoc .emag delellarapnu ydaerla dna ot noitidda rallets a eb dluow siht kniht i .sgniht eseht fo lla eldnah dluow taht ]rotlaer[ ekil cpn wen a eb dluoc ereht .aedi eht teg uoy .cte ,erutinruf wen ro .sah ydaerla eh eno eht morf pu ezis eno esuoh a teg ot stnaw reciffo na ro .srebmem wen eht rof skcarrab reggib a teg ot stnaw redael dliug eht ebyam .nopu dednapxe dna edargpu eb dluoc sgniht eseht lla ,esruoc fo .resolc elttil a dliug eht ni elpoep eht gnirb ot yaw a .taht ekil sgniht dna seitrap rof doog eb dluow ti .kfa og ot ecalp taerg yllaer a eb osla dluow ti .esuoh )s'redael dliug eht ylbaborp( s'enoemos ni sgniteem evah ot elba eb dluow uoy .seuqalp ekil seltit ruoy pu gnah dluoc uoy .snopaew ruoy ffo wohs dluoc uoy .meht neewteb hctiws ylisae ot elba eb dna stes romra ruoy lla erots ot ecalp a evah dluoc uoy .tnemeveihca na no enoemos gnitalutargnoc egassem kciuq a evael dluoc uoy ro ,gniteem a tuoba wonk sreciffo eht gnittel redael dliug eht ekil ,seton rehto hcae evael dna sexobliam evah dluoc uoy .emag eht ot noitcaretni laicos fo level rehtona gnirb dluow ti esuaceb ,emosewa eb dluow siht kniht i .tceffe taht ot gnihtemos ro esuoh egral a evah ylbaborp dluow redael dliug eht .sesuoh nwo rieht evah dluow sreciffo eht .eno llams a tiebla ,nwo rieht fo ecalp a esahcrup dluoc yeht ,detnaw yeht fi .skcarrab a ekil ,gnisuoh ssam fo tros emos evah ylbaborp dluow srebmem rewen eht .enoz-er ot evah ton dna )esruoc fo ,meht dekcol t'nsah renwo rieht dedivorp( meht fo tuo dna ni klaw dluoc uoy ;secnatsni etarapes eb t'ndluow sesuoh eht .tuo em raeh ?sllah dliug ni .cte ,sretrauq gnivil ,sesuoh evah dluoc uoy fi tahw .noitidda emosewa na eb dluow ti taht em htiw eerga lliw yllufepoh dna ,hctip ot tuoba m'i aedi eht htiw railimaf eb ylbaborp ll'yeht ,ebucemag eht rof gnissorc lamina emag eht deyalp sah ereh enoyna fi .tey siht ekil gnihtyna denoitnem s'enoyna kniht t'nod i dna xedni eht dekcehc i .seitilibissop fo dniwlrihw a .aedi ...siht tog i dna erew sesuoh eht erehw tsap gniklaw saw i .sllah dliug etirovaf ym fo eno ti sekam ti fo ffo desab hcum ytterp si elsi s'draziw taht tcaf eht os ,gniraes-erp fo naf gib a m'i ?wonk uoy ,gniht fo tros emit gnillik ,dnuora gniklaw adnik tsuj .gnirolpxe emos gniod saw i dna ,)elsi s'draziw si sruo( llah s'dliug ym dnuora gniklaw saw i ,yad rehto eht
--azariah magus
.yrassecen ees uoy esle revetahw dna snoitseggus dda ot eerf leef .ti dekil elpoep hguone fi yllaicepse ,redisnoc dluow tena gnihtemos eb yletinifed dluow siht taht kniht i tub ,ko eht nevig saw ti fi ,etadpu kciuq a siht ekam ton dluow devlovni gnimmargorp eht taht wonk i .kniht uoy tahw wonk em tel ,yrassecen sa tnemmoc .emag delellarapnu ydaerla dna ot noitidda rallets a eb dluow siht kniht i .sgniht eseht fo lla eldnah dluow taht ]rotlaer[ ekil cpn wen a eb dluoc ereht .aedi eht teg uoy .cte ,erutinruf wen ro .sah ydaerla eh eno eht morf pu ezis eno esuoh a teg ot stnaw reciffo na ro .srebmem wen eht rof skcarrab reggib a teg ot stnaw redael dliug eht ebyam .nopu dednapxe dna edargpu eb dluoc sgniht eseht lla ,esruoc fo .resolc elttil a dliug eht ni elpoep eht gnirb ot yaw a .taht ekil sgniht dna seitrap rof doog eb dluow ti .kfa og ot ecalp taerg yllaer a eb osla dluow ti .esuoh )s'redael dliug eht ylbaborp( s'enoemos ni sgniteem evah ot elba eb dluow uoy .seuqalp ekil seltit ruoy pu gnah dluoc uoy .snopaew ruoy ffo wohs dluoc uoy .meht neewteb hctiws ylisae ot elba eb dna stes romra ruoy lla erots ot ecalp a evah dluoc uoy .tnemeveihca na no enoemos gnitalutargnoc egassem kciuq a evael dluoc uoy ro ,gniteem a tuoba wonk sreciffo eht gnittel redael dliug eht ekil ,seton rehto hcae evael dna sexobliam evah dluoc uoy .emag eht ot noitcaretni laicos fo level rehtona gnirb dluow ti esuaceb ,emosewa eb dluow siht kniht i .tceffe taht ot gnihtemos ro esuoh egral a evah ylbaborp dluow redael dliug eht .sesuoh nwo rieht evah dluow sreciffo eht .eno llams a tiebla ,nwo rieht fo ecalp a esahcrup dluoc yeht ,detnaw yeht fi .skcarrab a ekil ,gnisuoh ssam fo tros emos evah ylbaborp dluow srebmem rewen eht .enoz-er ot evah ton dna )esruoc fo ,meht dekcol t'nsah renwo rieht dedivorp( meht fo tuo dna ni klaw dluoc uoy ;secnatsni etarapes eb t'ndluow sesuoh eht .tuo em raeh ?sllah dliug ni .cte ,sretrauq gnivil ,sesuoh evah dluoc uoy fi tahw .noitidda emosewa na eb dluow ti taht em htiw eerga lliw yllufepoh dna ,hctip ot tuoba m'i aedi eht htiw railimaf eb ylbaborp ll'yeht ,ebucemag eht rof gnissorc lamina emag eht deyalp sah ereh enoyna fi .tey siht ekil gnihtyna denoitnem s'enoyna kniht t'nod i dna xedni eht dekcehc i .seitilibissop fo dniwlrihw a .aedi ...siht tog i dna erew sesuoh eht erehw tsap gniklaw saw i .sllah dliug etirovaf ym fo eno ti sekam ti fo ffo desab hcum ytterp si elsi s'draziw taht tcaf eht os ,gniraes-erp fo naf gib a m'i ?wonk uoy ,gniht fo tros emit gnillik ,dnuora gniklaw adnik tsuj .gnirolpxe emos gniod saw i dna ,)elsi s'draziw si sruo( llah s'dliug ym dnuora gniklaw saw i ,yad rehto eht
--azariah magus
first off hom secondly i would much rather see some of the other just basic balance changes and stuff thats in the game to be made useful (ie pollymock) and or hair stylists in the game and the fixing of other bugs that have been in the game for a wile (ie clipping issues)
Its a nice idea. Its been suggested before. Generally, the concensus is that GW is a game that focuses on combat. There really isn't a lot of RPG elements in GW (crafting skills, dialogue choices, etc). For GW2, I'm pretty sure they will include more stuff like this.
Its a nice idea. Its been suggested before. Generally, the concensus is that GW is a game that focuses on combat. There really isn't a lot of RPG elements in GW (crafting skills, dialogue choices, etc). For GW2, I'm pretty sure they will include more stuff like this.
Operative 14
I would love to have something like this, but as Hawk said it sounds like more of a GW2 thing.
mystical nessAL
Runescape allready adupted that idea. And you allready have HoM to show off your stuffs. You have nothing to do in your house and there arent RPG stuffs like Hawk said, crafting your stuffs for your house. It's definatly not GW's style.
Didn't read all that. Paragraphs ftw!!
Houses have been suggested many times, but I don't see the need for them. You have your guild hall to relax in if you wish. What purpose would a house serve? If I'm online, I'm out killing stuff. If I want to relax in my house, I turn off the computer.
Houses have been suggested many times, but I don't see the need for them. You have your guild hall to relax in if you wish. What purpose would a house serve? If I'm online, I'm out killing stuff. If I want to relax in my house, I turn off the computer.
Snow Bunny
Sometimes people on the internet really creep me out.
Like now.
Get some fresh air, do whatever you need. What are you going to do in a virtual home?.....
Like now.
Get some fresh air, do whatever you need. What are you going to do in a virtual home?.....
Exterminate all
GW2 is on the merge, GW1 is still based on combat elements of the basic MMO. GW2 is heading more in the way of a MMORPG, while classified as a MMORPG GW is basically a MMOcombat game. There is no "woodcutting, or woodmaking" or any of the sort in GW1, and IMO their never will be. GW2 is what needs to be worked on, not GW1 atm.
/notsigned, this may have been a good idea at the beginning of the game, not when a new game is in the making.
/notsigned, this may have been a good idea at the beginning of the game, not when a new game is in the making.
I like it, but it's a bit late for it to happen in GW1. As you said, it'd be a lot of work. Maybe in GW2.
Diddy bow
I think simply adding a link to the HOM from the hall so you can show guidies it easily is a pretty good idea
I refuse to finish reading because you lack paragraphs.
I cannot read this, paragraphs are a necessity. My english teacher would hate you for the rest of your life if she saw this.
If i have a virtual house can i hire other players to work it as my virtual brothel? I will pimp to the "Looking for chat with hot mesmers willing to strip and dance"
I saw that line once running through ascalon in pre.
other wise I agree with the few others, its a GW2 thing maybe.
~the rat~
I saw that line once running through ascalon in pre.
other wise I agree with the few others, its a GW2 thing maybe.
~the rat~
Do you think typing like that makes you look smart or something? Bad idea and bad way to publicize the idea.
Sticky material.
how did you all read this backwards stuff lol Or does it just look backwards to me? Is there a way to make it read forwards?
Anyway I guess the content is about housing. In GW I don't see a need for housing. There is no trade-skilling or broker boxes to sell skill adepts, armor etc. Now in EQ2 which I play there is a need for housing.
I do love my virtual house
Anyway I guess the content is about housing. In GW I don't see a need for housing. There is no trade-skilling or broker boxes to sell skill adepts, armor etc. Now in EQ2 which I play there is a need for housing.
I do love my virtual house
Originally Posted by Aleta
how did you all read this backwards stuff lol Or does it just look backwards to me? Is there a way to make it read forwards?
They could always add 'rooms' to guild halls. Small places for separate chatting, roleplaying and storing stuff.
Like a Hall of monuments, but part of other building.
Like a Hall of monuments, but part of other building.