Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
Yeah, that's true. But being pessimistic all the time is no fun.
Honestly, I don't expect more... but I can still hope. I want Tengu! They're featured in the BMP, so why not? |
Something I don't want in GW2.
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
Racial discrimination is bad.

oh and /singed
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
I'd like tengu aswell to be honest, but being a member of the press and not working for the NY times, I have to go witht he details I got and the press releases that have been released to stay neutral in my opinions
I would rather have tengu than asura. hmmm chicken or bunny. They taste the same on the grill.
~the rat~
Let's save what is left of guildwars..
Let's save what is left of guildwars..

Qdq Swi
Races = equal
Level cap = low
I so dont want GW2 to be the F2P version of WoW >_>.
The reason why high level caps are so bad.. is because they are sooo boring... In GW getting to lvl 20 can be loborious... but imagine having to get to a much higher level.
Ive played wow as a druid.. and it took a whole week to get to JUST level 10... I like GW cus its more fast-paced.. you dont spend hours killing crap to advance a level. Thats the way it should be played..
Level cap = low
I so dont want GW2 to be the F2P version of WoW >_>.
The reason why high level caps are so bad.. is because they are sooo boring... In GW getting to lvl 20 can be loborious... but imagine having to get to a much higher level.
Ive played wow as a druid.. and it took a whole week to get to JUST level 10... I like GW cus its more fast-paced.. you dont spend hours killing crap to advance a level. Thats the way it should be played..
/signed on this, if there was one thing I hate it's the deal about binding races/genders to classes. Anyone who thinks that men should be warriors and women should be mages, I like to punch them in the face. Also Guild Wars already has class discrimination, we don't need race discrimination either. Imagine "GLF 2 more, no warriors, no rangers, no more asura" filling up the chat? And let's say you wanted to play a Norn Monk but couldn't? Imagine how that would alienate the playerbase. I personally know of many WoW forum petitions saying "Remove the race/class limits" and people whining about that.
(A little off topic: The Night Elf racial is actually one of the most powerful IMO. It's like stealth.. for everyone, making it incredibly powerful in PvP... but the Blood Elf racials are really nice for PvE, you won't imagine how easy Mana Tap makes pulling on a paladin. And I hate gnomes.)
Judging from Anet's *ahem* history, of balancing skills and such, I don't think races should be given game-deciding bonuses and penalties. Races should determine where you start, your avatar, and perhaps small stat boots, but nothing overly important.
(A little off topic: The Night Elf racial is actually one of the most powerful IMO. It's like stealth.. for everyone, making it incredibly powerful in PvP... but the Blood Elf racials are really nice for PvE, you won't imagine how easy Mana Tap makes pulling on a paladin. And I hate gnomes.)
Judging from Anet's *ahem* history, of balancing skills and such, I don't think races should be given game-deciding bonuses and penalties. Races should determine where you start, your avatar, and perhaps small stat boots, but nothing overly important.
/signed so hard... I don't want to make Sylvari or Asura because they're better at certain things than humans.
And big NOU for "gear makes character"
And big NOU for "gear makes character"
It was one, of the many things, that let me to only play a month of WoW
It was one, of the many things, that let me to only play a month of WoW
Made In Ascalon
Originally Posted by Qdq Swi
Races = equal
Level cap = low I so dont want GW2 to be the F2P version of WoW >_>. The reason why high level caps are so bad.. is because they are sooo boring... In GW getting to lvl 20 can be loborious... but imagine having to get to a much higher level. Ive played wow as a druid.. and it took a whole week to get to JUST level 10... I like GW cus its more fast-paced.. you dont spend hours killing crap to advance a level. Thats the way it should be played.. |
Opinion: GW better not copy ANYTHING from World of Warcraft. That game is completely irreparable shit. Hi level cap that takes at least a month of hardcore dedication to get to the max level, and then another month of grinding just to get gear for competing against others that would smoke you otherwise.
Racial bonuses, although interesting, are not fair. Orc warriors get almost 50% inherent stun resistance. Tauren get a free stun, blood elves get a free silence. Alliance races absolutely blow for racials in comparison, except for maybe gnome warriors and dwarves.
No racial bonuses, please. And if race-specific classes are put in, I'm just not going to buy the game.
Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
nope, just 5 playable races...
Human Charr Sylvari Norn Asura No more have been mentioned or confirmed apart from confirming that Dwarves ARE NOT playable as they are nearly an extinct race |
Anet IS planning on implementing MORE playable races after the release of GW2, say with the next Add on for example after release...
The only thing Anet hasnt stated is only, what they want to implement ...thats why people are rumoring, that it could be eventually other races of GW, like Tengus, Centaurs or Krait or whatever else.
Anet as NEVER stated, that they won't implement more races as those they will give us with the GW2 release.
Seeing the responses I get on this I sure hope Anet takes note of this.
What about it Gaile ? Can we get a /noted please ?
What about it Gaile ? Can we get a /noted please ?
Onarik Amrak
Gaile never responds to Sardelac.
Lil Ferk
This is crazy. No matter what happens i'm always a human. It's just me.
I don't care if they will be below average I'm human therefore i play human.(but, i'm loving those sylvari designs) i wouldnt want to be a half naked giant that can be a harry bear with no clothes on then when u turn back u magically have clothes or an arrogant Asura.
I will be the natural human that has a lust for power always winning in the long run.
I don't care if they will be below average I'm human therefore i play human.(but, i'm loving those sylvari designs) i wouldnt want to be a half naked giant that can be a harry bear with no clothes on then when u turn back u magically have clothes or an arrogant Asura.
I will be the natural human that has a lust for power always winning in the long run.
I'm just afraid of the whole "lol ur not a norn wa/mo u suk" type stuff.
I also dislike how many MMOs/RPGs like to group all races together as having the same racial abilities. Not all humans are the same, and neither should all norn/asura/charr/monkies.
A better option would be to have race-specific armor and perhaps a new attribute only for members of a certain race. So perhaps charr would have some sort of "feline" attribute that deals w/ agility or something - but you'd have to invest points in it just like any other attribute. That would give a tangible effect to being a certain race, but one that you could only get by giving points up that could be devoted elsewhere.
I also dislike how many MMOs/RPGs like to group all races together as having the same racial abilities. Not all humans are the same, and neither should all norn/asura/charr/monkies.
A better option would be to have race-specific armor and perhaps a new attribute only for members of a certain race. So perhaps charr would have some sort of "feline" attribute that deals w/ agility or something - but you'd have to invest points in it just like any other attribute. That would give a tangible effect to being a certain race, but one that you could only get by giving points up that could be devoted elsewhere.
Rabid Fury
/not signed
I think it would be nice for there to be at least some sort of difference in between the races in GW at least different base stats. By the way WoW is possibly the WORST example for this if anybody's played WoW you know that you are not constantly seeing the same Race/Class relationships so saying it happens there is a straight up lie. And they're not gamebreaking there either ( though they have pretty bad class imbalances).
I think it would be nice for there to be at least some sort of difference in between the races in GW at least different base stats. By the way WoW is possibly the WORST example for this if anybody's played WoW you know that you are not constantly seeing the same Race/Class relationships so saying it happens there is a straight up lie. And they're not gamebreaking there either ( though they have pretty bad class imbalances).
Originally Posted by Made In Ascalon
It took me two hours to get to level 10. Albeit, those hours were incredibly painful and boring.
Opinion: GW better not copy ANYTHING from World of Warcraft. That game is completely irreparable shit. Hi level cap that takes at least a month of hardcore dedication to get to the max level, and then another month of grinding just to get gear for competing against others that would smoke you otherwise. Racial bonuses, although interesting, are not fair. Orc warriors get almost 50% inherent stun resistance. Tauren get a free stun, blood elves get a free silence. Alliance races absolutely blow for racials in comparison, except for maybe gnome warriors and dwarves. No racial bonuses, please. And if race-specific classes are put in, I'm just not going to buy the game. |
You are wrong about racials in WoW in every conceivable way. Of course, if I tell you why, you'll probably think I'm lying, but PM me if you are curious, as I've actually played WoW.
In WoW, you will NEVER be included or excluded from a group or party due to race (since patch 2.3)
In GW, I could see there being no racial traits, since players are of lower quality and might be that elitist.
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by Zinger314
In GW, I could see there being no racial traits, since players are of lower quality and might be that elitist.
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
I'd like to see you try to prove that in a quantitative way.
"LFM 3 SF 2 Icy Recall W/A 3 HP Monks NO NOOBS/MESMERS!"
equality is ftw
Blanche Neige
I would like to be an specific class in GW2 but i wouldn't like to be a race i just don't want to play because of class benefits.
I would like to be an specific class in GW2 but i wouldn't like to be a race i just don't want to play because of class benefits.
Ascalon Runner
Maybe for PvE instead of having all races made equal they could instead have the most powerful races take up two or more character slot when forming a party.Or maybe they could require players to reach certain achievements as members of a weak race before being allowed to create characters of a more powerful race.
Maybe in PvP players should gain more points towards their titles per win while playing a weaker race and fewer points per win when playing a more powerful race.Whenever aNet finds that one race is unable to advance the player's title as fast as any other race, they could simply increase or decrease the points per win instead of nerfing and buffing the various playable races.
By the way, I'd love to play as an ettin.
Maybe in PvP players should gain more points towards their titles per win while playing a weaker race and fewer points per win when playing a more powerful race.Whenever aNet finds that one race is unable to advance the player's title as fast as any other race, they could simply increase or decrease the points per win instead of nerfing and buffing the various playable races.
By the way, I'd love to play as an ettin.
Originally Posted by Taurucis
... but the Blood Elf racials are really nice for PvE, you won't imagine how easy Mana Tap makes pulling on a paladin.
As long as racials aren't overpowered and have some sort of downside I don't have a problem with them.
But I would be /signed on not excluding certain professions from certain playable races.
Originally Posted by Saraphim
Meh, it's only useful on mana users though. Holy Flash is better, you can pull anything with that. But then you have to be specced for holy.
As long as racials aren't overpowered and have some sort of downside I don't have a problem with them. But I would be /signed on not excluding certain professions from certain playable races. |
/unsigned for Phoenix tears' faillure
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Elite Missions pre-Ursanway.
"LFM 3 SF 2 Icy Recall W/A 3 HP Monks NO NOOBS/MESMERS!" |
immume to fear is kickass on a warrior... |

Originally Posted by Saraphim
True. however one thing I really don't want to see in GW2 is 'cowards way out' spells like turning your opponent into a frog or a sheep. It seriously ticks me off when people do that.
![]() |
The "trinket" makes most Rock/Paper/Scissor arguments in WoW moot. I wish GW had something like the trinket sometimes...
Originally Posted by Zinger314
I wish GW had something like the trinket sometimes...
I wouldn't mind seeing something like "If you want to learn a bow, pick one up. The more you use it the better you get." That would negate the need for specific race/class bonuses, and make for very interesting/fun combos.
Originally Posted by theblackmage
Smite Hex/Remedy Signet, anyone?
Originally Posted by rotielover
I wouldn't mind seeing something like "If you want to learn a bow, pick one up. The more you use it the better you get." That would negate the need for specific race/class bonuses, and make for very interesting/fun combos.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
And you don't have the trinket?
The "trinket" makes most Rock/Paper/Scissor arguments in WoW moot. I wish GW had something like the trinket sometimes... |

They should just stick with different Races only give different appearance and storyline.
Operative 14
I've never played WoW or any of those other games where racial differences are prevelant. However, I don't want to have to be stuck playing a Norn warrior, a Char ranger, or a Sylvari monk becuase of any inherant differences, including access to spells.
I've never played WoW or any of those other games where racial differences are prevelant. However, I don't want to have to be stuck playing a Norn warrior, a Char ranger, or a Sylvari monk becuase of any inherant differences, including access to spells.
there needs to be some difference between the races otherwise why play multiple races. it would just be a few different noobie quests and off you go, same as before. hopefully the people at anet are creative enough to think up something to make the races different besides norn get this bonus, charr this bonus, etc that would encourage someone to be a specific profession within a certain race.
Sleeper Service
Originally Posted by wetsparks
there needs to be some difference between the races otherwise why play multiple races. it would just be a few different noobie quests and off you go, same as before. hopefully the people at anet are creative enough to think up something to make the races different besides norn get this bonus, charr this bonus, etc that would encourage someone to be a specific profession within a certain race.
cosmetic and starting bonus/skillset differences work well enough in games like EVE.
later in the game nothing stops players from training up other skills or using different armours.
Good suggestion.
Good suggestion.
Make different races have special bonus that doesn't tie to classes but could be used to benefit them (not the same thing).
For example, say a Norn has bonus HP or something, that could be used while playing a War because, hell, you are the one who needs to get hit, not other people. Well, other classes could do well with extra HP as well.
Sylvari has an innate ability to say, dodge or something. Well, that could be used on a War as well, since you are getting hit the most (at least you should be). Other classes might benefit from that as well.
Basically, depending on how you want to play, you can use MORE THAN ONE race to tie a class, so it excludes the This race for this class > all. Obviously, it's quite difficult to match all race to be equally balanced for every class, but it at least gets rid of the this race/class > all, which was the point of the OP.
It's the same concept behind class builds in GW. For example, as a Monk, I can choose to keep my teammates happy either by using Protection spells or Healing spells (arguably, you can kill stuff with Smiting Prayers to keep them happy as well, but that won't work as well >_>).
Make different races have special bonus that doesn't tie to classes but could be used to benefit them (not the same thing).
For example, say a Norn has bonus HP or something, that could be used while playing a War because, hell, you are the one who needs to get hit, not other people. Well, other classes could do well with extra HP as well.
Sylvari has an innate ability to say, dodge or something. Well, that could be used on a War as well, since you are getting hit the most (at least you should be). Other classes might benefit from that as well.
Basically, depending on how you want to play, you can use MORE THAN ONE race to tie a class, so it excludes the This race for this class > all. Obviously, it's quite difficult to match all race to be equally balanced for every class, but it at least gets rid of the this race/class > all, which was the point of the OP.
It's the same concept behind class builds in GW. For example, as a Monk, I can choose to keep my teammates happy either by using Protection spells or Healing spells (arguably, you can kill stuff with Smiting Prayers to keep them happy as well, but that won't work as well >_>).
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Try [skill]Purge Signet[/skill], but without that messy drawback. It's quite a significant difference if a character could do that, for free, instantly, but only every 2 minutes.
Bryant Again
WoW talk has been thriving in here and I missed it??? Where the *#%( have I been!
Nonetheless, I hope they either include no racials or have racials that have little impact to gameplay. If the latter I hope they remove the bonuses in PvP.
Now I need to read up on what's going in here with the World of WoW talkie...
Nonetheless, I hope they either include no racials or have racials that have little impact to gameplay. If the latter I hope they remove the bonuses in PvP.
Now I need to read up on what's going in here with the World of WoW talkie...