Recruiting for PvP/GvG

Mace Case

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

The ARK guild is looking to get a good PvP team together, mainly for GvG. We currently schedule the GvGs on the weekends, but if we get enough active core GvGers we may move to weekdays as well. We are a PvE/PvP guild, so we have many active PvEers. We have a Vent server and forums.

To participate in GvG we require that you do have Vent, a majority positions in a build will require a mic to play. There can be an open spot in most positions from our current flexibility, The most needed spots are a runner, a good caller, and a back up monks. Other positions may be needed depending on if a few people couldn't make it.

You can see our Website and forums here. If you are interested, you can fill out an application. If you have any questions, PM me and I will try to answer them.