Notes * Along with Yatendi Canyons, there is a bug with this area [Wehhan Terraces], many people using Integrated Intel Graphics cannot go into this area and crash if they attempt to. This problem seems limited to the 82xxxG series of cards. It is probably due to severe limitations or absence of hardware Transform and Lighting (TnL) and can be remedied with the 3DAnalyze program. There is a community help thread about this on the Guild Wars Guru Forums. |
Basically what I want to know is, are there any other outposts in Guild Wars, specifically Eye of the North (as I've been to nearly every Canthan and Tyrian outpost, never encountering this) that procure similar results? I want to get EotN, honest I do! But not if it's just going to leave my monk stuck in a random outpost with no way for me to get them out, other than having someone actually go onto my account and do it for me (but that isn't very safe

Update: I manually checked every outpost page on GuildWiki.org and none of them had anything to say about similar happenings, but I'd still like some user input.