Suggestion for the Weekend Events...
Okay i would like to make a suggestion and want to know if other folks would agree with me on this or not.
What really sucks is i have no time what so ever to play on the weekend (Saturday & Sunday) My weekends are (Tuesday & Wed Nights) I work in middle of night. Then during day when get off work i getting stuff done i need to get done when i can't in middle of night. Also when i get done with my running around i'm wiped out and tired, Also need to spend time with family.
I know some of you might go tough luck and get a more normal job, But it shouldn't matter where i work or what my hours are.
But i would really like to have these "Weekend Events" be for a whole week at a time. I'm not the only one that runs across this issue. I do live without the Events and get other stuff done when only time i have to play is on "MY" Weekend. But still would be nice once in awhile to actually be part of the Events i would like to attend to.
I personally don't see how this would be a big issue to make happen. I'd also even be happy to where maybe 1 week out of a Month be a week long Event or every other Month. There few of my Guildies that work on the Weekends and have middle of the Week off.
So if you do agree with it maybe could get enough ppl to "sign" this and maybe Gaile could pass it on to the Dev's and see if they could do something about it for the ones that isen't lucky enough to have a "normal" Work Schedule.
What really sucks is i have no time what so ever to play on the weekend (Saturday & Sunday) My weekends are (Tuesday & Wed Nights) I work in middle of night. Then during day when get off work i getting stuff done i need to get done when i can't in middle of night. Also when i get done with my running around i'm wiped out and tired, Also need to spend time with family.
I know some of you might go tough luck and get a more normal job, But it shouldn't matter where i work or what my hours are.
But i would really like to have these "Weekend Events" be for a whole week at a time. I'm not the only one that runs across this issue. I do live without the Events and get other stuff done when only time i have to play is on "MY" Weekend. But still would be nice once in awhile to actually be part of the Events i would like to attend to.
I personally don't see how this would be a big issue to make happen. I'd also even be happy to where maybe 1 week out of a Month be a week long Event or every other Month. There few of my Guildies that work on the Weekends and have middle of the Week off.
So if you do agree with it maybe could get enough ppl to "sign" this and maybe Gaile could pass it on to the Dev's and see if they could do something about it for the ones that isen't lucky enough to have a "normal" Work Schedule.
Not because I miss many weekends but I know people that do due to work or illness or any number of other things. Some people are also part time players who cant spend whole weekends playing for the bonus whatevers. They get a hour or 2 a day. So yeah this would be nice. Maybe space out the events more everyother week instead of every week.
~the rat~
Not because I miss many weekends but I know people that do due to work or illness or any number of other things. Some people are also part time players who cant spend whole weekends playing for the bonus whatevers. They get a hour or 2 a day. So yeah this would be nice. Maybe space out the events more everyother week instead of every week.
~the rat~
Well the majority of events are on weekends..
because the majority of people have time on weekends...
If you want more you have to play more :P isn't that one of the fundamentals of an online game? ^^
because the majority of people have time on weekends...
If you want more you have to play more :P isn't that one of the fundamentals of an online game? ^^
Legion thats another reason for having it be a weekly thing. Because of say something does happen you can't ignore and not be on the computer.
Vulkanyaz, Yeah i know play more if want to attend. But guess what there are times you can't. As i stated in my post some ppl also have family to attend to. Plus there jobs. They can't make a living on playing the game every single day for hrs on end. I use to but my life changed from 28 months ago when i got the game.
This is why i made the post i would like it to be more optional for the ppl that have stuff going on or can't attend the "real weekends" but to everybody that plays the game. I'm not upset by it or nothing, I've lived without being apart of these weekends for 8 months now. But it's something i've talked about with quit few players and they agree on what i'm saying. Would be nice to be able to give the option or have them try it out for a month or 2 and see how it goes. It wouldn't "hurt" or "destory" the things in GW if they did do it. So thats why i figured would be harmful to try to get folks to sign this and maybe get Gaile to say something to Dev's and see what they would say about it.
Vulkanyaz, Yeah i know play more if want to attend. But guess what there are times you can't. As i stated in my post some ppl also have family to attend to. Plus there jobs. They can't make a living on playing the game every single day for hrs on end. I use to but my life changed from 28 months ago when i got the game.
This is why i made the post i would like it to be more optional for the ppl that have stuff going on or can't attend the "real weekends" but to everybody that plays the game. I'm not upset by it or nothing, I've lived without being apart of these weekends for 8 months now. But it's something i've talked about with quit few players and they agree on what i'm saying. Would be nice to be able to give the option or have them try it out for a month or 2 and see how it goes. It wouldn't "hurt" or "destory" the things in GW if they did do it. So thats why i figured would be harmful to try to get folks to sign this and maybe get Gaile to say something to Dev's and see what they would say about it.
Qdq Swi
/signed sometimes I just dont have the time... its a good idea imho.
Well atleast got 2 folks to actually say something about it. I Thank You. Just wish could get more to support this idea and get Gaile to see it and send it onto the Devs.
I do realize alot of ppl are doing the BMP thing. But do wish could get enough heads up with it and maybe get it rolling or even a trial 1 week offer on something to see how it goes.
I do realize alot of ppl are doing the BMP thing. But do wish could get enough heads up with it and maybe get it rolling or even a trial 1 week offer on something to see how it goes.
But they are meant to last two days, so if you make them so they last longer people that do not play on weekends would be able to play. But people that play all week will enjoy a 24/7 'weekend'.
I can only think in a way to fix that: Make it so you talk to the 'Imperial Herald' or 'Xunlai Agents' or the Xunlai Acolytes in each port city. Talk to them, and set the two days you want the weekend to go.
That way we have two things:
- Anet knows how many people want the each single weekend, so they repeat more those that are liked more and make other things based upon such data.
- People that can't play during weekends can get the 'weekly' minor events anytime.
For the 'seasonal' events that change the appearance of cities, I do like to make them last longer, though, at least for decoration, quests and other things that are not repeatable or do not give material rewards.
I can only think in a way to fix that: Make it so you talk to the 'Imperial Herald' or 'Xunlai Agents' or the Xunlai Acolytes in each port city. Talk to them, and set the two days you want the weekend to go.
That way we have two things:
- Anet knows how many people want the each single weekend, so they repeat more those that are liked more and make other things based upon such data.
- People that can't play during weekends can get the 'weekly' minor events anytime.
For the 'seasonal' events that change the appearance of cities, I do like to make them last longer, though, at least for decoration, quests and other things that are not repeatable or do not give material rewards.
Croco Clouds
/signed for me, no reason to /unsigned
sorry, /unsigned.
Let's say we had an all week green drop double the chances? That'd put way too many greens into the game. And like this weekend, double faction (or whatever it is). A whole week of this, I can garuntee people would hit about a million faction during that week.
Let's say we had an all week green drop double the chances? That'd put way too many greens into the game. And like this weekend, double faction (or whatever it is). A whole week of this, I can garuntee people would hit about a million faction during that week.
some things yes some things no.
Ollson Gabire
While there are some difficulties with such an idea, i think something similar to what MithranArkanere suggests might work
While there are some difficulties with such an idea, i think something similar to what MithranArkanere suggests might work
Yes i know i've thought about it for the "whole" week thing. some events would be bad yes. some wouldn't hurt anything. It would be better if could set it to the account or something for the weekends but can't. Just it really sucks when can't take and attend this stuff because of my life being just little diffrent on the schedule.
why not
why not

You can't see me
/Not signed
Then they would have to be nerfed so people wouldn't get millions of faction, tons of dyes, and oodles of greens in that week.
Then they would have to be nerfed so people wouldn't get millions of faction, tons of dyes, and oodles of greens in that week.
If you read whole topic and see how the option maybe be then it would work. because it's quite abit of ppl it's messing with that isen't able to get on during the weekends. So in long run it's screw the little guy right?
Lord Natural
Bad idea. Certain events have rather large bonuses, and some feel these weekend events have diluted the title system as it is. Week-long double fame, double champ, etc. would muck up the system altogether.
How bout not a whole week but extend it a day or two. fri-mon or something. Even one more day would make it viable for people to get on. And as far as faction points, So what? I dont see the problem.
~the rat~
~the rat~
I'd rather have an option to pick your 2 days (48 hrs) or whatever through out the week. because Rat even those days are no good for me as well. alot of ppl only have "middle" of the week off. As for week long it's little bad for the titles i suppose. but atleast give an option or something to where you can pick what 48 hrs you want to do it in.
Yeah, that's what I've said. Keep the 2 days, but alllow people to choose them. It's the only possible way I can see for now.
Sorry. my puter sucks.
/signed, but A-net Will be more reluctant than usual
(that spam was nasty)
/signed, but A-net Will be more reluctant than usual
(that spam was nasty)