So we have Historic Weapons. What about Historic Armor?
Halc yon
It would be so cool to have Mursaat, Undead, Tengu or Charr armor. Maybe just the head gear like the cross-profession ones introduced in GW:EN.
Suggestion Forum --->
Rushin Roulette
I just pictured a fugly Canthan male monk in Mursat Armor..... EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW

I just pictured a fugly Canthan male monk in Mursat Armor..... EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW
Hell no, imo there are enough armors. And what % of players own BMP? Like 30% to 40%? There not exactly catering for the mases.
Marth Reynolds
Originally Posted by willypiggy
Hell no, imo there are enough armors. And what % of players own BMP? Like 30% to 40%? There not exactly catering for the mases.
but i'd have to say No for BMP getting extra armor, that'd be lame for those who don't have it....
Originally Posted by Marth Reynolds
catering to their incomes is what matters for anet, i could see a another small bonus coming with extra/armors weapons....
but i'd have to say No for BMP getting extra armor, that'd be lame for those who don't have it.... |
Oh god NO
It would be nice if they were separate armor parts.
There are 4 missions. They could 4 parts, acquirable after beating all 3 discoveries in each one.
There are 4 missions. They could 4 parts, acquirable after beating all 3 discoveries in each one.
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
It would be nice if they were separate armor parts.
There are 4 missions. They could 4 parts, acquirable after beating all 3 discoveries in each one. |
Jaythen Tyradel
/signed for the idea, but maybe not for this BMP.
I like Onarik and MithranArkanere's addition to the idea.
I like Onarik and MithranArkanere's addition to the idea.
Originally Posted by Marth Reynolds
catering to their incomes is what matters for anet, i could see a another small bonus coming with extra/armors weapons....
but i'd have to say No for BMP getting extra armor, that'd be lame for those who don't have it.... |
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by thedeadlyassassin
Why? People shouldn't get stuff they paid for, because it's unfair for others that didn't pay? What are you an illegal immigrant?
The Meth
Almost 100% certain this isn't going to happen. The BMP is done, and according to Anet's questionable stance (in my opinion as a BMP owner stupid from a financial point of view) not to offer it ever again there is exactly 0 profit that would be made. If they were going to add armors they would either be adding it to the campaigns, thus encouraging more people to buy them, or adding armors in a future BMP-type mini expansion (didn't Gaile say something about more small mission packs?). Also I seem to remember something about armor being much more difficult to make then weapons due to how every new armor made has to be checked against an exponentially increasing amount of other armor combinations to make sure it doesn't cause clipping.
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
You lost me, what do illegal immigrants have to do with anything?
Well actually it's complete opposite from what I've said, but that doesn't mean I said it wrong. Illegal immigrants come to the US, use our stuff blah blah blah, and don't pay taxes (supposibly some do). But that guy said that people shouldn't get stuff they paid for, because it's completely unfair to those that didn't buy it.
Originally Posted by thedeadlyassassin
Why? People shouldn't get stuff they paid for, because it's unfair for others that didn't pay? What are you an illegal immigrant?
Anet gave something as a free gift and they worked hard on that however I expect players to accept it AS IT IS. They got better things to do (ex: fix bugs) and GuildWars 2.
If Anet decides this is something they'd like to tackle just for fun then fine with me. Otherwise what DarkGanni said: we have enough to be grateful for already.
Keep your armor ideas for GW2. And we have more than enough armor skins.
I'd like more armour, but I don't want them attached to the BMP.