After my Character Select Screen has decided to glitch up again and re-order my characters several times in the last few days I would like to see a free re-arrangement of characters.
I would like to see a drag and drop system so people can order their characters how they please.
As well as this a few more ordering options would be welcomed.
Gold currently holding
Free re-arranging of CSS
crazy diamond
Ugh yes, so annoying. The only reason I keep them alphabetized now is because every couple of months the goddamn select screen would decide to jumble them up. I don't want them alphabetized, but its better than having them jumping all over the place everytime I finally get used to the way they are.
With 4..10 is not a problem, but with 12..26 it can be annoying to find your characters.
Yeah, it's pretty annoying that the 2 characters I switch between are at opposite ends of the scroll, no matter which drop-down option I sort them by.
Marty Silverblade
So far the jumbling has been good to me, all my main chars are one after the other. This would be good for people that share their account aswell.
Lady Raenef
I'd rather a system that rather than having this annoying scrolling bar, that all your slot pictures can be arranged to the player's choice, by particular orders, and having the option to hide empty character slots. I use 3/9 character slots, and I'd rather not have all those damn things spamming my page. You can hide the UI, now let me hide those stupid empty slots. Instead, continue to say how many character slots I have filled at the bottom, and just let me hit 'Create' to make my new character. Would make things easier for me, kthx.
/signed, the jumble gets annoying. I put them in alphabetical order and they should STAY that way, dammit.
More options is always a good thing, especially easily implemented options. I would prefer to order my characters according to how many hours each of them have been played.
I'm confused. You are intentionally not using 270 slots of your available storage space that could even spawn valuable miniatures on their own?
More options is always a good thing, especially easily implemented options. I would prefer to order my characters according to how many hours each of them have been played.
Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
I use 3/9 character slots, and I'd rather not have all those damn things spamming my page. You can hide the UI, now let me hide those stupid empty slots.