GWEN box sell seperate petition
For those of you like me that bought GWEN via the online store, dont you also want your game box and manual now? We didnt get one!
Heres a petition for you.
Heres a petition for you.
Funny and I totally see your point but this will likely turn flame fest and get closed.
Call it a hunch guys but I'm pretty sure he's kidding/clowning the BMP QQing...
Funny and I totally see your point but this will likely turn flame fest and get closed.
Call it a hunch guys but I'm pretty sure he's kidding/clowning the BMP QQing...
pumpkin pie
no thanks, box = useless paper boxes that you cannot recycle because they are varnish + useless plastic casing that you won't miss after you open them. In fact I've not read any of my game guild book before, they are useless and gather dust over time and is taking up valuable real estate on my shelf, use the online store.
sounds interesting:P
but imo price it to about 5 Pounds or 5$ or whatever
still sounds pretty useless though
but imo price it to about 5 Pounds or 5$ or whatever
still sounds pretty useless though
You fail at satire.
Pyro maniac
you fail at trolling
Vl Vl D
I chucked mine in the shitty nappy bin follwed by the shitty nappy wipes.
Neo Nugget
no i actually really don't.
Ancient Menace
GAILE I ordered my game online and i didn't know that they came with a box even though the information is on the website and I really want the pictures on the box i don't really care about the manuals but I really want to see the pictures because other people have them
Originally Posted by Zinger314
You fail at satire.
I Phoenix I
I would love a box of the reasons I wanted to buy the game from a store...all the junkie goodness inside!
Mork from Ork
Hey - i know you're joking but I'll sign.
I think those who bought online should have access to the box stuff just like I think those who did not should have someway to get access to the BMP.
I think those who bought online should have access to the box stuff just like I think those who did not should have someway to get access to the BMP.
Originally Posted by Mork from Ork
I think those who bought online should have access to the box stuff just like I think those who did not should have someway to get access to the BMP. /signed |
Stuff like this doesn't belong here.