Why is it that our stuff is customized for that character that we get for our lame books from BMP? Why not just make them untradable
Swift Thief
Originally Posted by thedeadlyassassin
Why is it that our stuff is customized for that character that we get for our lame books from BMP? Why not just make them untradable
Making them Customized does make them untradable (well, to anyone who understands the implications of "customized," anyway).
If you want a specific weapon for a specific character or heroes, just do the mission(s) with that character.
If you want a specific weapon for a specific character or heroes, just do the mission(s) with that character.
sigh, I got frustrated when I make a decent set of daggers with the daggers I got from my warrior, switched to my sin and found out it's customized.
The Meth
At least you can easily get another in between 7 to 20 mins depending on what it was. Give the weapons to a hero

Onarik Amrak
Just do it again with your sin. No big deal.
Only the discovery rewards are limited.
Weapons are not.
You can fully equip your characters and all your heroes in all your characters with them.
It doen't mater which character makes the mission, since they are disguised.
Weapons are not.
You can fully equip your characters and all your heroes in all your characters with them.
It doen't mater which character makes the mission, since they are disguised.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Only the discovery rewards are limited.
Weapons are not. You can fully equip your characters and all your heroes in all your characters with them. It doen't mater which character makes the mission, since they are disguised. |
Originally Posted by thedeadlyassassin
sigh, I got frustrated when I make a decent set of daggers with the daggers I got from my warrior, switched to my sin and found out it's customized.
You wouldn't be able to put the item in storage or trade it.
I think he meant that he wished they'd be account-wide, thus not be able to be put into a trade window. you can move between characters and through storage but not into trade window or dropped on the ground.
Originally Posted by thedeadlyassassin
sigh, I got frustrated when I make a decent set of daggers with the daggers I got from my warrior, switched to my sin and found out it's customized.

Swift Thief
Originally Posted by thedeadlyassassin
sigh, I got frustrated when I make a decent set of daggers with the daggers I got from my warrior, switched to my sin and found out it's customized.