Templar, The Martyr Crusader



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


The Templar:
"The Martyr Crusader"

-Hi, Uhm, Hope you like it^^!

The Contents:
  • The Background, Tells it's purpose in the GW Lore.
  • The Status, Tells what is it's Status and General Data.
  • The Attributes, Abilites or Skills which diffines this Class from the others.
  • The Strength, Tells which does this Class' Abilities are good at to.
  • The Weakness, Tells which does this Class' Abilities are burdened to.

-The Templar is a Group of people who are in a Crusade against a Comming Beast. They weild no weapon, They wield Bracers, Shields and Focus Items and Cloack themselves with Robes and Heavy Armor. They would use their own Soul to save everyone especially their comrades. The Templar uses Shields, Bracers and Foci to Negate, Redirect, Reduce, Weaken, Scatter Damage and more. They even use Scriptures to summon Holy Forces to Protect Allies and Banish Evil.
  • Scriptures, Scriptures are Scrolls or Paper Seals containing Mantras or Letters of the Gods/Spirits. These Mantras weakens Foes or protect Allies but with a cost of Sacrificing a requirement, Like Health, Energy, Buffs, or etc.
  • Bracers, Bracers are Small Shield same size as you'r Arm augmented with Mantras too. Some Bracers have Mantras encripted on it too. Causing an Enchantment on your Bracer which protects you from Harm while in a Trance.
-Maximum Health 480.
-Maximum Energy 30.
-2 pipes of energy.



-Starter Armor: AL 20
-Low: Al 30-40
-Medium: AL 50-60
-Maximum: AL 70


-Bonus Armor +5 (While Maintaining 1 or more Mantra/s)
Armor +5 (While Maintaining 2 or more Mantras)
Armor +5 (While Maintaining 3 or more Mantras)

-Bonus Armor +5 (While Maintaining 1 or more Bracer Spell/s)
Armor +5 (While Maintaining 2 or more Bracer Spells)
Armor +5 (While Maintaining 3 or more Bracer Spells)


Blunt Damage 17-19 (req.9 Way of The Martyr/Crusader/Saint)
Armor +9

Armor +16 (req.9 Way of The Crusader/Martyr)
Off Handed

Energy +12 (req.9 Way of The Crusader/Saint)
Off Handed


Way of The Devout(Primary)
-For each rank of Devotion, Gain 2% more Adrenaline and take 1% Damage Reduction.

Way of The Martyr
-Specializes in Tanking, Bonding and Sacrificing Health and Energy.

Way of The Crusader
-Specializes in Countering Attacks and De-Buffing Foes.

Way of The Saint
-Specializes in Protecting Yourself and Allies..

Skill Listing:

Way of The Devout(Primary)

Mantra of The Immortal Tree[Elite]
-Scripture, 7a|3c|30r : For 5-10(12) seconds, You gain 66% Damage Reduction from Redirected Damages while not Moving, Casting or Attacking.

Mantra of Escaping Souls
-Scripture, 8a|3c|40r : For 10-20(22) seconds, Foes within you'r Area attack misses by 15% and can't deal Armor-Ignoring Damage.

Way of The Martyr

Mantra of Earthly Bonds[Elite]
-Scripture, 8a|3c|30r : For 10-20(25) seconds, Whenever an Unenchanted Ally within you'r Area loses Health, The Health Lost is redirected to you instead (Armor Rate is Applied here).

Seal of Resolve
-Trance, 10e|1c|30r : For 20 seconds, you take 5-20(25)% more damage from Attacks, whenever you take damage your Party is Healed for 50% of that Damage.

Mantra of Selfless Care
-Scripture, 5a|3c|20r : For 10-20(22) seconds, Whenever an Ally within you'r Area Takes Damage, 50% of the Damage is redirected to you while the other 25% is redirected back to the Attacker.

Way of the Crusader

Heavenly Cursed Seal[Elite]
-Trance, 7a|3c|45r : For 3-10(15) seconds, Whenever you take Damage, The Damage is Redirected to the Attacker (6 ranks or below, 25% chance of success).

Weakening Seal
-Trance, 5e|3c|25r : For 6-12(15) seconds, Whenever you lose 10% or more of your Health the Attacker suffers from Weakness for 1-5(8) seconds.

Clouded Sin Seal
-Trance, 10e|3c|25r : For 5-10(12) seconds, Whenever you lose 10% or more of your Health the Attacker suffers from Blindness for 1-3(5) seconds.

Way of the Saint

Mantra of Self-Suffering[Elite]
-Scripture, 5e|2c|25r : For 10 seconds, Whenever an Ally in your Area suffers from a Condition, it is Shortened by 20-50(60)%, but you suffer from same Condition for 50% of it's original duration.

Pious Innocence Seal
-Scripture, 10e|3c|45r : For 5-13(15) seconds, Allies within you'r Area can't be Disenchanted while not Attacking.

Untainted Mind Seal
-Scripture, 5a|3c|35r : For 3-10(12) seconds, You're Immune to Unredirected Hexes and Whenever an Ally within you'r Area is Hexed the Hex is redirected to you instead (6 ranks or Below 15%, Chance of Succes, 7 ranks or Above 33% Chance of Success).

-Way of The Devout is your Primary.
-Way of The Martyr is your Bond Skill.
-Way of The Crusader is your De-Buff.
-Way of The Saints is your Protection.

I. Scripture System
-The Scripture is a Seal or a Scroll which causes an Aura around your Character. And your Character is Attuned to Anyone within your Aura. Causing effects on you not to the Creature, Directly.
  • II. Mantra System
    -Mantras are Letters Encripted on your Forehead or of Creatures within the Aura when a Scripture is cast. They will gain the effect of Mantra. Creatures with a Mantra gains nothing but it tells that they are already affected by you'r Scripture or Seal.
I. Bracer System
-Bracers are the Only weapon which both give Defensive and Offensive needs.
They give you both Weapon Damage and Armor Rating. Bracer have no Bracer Attack but Trances.
  • II. Trance System
    -Trance are Stances or Meditation cast only while equipping Bracers, Cause the Bracers are Encripted with a Mantra and Mantras are activated while in a Trance or while Meditating. Activating whichever Trance used.
    Reference: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Trance



Copyright by Gravity Corp.

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Hope you like it^^!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Go Post, Comment, Flame, etc^^!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


And are the Skills and Attributes too long?
And it's only a coincidence the Crusader only have Bracer Spells and others don't.
But other Attbs have Bracer spells to and Scripture for Crusader too^^.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


Way of The Devout(Primary)
-For each rank of Devotion, Gain 2% more Adrenaline and take 1% Damage Reduction.
While 16% damage reduction is something that would likely be effective, armor also reduces damage by a %.
If you have 80AL + 16AL from shield, 16% extra damage reduction would equal about 10.07 more armor, just an insignia if you ask me.
The 32% more adrenaline is good though, but doesn't fit a devout, it fits a fanatic; a devout is more on the lines of resisting temptation, instead of punishing the ones that give into temptation.

But then again, not sure what would be most effective instead.
Have an idea though, it could heal for 1 point per attribute whenver you redirect damage away from an ally.
It would both entice them to protect and serve a good purpose in their survival.

Mantra of Escaping Souls[Elite]
-Scripture, 9a|3c|40r : For 10-20(22) seconds, Foes within you'r Area attack misses by 15% and can't deal Armor-Ignoring Damage.
I like it's function, not sure if it belongs in a 'strength of faith' attribute but it would be great if we had this kind of anti-armor-ignoring skills.
Though "can't deal Armor-Ignoring Damage." is unclear, should be "Armor-ignoring damage is converted to ??? damage" or
"Armor-ignoring damage is nullified" though nullifying probably is too strong.

I'd like to have a non elite anti-armor-ignoring skill too.

I have a suggestion on what does show strength of faith.
Seal of Resolve shield spell E10 A1 R30
For 20 seconds, you take 5...20(25)% more damage from attacks, whenever you take damage your party is healed for 50% of that damage.

Mantra of Transferred Suffering scripture E5 A3 R25
For 10 seconds, whenever an ally in your area receives a condition it lasts 20...50(60)% shorter, but you suffer from the same condition for 50% of it's original duration.

These do not redirect damage to protect your allies, but you do help them survive at costs to you.

Untainted Mind Seal
-Scripture, 5a|3c|35r : For 3-10(12) seconds, You're Immune to Undirect Hexes and Whenever an Ally within you'r Area is Hexed the Hex is redirected to you instead (6 ranks or Below 15%, Chance of Succes, 7 ranks or Above 33% Chance of Success).
Doesn't this basically make all allies in the area immune to hexes? They are redirected to you but you are immune to them, why the need for the difficult description?

I like the rest of the skills and the attribute names, they seem reasonably balanced and useful.
Using adrenaline is a good idea to manage energy and entice repeated use, but I'm a little stichy about spells using adrenaline(your supposed to concentrate, not be angry).

What I like less is the type name of the skills, Scriptures are ok, especially as being related to Mantra's. But they also sound like some physical object instead of a magical effect in your area.
'Bracer spells' are a name I dislike, 'inscribe bracer' sounds better, but a weapon spell equivalent that affects shields and bracers would be more interesting, would naming it shield spell make that clear?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


The Armor Ignoring attacks, are effected by Armor Rate.
Scriptures are scrolls or paper seals which you bring around, If it is a Mantra its a Scroll if a Seal then a Paper Seal, The Mantra would glow then summoning a Mystical Aura around the weilder of the Seal.
The Weilder and the affected's forehead starts to glow forming the Mantra used.
This indecates a person if affected by a mantra.
I am gonna lower the Armor Rating, BTW^^.
I was thinking of a Smuai gy now I am imagining a Monk(Fighter) or MA Type^^.

The Scriptures, sucks the Andrenaline out of the caster, It's like those when a guy or gal uses a strong spell they start to faint.
And ain't Adrenaline is a hormone in the body which gives a person thier full potential wel no full but most.
You may gain adrenaline not just from anger from other stuff to like determination.
WoD is an attribute which increases you devotion and determination to win, save or protect a war or lives.

UMS makes you immune to undirected hexes, as in hexes gained through redirection is okay but directly no.
And their is a chance of succes of hexes redirecting to you when cast on an ally.
The highest is 33% chance only.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


And ain't Adrenaline is a hormone in the body which gives a person thier full potential well no full but most.
You may gain adrenaline not just from anger from other stuff to like determination.
Adrenaline is a hormone, it's purpose is to adjust the body for physical strain.
It is produced by the metal trigger from primarily anger and fear.
It increases hart rate, allowing for more efficient use of your strength or speed.
It numbs nerves to reduce pain sensation and distractions, but also reduces the accuracy of motor control, making your hands shake (and if horror movies are to be believed increasing the chance of you tripping over something)

Determination can produce adrenaline, by acting similar to anger.
But with or without adrenaline, determination can achieve the same effects as adrenaline without the drawback of lossy motor control.

Discovery Channel told me Samurai actually took adrenaline build up into account and have techniques or fighting styles that require less accuracy, than the ones you use in the beginning of a fight.

Also I know at least SWAT members(maybe normal cops too) are trained to keep their adrenaline in check during a firefight; we don't want them to have shaking hands and accidentally shooting civilians.

So I'm not sure I'd relate adrenaline to un-tiredness, that is what we have exhaustion for and my upcoming Haunt suffers from Spiritual Exhaustion to better act fatigued than simply have less energy.

But it wasn't about the scripture using adrenaline; I'm sure you can read hands shaking or not.
It was the bracer spells using adrenaline, they sound like like the ritualist's weapon spells; the conduction of magic or spiritual energy into matter probably takes concentration.

But that might just be me being narrow sighted, I'll quit complaining bout it and let you make your CC.

UMS makes you immune to undirected hexes, as in hexes gained through redirection is okay but directly no.
And their is a chance of succes of hexes redirecting to you when cast on an ally.
The highest is 33% chance only.
Still that means the redirected hexes have no effect right?
So theres actually 33% chance hexes on allies fail.
Or does undirected mean "un-re-directed" instead of "not targeting you"



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Uhm, kay "It's unredirected".
Yeah, but when the hex fails it is transmitted to you.

Actually Bracer Spells and Scritures both use Adrenaline.
And addng exhaustion is underpowering, eles only have self-exhaution causing spells, casue they have energy storage.
The Templar may have the Energy of a Caster but doesn't have the Energy Regeneration of a Caster, So they may cast high energy Spells but they have low e. regen cause they already have WoD for Adrenaline and adrenaline spells.
And Adrenaline is thenearest and the best wayto ballance this class, If we are too change it, it might be broken.
And I think we nee to chnge the Shield Spells, people might get confused of the name, any suggestions?
And if Shields Spells can be cast with a shield, then the Bracer may seem useless already, Cause people may just use shields instead.

BTW, Scritpures can be Interuppted like Spells or Chants too.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
Actually Bracer Spells and Scritures both use Adrenaline.
And addng exhaustion is underpowering, eles only have self-exhaution causing spells, casue they have energy storage.
The Templar may have the Energy of a Caster but doesn't have the Energy Regeneration of a Caster, So they may cast high energy Spells but they have low e. regen cause they already have WoD for Adrenaline and adrenaline spells.
And Adrenaline is thenearest and the best wayto ballance this class, If we are too change it, it might be broken.
And I think we nee to chnge the Shield Spells, people might get confused of the name, any suggestions?
And if Shields Spells can be cast with a shield, then the Bracer may seem useless already, Cause people may just use shields instead.

BTW, Scriptures can be Interuppted like Spells or Chants too.
Well chants can use adrenaline, and have a half more interruptibility than normal skills, so I'd see that being better for balance then, so kuddo's.

Well I'd thought the bracer spells where like defense based weapon spells, so you could use them with either a bracer or a shield, I'd prefer a shield as a reskin through weapon spells wouldn't be much of a looker on something as small as a bracer, same for daggers but at least you have of those.

But maybe I'm assuming to much that by (equipable item name) spell you imply a spell that reskins items.

Uhm, kay "It's unredirected".
Yeah, but when the hex fails it is transmitted to you.
Oh ok that makes all the transferring make sense, sorry if it took so much effort to explain it to me.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Uhm, which do you like fr the Shield Spells.
Shield Spell
Bracer Spell
Stance(Like Mes')
or anythng better in your mind

And off-topic
I think Enchant came fro Chants, cause the first RPGs have a chant to summon spells, so when yu endow chanted magic on an ie it is called enchant^^.
Not sure just a guess^^.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
Uhm, which do you like fr the Shield Spells.
Shield Spell
Bracer Spell
Stance(Like Mes')
or anything better in your mind
Well I think shield spell isn't bad, bracers would change in looks from weapon spells, if bracer spells did that too they probably won't overwrite in effect, but they would overwrite each other in looks.
And it's bout time we had a skill type to hide our ugly skin shields(maybe offhands too)
(weapon spells work on people without weapons, weather bracer or shield spells should too I don't know)

Other names I'd suggest not for bracer spells only, but for skill types associated with a devout class would be radiance, and boon.
Those just sound cool, and aren't spells, that way you can't use adrenaline to trigger effects of skills like [skill=text]Glyph of Restoration[/skill] or [skill=text]Arcane Echo[/skill] without having to worry about the 15 energy it costs when you don't have 30+ max energy, becasue the spell you are repeating costs adrenaline.

Using chants in this class wouldn't be all bad, as they kind of are quire boys, but on the other hand paragons are quire boys too... might want to stay away from the singing holy man association because of that.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


I didn't realize noone except SC have posted.
People really fo like to readm y CCs but never post

Trance Added
A Trance is activated when you'r Meditating.
While in a Trace you can activate too the Mantra of your Bracer.




Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2008

London, UK


In a way they're just like paragons but with maces...

Avatar Exico

Avatar Exico

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Way to Cold at Home:Illnois and School:Iowa.

We Trip Hard On [AcID]


This Profession alot like Chief Bandit in Maple Story. The Chief Bandit in Maple Story uses a Brace as it Profession Weapon. Not Bad I like idea of Crusader in GW. Hope GW looks at these for new professions.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


No Maces here, Were is it?

BTW, these aren't guys in Heavy Armor, these are Monks who are devoted to Peace and Hone themselves Through Scrollcasting, Calligrapy, and Body Strenthening.
Cause of the 70 Armor Rating of Templars cause they just wear Robes.
They wield Foci/Shield with Braces for Defence.

Also there Braces are used like Punching Gloves, and they do not Dual Wield but the other hand can Punch too.

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You can't see me

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006



Very Interesting idea,

I skimmed over some technical stuff, but I got the idea. Your pictures are /win though, so I like it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


I really like the Templar, In PvE they are not just Tankers, they also give enemies hard time in battle, Cause Monsters attack accroding to Defence.
They only change targets when you hit them or the target dies.
Well cause you have lower Armor Rating then Warriors, they would hit you first than Warriors.
And in PvP, in Random Areans or any other arena, you'll be a hard foe to defeat.
Making you the last guy standing also the guy everyone would depened on when your dead.
And in AB, NPCs there are just like monsters.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Made me think no seems to correct some of my mispellings like "comming" >_>.