I think I really Fudged this one.
Mesmer in Need
I was changing settings, and i accidentaly set my resolution (the xxx by xxx) to really high. Now when i open gw, it just says its out of frequency range and to reset it. But i cant, because i cant see it. What do i do?
When that happened to me, I had to totally uninstall GW and reinstall it I think that there might be a easier way, I don't know.
Mesmer in Need
Did it work for you after you re-installed it?
Everytime I ave reinstalled guild wars, it has gone back to the default settings.
Mesmer in Need
so i guess thats the only way.. ty guys.
have you tried starting it in window mode via
Gw.exe -windowed
Mesmer in Need
ya, but it didn't work. Im reinstalling it atm and its working, ty.
would system restore have put the settings back easier?
you dont lose data just go back to last known good settings
you dont lose data just go back to last known good settings
The video settings are stored on the Gw.dat file. Meaning that getting rid of the .dat dile is the only way to force the default settings without accessing then in game.
Mesmer in Need
/facepalm ty everybody it works now.
Now time to post in the self pwned thread.
Now time to post in the self pwned thread.
Bowstring Badass
Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
/facepalm ty everybody it works now.
Now time to post in the self pwned thread. |
For future reference, you can get out of this by swapping monitors to one that supports that resolution so that you can change it back, if there's such a monitor nearby that you can borrow.