Friday night we were taking a little walk down from Sifhalla to Olafstead. Right next to the exit to Drakkar late, in Norrhart Domains, there were snowmen fighting Grentches!
Isn't this a little unseasonal? Doesn't Wintersday start much later in the year?
Anyone else come across Grentches in strange places?
Grentches!?! Already?
they have been there since release, it's all in the spawn.
There is the occasional spawn of Grentches vs Snowmen in Jaga Moraine. Never knew about one in Norrhart...
If I've walked that route once, I've walked it a dozen times, and I've never seen them before.
So no Wintersday sneak preview then. Sigh.
So no Wintersday sneak preview then. Sigh.
Fril Estelin
Yeah, I saw them too. I was too late to help the snowmen kill the grentches.
yeah it's just as random as the white moa spawn, possibly a little rare(er)
Lord Feathers
Been there since the release but depends on how the area spawns
I noticed the snowball fight during the preview weekend. It's a random, but funny, spawn.
Just easter egg nothing more i think.
The best thing about this is, every month, another 2-3 people discover this.
This isn't an insult. I envy you. I miss not knowing things. I miss thinking Crystalines would be common, and thinking that you got "locked out" of pre-searing rather than it getting seared.
...I can't wait for GW2, so as a community we can not know stuff again.
This isn't an insult. I envy you. I miss not knowing things. I miss thinking Crystalines would be common, and thinking that you got "locked out" of pre-searing rather than it getting seared.
...I can't wait for GW2, so as a community we can not know stuff again.