has anyone had this happen yet with the BMP
I just did Togos and got 2 discoveries but only got credited for 1. I did the kill the students and the 5 of 5 finding the assasins. but only got credited for the students one.
Had you already found one of these secrets before?
nope. even if i had both would have shown up in the completed part.
pumpkin pie
Yes, now that you mention it, i kill all the students get all the 5 assassin location, and only gets credit for discovering the 5/5 assasssin, and not for the kilil all students one.
And I also never have a green dots for the connection :|
And I also never have a green dots for the connection :|
Can't see the pic so dunno what else it could be. But if you had completed one of the secrets before, even on another character it wouldn't award it.
Originally Posted by Melkorium
Can't see the pic so dunno what else it could be. But if you had completed one of the secrets before, even on another character it wouldn't award it.
Free Runner
Yeah i got to the end of the mission with 4 of 5 remote places searched (Including the area behind Wona). But when i kill Wona and the cutscenes over i always get the 5 of 5 remote locations message come up yet no reward. Not sure where the hell the 5th place is......
I think the 5th place is in the back of the area that Wona is actually in!
It's kinda funny.
It's kinda funny.
Pics probably fine, I'm just at work and alot of images don't work when I'm here.
Sounds like it's bugged then, you tried re-doing it to see if gives the second reward the second time around.
Togo's the only one I've got 3 discoveries on actually, first time I got Students and Saved Tengu's, then I went through again and got Assassin's.
Edit: I think Free Runner's probably right, you have to go round and find 5th area before you fight Wona to get discovery.
Sounds like it's bugged then, you tried re-doing it to see if gives the second reward the second time around.
Togo's the only one I've got 3 discoveries on actually, first time I got Students and Saved Tengu's, then I went through again and got Assassin's.
Edit: I think Free Runner's probably right, you have to go round and find 5th area before you fight Wona to get discovery.
i did go around him before i fought him. Im gonna try again tonight to see whats up.
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
Yes, now that you mention it, i kill all the students get all the 5 assassin location, and only gets credit for discovering the 5/5 assasssin, and not for the kilil all students one.
And I also never have a green dots for the connection :| |
I finished both 5 points and students in one run without a problem. The only discovery I have left is killing all the Charr in Saul's story.
Did you get the 2.5k for completion, or did it simply never recognize you'd completed it?
Did you get the 2.5k for completion, or did it simply never recognize you'd completed it?
I don't know about the others, but I only got the money for the one discovery.
Onarik Amrak
Sounds like a bug, maybe you have to do them separately.
according to wiki, it isn't kill the students, it is kill all enemies. you might have passed a group up, like when you leave the area at the begining when you get ambushed, you have to choose left or right, you chose right and left the two enemies on the left side alive or visa versa
I did both the assassin locations and the students discoveries in one go and got credited for both. Might be a new bug.
Originally Posted by wetsparks
according to wiki, it isn't kill the students, it is kill all enemies.
* Slayer Bonus - You showed how Talon Silverwing and Togo could have vanquished all of Master Riyo's disciples.
* Vanquish all of Master Riyo's disciples.
* Reward:
- 2 Platinum 500 Gold
- You've made a new discovery! See Durmand [Historian] for a reward.
well, i remember looking at it the other day and it said kill them all, so whatever.
Maybe you don't get it if the Talon dies during that bit... I don't remember if he did with me or not, but is it possible that could be it?
Talon not dieing or any of the other ones is part of the 3rd discovery so that wouldnt do it.
It's a tiny bit off topic...but I don't suppose you could provide some tips on killing all the students...where did you stand, how did you survive their nasty degen, etc.
Originally Posted by dts720666
It's a tiny bit off topic...but I don't suppose you could provide some tips on killing all the students...where did you stand, how did you survive their nasty degen, etc.
just got done trying again but still no credit given for the assasins. Very FRAKING ANNOYING