This said, with Guild Wars 2 on the front lawn (not quite on the doorstep yet), I'd like to raise the question (again, I suppose) whether ArenaNet should establish an official forum by the time of the sequel's release.
The situation, as I see it, is as follows:
- An official forum would be a direct connection between the customers (us) and the company (ArenaNet), while I'm sure it wouldn't mean the death of unofficial forums (just look at the unofficial Wiki, still going very strong).
Official forums could also include an official auction house, solving this age-old problem without having to implement a real in-game auctioning system or relying on third party auction websites. Ideally, the game and the auction house could become linked, much like the /help command is linked to the Official Wiki. Heck, if we're allowed to keep on dreaming: an in-game browser could be implemented. But I'm going a little off-topic here.
If anything, an official forum would give ArenaNet's PR department a more "professional" appearance and would save the community relations people a lot of time reading through many, many forums.
Noobs: ...sorry, I meant Cons:
- ...which leads us immediately to the problem that community relations people will have to wade through many, many, many more threads on one single forum to gather the same amount of information that they now obtain from many different forums.
The problem of infrastructure also comes to mind. Having no official forum probably comes with the "No Monthly Fee" package or is simply not something ArenaNet wishes to invest time and man power in (Wild Blow in the dark here, I have no idea how ArenaNet's business model works).
Both of these problems could be solved to some degree by having community-driven moderation. To avoid the inevitable power-tripping ("noob i r mod on teh anet forum i ban u"), it could operate using a digg-like system, with good threads getting bumped by the community and bad ones buried (instead of the classical system where threads get bumped for being active).
My conclusion:
I obviously believe we need an official forum. I wouldn't start a thread about it if I thought otherwise.
The community has proven that it can be an inconsolable crybaby as well as an extremely reliable source of information and constructive criticism. The Official Wiki, which is mostly made up of user-provided content, is the prime example of the latter.
There are numerous problems to be solved (mainly infrastructural), but these can be solved by embracing novel approaches to user-controlled content moderation (as I said, have a look at how digg handles things).
Sure, without some goodwill it could all be for nothing faster than you can say "Web 2.0", but hey, it's a brave new world.
All in all, I think it would work in everyone's advantage, including the unofficial forums. These would become more of a meeting place for people to share ideas rather than a speaker's corner where everyone tries his best to shout hard enough to be heard by ArenaNet.
What say you?