Double rewards weekend request.
1 man (or 2 man) HA weekend. With double fame.
Originally Posted by VinnyRidira
Double Sunspear & Lightbringer Points
sunspear is a lamegrind ><
Double Kurz/Lux faction would be beautiful. I'm trying to get enough to get into the Hatchery, and all the available quests currently give 400 or so a pop! And Factions doesn't have any bounties. There are quests worth over a thousand, but they're all beyond the damn hatchery. What's the point? I never farm past the initial 10k if I can help it.
Even if it's just in the PvP areas, it'd be great. It might even breathe some life into those abandoned old outposts.
Even if it's just in the PvP areas, it'd be great. It might even breathe some life into those abandoned old outposts.
Sheena Inverse
Double anything would be fine with me, I have little patience and cant stand doing one thing for long, thus I do everything. But whenever there is double reward for one area that is what I can do for most of my time. Double LB/SS would be great, but I would prefer double gwen RP again.