05 Dec 2007 at 01:27 - 17
Alright here's the deal. This is a reply, although I apologise if it leads into a rant too much.
People complain quite alot about the fact that only destroyer weapons can be placed in the Hall of Monuments, without ever actually considering that it's probably like this for a reason. Look at what the Hall of Monuments is for...it isn't for showing off the elite golds you've worked hard (or traded hard) to obtain. Nor is it for displaying the weapons you payed $30 in the online store to aquire. No. It's for Destroyer weapons. Why? Because the Hall of Monuments is there for one purpose. To allow players to take their achievements in one GW on to GW2. Why only destroyer weapons? Well let's see. The designers of GW have their work cut out creating 3D Character models, animating them to hold weapons, fight, run, adding hundreds of emotes, tens of armour sets. They have to then do this AGAIN for enemy character models. Each is likely to be fairly unique, and look at GW; alot of enemy are reskins, but there are still an INSANE number of character, enemy and object skins and skeletons. Then they have to create a HUGE 3-dimensional world, textures, screenshots, weapons. Then they have to find a way to get this bundle of graphical orgasm to run with multiple operating systems and a huge variety of variously specced PCs before they FINALLY mass-produce, box and sell (after promoting) the final product.
Now imagine if every single "perfect" weapon translated into GW2? Each Req7 through 10? 11? weapon of various skin translated into something unique in GW2. That would mean creating TWO full weapon sets...one linking to a GW1 HoM line, and one linking to a GW2 "new and improved" set of weapon skins to impress us all.
They already have to carry over more than 100 armour sets, over 50? minipets, 25 heroes (which I guess some of whom will re-appear) and, what, 40 or so? titles.
Perhaps they have sat down and thought "We need a weapon stand for GW1, but which weapons should we allow?" They figure that anyone rich enough to own perfect r7-10 weapons can PROBABLY afford this new, shiny lava enhanced destroyer weapon, and thus will gain the rewards. If not, players can treat it like FoW; farm for the cash and craft one themselves.
Final note; lets say they DO add support for 'perfect' weapons. Who has the right to say what's rare or not? 15^50, 20/20, +30hp isn't the only popular statted weapon. Caster weapons, stance/enchant weapons. And then what about rare "skins"? I don't remember the last time I saw someone wielding a perfect caster forked-sword on their Monk. That makes it, by all definitions, a rare perfect weapon for players?
Anyways, hope this has maybe given the people who sit and whine about how they want a way to show off ALL their shinies in one place something to think about.