Here's the deal, I'm actually performing a kind of guild cpr (a lot of our members have stopped playing and some left cause of it). We currently have 12 active(on almost every day) members and 5 semi-active(on 2-3 times every 1-2 weeks).
Guild Description:Friendly guild looking to hang out with our guildies. Helping with quests, missions, etc. Mainly PvE with a spalsh of PvP.
We're very "laissez faire" (let do) to a limit, we hate leechers (people that just join a guild to suck everything they can from it and never give anything back or give extremely little in comparison) and we discourage insults. Apart from that you can do pretty much w/e you want.
We strongly encourage helping others since we want to maintain a family feel to the guild.
We enjoy everything PvE (NM, HM, Dungeons, Rep/Faction point farm...)
and some of us enjoy PvP (TA, AB, HA and GvG (the last 2 are now very rare cause of the lack of members)Inactivity (were very lenient, maybe too much) - If you hit the 2 month marker with out an explanation your out
For more info pm me or visit the guild site (it's new though) [email protected]
Order of the Black Talons - a PvE guild with a splash of PvP