Funniest in-game rage-rants you're heard?
A long time back I was in RA. This is when the Thumpers first started showing up. I was playing round with a nec build. Well here comes Mr. Thumper. So, I hit him with SS, IP and PB, He hits me a couple times, knockdowns and all, I was up PB ended I get hp+120, he hits me again and dies. A very satisfying ownage. The rest of his team was falling quick so I decide to play with him so I /sit on his head and say "I killed Thumper" match ends. A few minutes later I get a PM from Thumper that says:
I was too shocked to think of getting a screenie, but I will never forget it.
I was too shocked to think of getting a screenie, but I will never forget it.
Some of the best rants seem to be in RA. I was playing with a Ranger Interrupt build in RA a long time ago. I kept hitting this Ele and he started ranting at me, calling me noob. Even after the match, he was PMing me, ranting for bringing a noob build into RA (we won BTW and I never let him get a spell off). I just LOLed at him and hit ignore.
Sasuke The Betrayer
Originally Posted by WoodyDotNet
Some of the best rants seem to be in RA. I was playing with a Ranger Interrupt build in RA a long time ago. I kept hitting this Ele and he started ranting at me, calling me noob. Even after the match, he was PMing me, ranting for bringing a noob build into RA (we won BTW and I never let him get a spell off). I just LOLed at him and hit ignore.
Originally Posted by Skyy High
Kusandaa, just out of curiosity, how does the subject of you being gay come up while in a group? I'm not trying to say you should hide it of course, I'd just find it more prudent to keep stuff like that under wraps in a PUG. It's like if I were to start talking politics in every PUG; I know that eventually someone's going to react negatively. That's probably a bad comparison, but it's the best I can think of at 3am.
Found a couple other rants
One monk refused to bring hex removal, saying that Prot Spirit was much better to put on the puller. He never took in consideration that there were a lot of ench. shattering in there... actually even after being told so, he argued that it was better than hex removal. But he was -really- into it... maybe a bit too much.
Another was a 13-year-old MM who semi-leeched off us, repeatedly saying "s h u t up n[]gga ill steal ur lunch money" and other really childish insults. He seriously thought he was offensive. I think it was a "you had to be there" moment, but I will -never- forget about this run.
One of this type also PMed me after a bad run. He called me a "dipskirt". I corrected him on his spelling and he replied "no no, dipskirt. it wont allow me typing it." I then proceeded to ROFL.
I know there's another one somewhere in my screenshots... I'll post it later on As I was saying, I'm full of those...
Hi Xanman.
A while back I was PUGging the FoW with an alliance buddy. There was this Necro, he was a pretty nice guy but a little annoying IMO... although he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. He wouldn't BR the monks, he would tank with the warrior, and he would run around aggroing everything... He was basically giving the monks a hard time and kept drawing aggro back to our nukers, who also happened to be energy starved.
A req 9 purple Shadow Blade dropped for him while we were in the forest. He was all "Wow seriously?! Req 9?! A Shadow blade?!??" and ran off to pick it up, even though it was between 2 or 3 mobs. We were yelling at him to stop, it'll be there when we clear everything out, but nooooo he didn't listen he just charged in like an idiot. He died before reaching his drop.
We went and cleared the path for A Gift of Griffons, leaving him dead.
On our way back with the Griffons in tow, we rezzed him and we got our reward, with him whining about his Shadow Blade all the way. And once we dropped the birdies off, we cleared the rest of the mobs near his shadow blade.
Well, that guy turned into a puddle of drool over his shadow blade when we got close and tried to pick it up, aggroing and dying in the process.
My alliance buddy ran over and swiped it, because it had gone unclaimed a minute or two ago.
The necro was begging for it back, and my friend salvaged it and gave him 8 iron ingots. "There's your sword, I salvaged it for you"
The necro basically exploded, called my friend an idiot, and raged.
A while back I was PUGging the FoW with an alliance buddy. There was this Necro, he was a pretty nice guy but a little annoying IMO... although he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. He wouldn't BR the monks, he would tank with the warrior, and he would run around aggroing everything... He was basically giving the monks a hard time and kept drawing aggro back to our nukers, who also happened to be energy starved.
A req 9 purple Shadow Blade dropped for him while we were in the forest. He was all "Wow seriously?! Req 9?! A Shadow blade?!??" and ran off to pick it up, even though it was between 2 or 3 mobs. We were yelling at him to stop, it'll be there when we clear everything out, but nooooo he didn't listen he just charged in like an idiot. He died before reaching his drop.
We went and cleared the path for A Gift of Griffons, leaving him dead.
On our way back with the Griffons in tow, we rezzed him and we got our reward, with him whining about his Shadow Blade all the way. And once we dropped the birdies off, we cleared the rest of the mobs near his shadow blade.
Well, that guy turned into a puddle of drool over his shadow blade when we got close and tried to pick it up, aggroing and dying in the process.
My alliance buddy ran over and swiped it, because it had gone unclaimed a minute or two ago.
The necro was begging for it back, and my friend salvaged it and gave him 8 iron ingots. "There's your sword, I salvaged it for you"
The necro basically exploded, called my friend an idiot, and raged.
Originally Posted by Taurucis
Hi Xanman.
~~~ A while back I was PUGging the FoW with an alliance buddy. There was this Necro, he was a pretty nice guy but a little annoying IMO... although he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. He wouldn't BR the monks, he would tank with the warrior, and he would run around aggroing everything... He was basically giving the monks a hard time and kept drawing aggro back to our nukers, who also happened to be energy starved. A req 9 purple Shadow Blade dropped for him while we were in the forest. He was all "Wow seriously?! Req 9?! A Shadow blade?!??" and ran off to pick it up, even though it was between 2 or 3 mobs. We were yelling at him to stop, it'll be there when we clear everything out, but nooooo he didn't listen he just charged in like an idiot. He died before reaching his drop. We went and cleared the path for A Gift of Griffons, leaving him dead. On our way back with the Griffons in tow, we rezzed him and we got our reward, with him whining about his Shadow Blade all the way. And once we dropped the birdies off, we cleared the rest of the mobs near his shadow blade. Well, that guy turned into a puddle of drool over his shadow blade when we got close and tried to pick it up, aggroing and dying in the process. My alliance buddy ran over and swiped it, because it had gone unclaimed a minute or two ago. The necro was begging for it back, and my friend salvaged it and gave him 8 iron ingots. "There's your sword, I salvaged it for you" The necro basically exploded, called my friend an idiot, and raged. |
I guess he'll think twice about being such an ass to the Monks again ^_^
Originally Posted by MrSlayer
And I will never ever look back. I have never laughed so hard at someone in my entire life as that day xD If you remember, I also managed to break most of the alliance members on vent...much tears of laughter. I have an r11 purple shadowblade un-IDed for him. If I bump into him...
I got the same guy in a different PUG, along with another friend - he was quite the noob indeed. Rushed everywhere, never BRed me (I was monking) and didn't care if he aggroed to get his drops. We decided not to do Wailing Lord, which is absolutely wanted to do. He gets really mad, and threatens the group to leave if we didn't do it. We eventually calmed him down.
Maybe 2 minutes after his episode about Wailing Lord, my friend finds a shadow blade, purple, req10 or 11... of course buddy has heard about what happened and offers the shadow blade as a joke. The annoying necro goes "OMFG THATS U!!!!! U IDIOT!!! BYE NOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!" and rages on the spot. He REALLY thought MrSlayer and our alliance buddy who was with me that run were the same guy.
But still, after a req10 PURPLE SHADOW BLADE... lmao. I find it totally hilarious.
Was doing Ring of Fire with guild group. Two people had keys and ran for the first chest. First person gets a nice gold drop and the second one gets a crappy purple. Second one yells at first for "stealing his drop!" After a few minutes of listening to this I kicked him out of guild. Priceless!
This is an oldie that I've mentioned before but it's still priceless. I wish I had a screenshot.
I created a prophecies monk and a guildie ran me to LA and I hopped over to Kaineng and bought max armor. I then returned to Ascalon around level 6-7 with max armor and proceeded thru the storyline from there.
I had some black dye in storage, so I dyed my pants and sandals black. The top was dyed a pretty light blue and all in all it looked like a nice combination. Almost like something you could wear to the office in real life. I get a lot of compliments on it.
I was doing some random quests around the Yaks Bend area with my now level 11-12 monk with some pugs. This one warrior was really obnoxious. He noticed my slacks and asked if I had dyed them black. I replied that yes they were dyed black.
He then proceeded to cuss me out big time!!! He basically just "lost it". He called me a lousy rotten stupid noob that should uninstall the game because I was too stupid to own armor. He said I wasted a fortune in gold dying my armor because only stupid noobs waste black dye on armor. He went on a screaming tirade for 15 minutes about how stupid I was for using dye.
Geez, even if I had dyed non-max armor it's not the end of the world. You would think I had pressed the wrong button and accidentally deleted all his stuff the way he was carrying on.
Some people take this game way too seriously.
I created a prophecies monk and a guildie ran me to LA and I hopped over to Kaineng and bought max armor. I then returned to Ascalon around level 6-7 with max armor and proceeded thru the storyline from there.
I had some black dye in storage, so I dyed my pants and sandals black. The top was dyed a pretty light blue and all in all it looked like a nice combination. Almost like something you could wear to the office in real life. I get a lot of compliments on it.
I was doing some random quests around the Yaks Bend area with my now level 11-12 monk with some pugs. This one warrior was really obnoxious. He noticed my slacks and asked if I had dyed them black. I replied that yes they were dyed black.
He then proceeded to cuss me out big time!!! He basically just "lost it". He called me a lousy rotten stupid noob that should uninstall the game because I was too stupid to own armor. He said I wasted a fortune in gold dying my armor because only stupid noobs waste black dye on armor. He went on a screaming tirade for 15 minutes about how stupid I was for using dye.
Geez, even if I had dyed non-max armor it's not the end of the world. You would think I had pressed the wrong button and accidentally deleted all his stuff the way he was carrying on.
Some people take this game way too seriously.
Lord Feathers
Local chat in Lion's Arch - " This light of Deldrimor Skill is simply useless, what a frickin waste !! "
so being curious I reply " Why do you hate the skill ? "
to which I get a reply that he had been outside ( of Lion's Arch mind you ) and that he hadn't found a single thing using it. He went on screaming sometime in local chat about the whole thing and usually I like to try and nudge someone who is totally lost in the right direction but I couldn't stop laughing. So just how many people do you think that are out there simply DO NOT read a skill description or go through the game simply pointing and clicking without any regard or desire to read even the quest log to figure things out ?
so being curious I reply " Why do you hate the skill ? "
to which I get a reply that he had been outside ( of Lion's Arch mind you ) and that he hadn't found a single thing using it. He went on screaming sometime in local chat about the whole thing and usually I like to try and nudge someone who is totally lost in the right direction but I couldn't stop laughing. So just how many people do you think that are out there simply DO NOT read a skill description or go through the game simply pointing and clicking without any regard or desire to read even the quest log to figure things out ?
Some retarded Warriors showed up on the Luxon side in an AB match and got repeatedly owned by my team, which was made of Burning Arrow Rangers with slightly different builds and a Mesmer to counter stuff Rangers usually have trouble with. They just charged at the team, got crippled roughly one aggro radius away and died of degen, arrows and some Mesmer love while chasing after the Rangers (who were using speed boosts to run circles around them). I don't think I saw a single one of them use a skill without getting interrupted.
After they got completely wiped a few times and we had ignored their pleas to stop kiting and capping shrines while they died of degen they first started calling "rangrs" noobs, cowards and other stuff that doesn't belong on a public forum. Even some Luxons started laughing at them, so they moved on to harass my team with private messages that were even less publishable, and to top off the fail one of them started insisting in ALL CAPS how everyone who doesn't melee is a coward and a noob, how their swords are the mightiest weapons, etc. We were too busy laughing our asses off over TeamSpeak to bother reporting them.
After they got completely wiped a few times and we had ignored their pleas to stop kiting and capping shrines while they died of degen they first started calling "rangrs" noobs, cowards and other stuff that doesn't belong on a public forum. Even some Luxons started laughing at them, so they moved on to harass my team with private messages that were even less publishable, and to top off the fail one of them started insisting in ALL CAPS how everyone who doesn't melee is a coward and a noob, how their swords are the mightiest weapons, etc. We were too busy laughing our asses off over TeamSpeak to bother reporting them.
You can't see me
I'm going to have to say the funniest in game rage I've ever seen was in Duncan Hard mode, where a monk threatened to rage quit if someone did not give him a lockpick for a chest, and after cussing everyone out, he finally did. How he beat the other four bosses I'll never know.
Dante the Warlord
Ugh i got one to add right now...
So i was helping out new ppl tellin them BMP is no longer available and then some guy starts arguing with me that stats are better then skins, which isn't necessarily wrong. So i keep it cool and he rants about hes right and im wrong, with a few other ppl joining to defend him. All i stated was that skins were bascially what people liked and he told me that stats were. Of course i didn't go as low as him and say stupid things to flame. But he persisted and said i was a noob...or something like...even though ive been playing for 30 months.
Lol some people, i think im going to turn off local chat permanantly..its not worth it dealing with some ppl even to help guys out
So i was helping out new ppl tellin them BMP is no longer available and then some guy starts arguing with me that stats are better then skins, which isn't necessarily wrong. So i keep it cool and he rants about hes right and im wrong, with a few other ppl joining to defend him. All i stated was that skins were bascially what people liked and he told me that stats were. Of course i didn't go as low as him and say stupid things to flame. But he persisted and said i was a noob...or something like...even though ive been playing for 30 months.
Lol some people, i think im going to turn off local chat permanantly..its not worth it dealing with some ppl even to help guys out
While not the most funny i just felt like sharing this one. A while back doing Ventari Cemetary (sp?) and I get into a pug for it, which ends up consisting of me (para), a monk, a sin, and a warrior we picked up at the last minute.
We get going into it and right away it's clear we've unwittingly picked up a textbook Leeroy Jenkins with our warrior. He was never less than 1 aggro bubble apart from the rest of the team the entire time. As if this wasn't bad enough he starts bashing our sin, going on how they suck or w/e. about 1/2 way through the mission a heated debate starts over weather or not to do the bonus, we're very near the fort during this and so we warned our Leeroy not to get to close.
Our warnings go unheeded however as he suddenly makes a beeline for the fort saying "I can take em" moments later he's completely obliterated by the siege yet he somehow managed to get just far enough back to us to send the entire garrison from the fort right down our throats. After a very heated battle the rest of our group finishes the kournans off, losing more than a few of our sunspears in the process. At this point the arse-hat warrior insults us saying we let those sunspears die. we didn't even bother trying to rez him and continued with the mission, apparently he stayed just to keep insulting our sin. The only satisfying thing was when he finally quit about 30 seconds before we finished the mission
We get going into it and right away it's clear we've unwittingly picked up a textbook Leeroy Jenkins with our warrior. He was never less than 1 aggro bubble apart from the rest of the team the entire time. As if this wasn't bad enough he starts bashing our sin, going on how they suck or w/e. about 1/2 way through the mission a heated debate starts over weather or not to do the bonus, we're very near the fort during this and so we warned our Leeroy not to get to close.
Our warnings go unheeded however as he suddenly makes a beeline for the fort saying "I can take em" moments later he's completely obliterated by the siege yet he somehow managed to get just far enough back to us to send the entire garrison from the fort right down our throats. After a very heated battle the rest of our group finishes the kournans off, losing more than a few of our sunspears in the process. At this point the arse-hat warrior insults us saying we let those sunspears die. we didn't even bother trying to rez him and continued with the mission, apparently he stayed just to keep insulting our sin. The only satisfying thing was when he finally quit about 30 seconds before we finished the mission
haha, reading some of these reminded me of a monk on the opposing team while in RA. He decided to stop playing and just sit in their base and trash talk me saying I had no skill (meanwhile I singlehandedly killed the rest of the opposing team). Anyways, these are our remarks back and forth:
(I'm Auron the Vigilant)
(I'm Auron the Vigilant)
think im FINALLY going to post mine...
was in a B/P group as a barrager, at about 33% health and most of the party dead cept me ofc
i ran off, waited for the enemies to clear then stated im gunna rebirth everyone and use a powerstone
as soon as i started with one of the the rangers ( who was closest to me, also because monk tried to tank all the enemies )
the monk QQ'd, in caps "WTF NOOB WHY RES THE RANGER???"
i replied with "he is closest and also has rebirth..."
then the monk ragequits and spams my whisper saying "NOOB RANGER NOOB RANGER NOOB RANGER"
i found it funny also because the monk used amity then started wanding even though barrage = aoe damage anyway
was in a B/P group as a barrager, at about 33% health and most of the party dead cept me ofc

i ran off, waited for the enemies to clear then stated im gunna rebirth everyone and use a powerstone
as soon as i started with one of the the rangers ( who was closest to me, also because monk tried to tank all the enemies )
the monk QQ'd, in caps "WTF NOOB WHY RES THE RANGER???"
i replied with "he is closest and also has rebirth..."
then the monk ragequits and spams my whisper saying "NOOB RANGER NOOB RANGER NOOB RANGER"
i found it funny also because the monk used amity then started wanding even though barrage = aoe damage anyway
Rinadan Farhunt
I've just killed someone in AB:
Me:You're dead...
Me: I'm noob, but you're dead?
Me: If I'm noob, and I just killed you 1v1, what does that make you? Very-noob?
Them: *silence*
Me:You're dead...
Me: I'm noob, but you're dead?
Me: If I'm noob, and I just killed you 1v1, what does that make you? Very-noob?
Them: *silence*
Me: Owned
Him: Yeah
*leaves game.
Him: Yeah
*leaves game.
When I lose I am a noob sin because I don't know how to play.
When I win I am a noob sin too, because I used a wiki-build.
I found the irony very funny.
P.S. Almost any build is a wiki-build today, exception to one who uses Scorpion Wire or Waestrel Collapse.
When I win I am a noob sin too, because I used a wiki-build.
I found the irony very funny.
P.S. Almost any build is a wiki-build today, exception to one who uses Scorpion Wire or Waestrel Collapse.
Most recent things would be doing free cathedral runs and get yelled at for a while.
I also remember doing RA last week and a W/E on the team with a staff with 3 fire spells, 3 PvE skills and 2 rez's. He boasted his brand new amazing build to everyone and when told he wouldn't be able to use his PvE-skills, he said he could. So for a laugh, we continued anyway. The words coming out of this guy for the other team locking out his 'uber amazing leet' skills was just too hilarious. After we all laughed at him, he got really angry. We just left him dead on the ground and we both had a ceasefire and listened to this guy go off. Needless to say, that was one very entertaining day.
I also remember doing RA last week and a W/E on the team with a staff with 3 fire spells, 3 PvE skills and 2 rez's. He boasted his brand new amazing build to everyone and when told he wouldn't be able to use his PvE-skills, he said he could. So for a laugh, we continued anyway. The words coming out of this guy for the other team locking out his 'uber amazing leet' skills was just too hilarious. After we all laughed at him, he got really angry. We just left him dead on the ground and we both had a ceasefire and listened to this guy go off. Needless to say, that was one very entertaining day.
Chief Odoacer
In an AB on my monk with a group of 3 other guildies. We get hit with a mob of about 11 kurzicks (2 of them were MM's i think), and my whole party dies, except for me who barely escapes with less than 100 health. So I decide to circle around behind the mob and go find some players to heal while my guildies rez. So as I approach the opposite rez shrine I see an ally assasin trying to kill the NPC's at the cap, so i heal him and allow him to successfully kill the NPC's without dying. Evidently the mob had circled around and came towards our shrine that we were in the process of capping. I quickly type to the assassin that we need to leave, but he insists we stay and finish the cap (which we hadnt even neutralized yet). So as he gets hit initially i give him one heal then take off running. We ended up losing by 1 point i think.
While waiting to enter the next ab i receive a whisper from the assassin
I respond that we were about to be decimated, and it was 10v2
****ING NOOB!!!!
so i begin laughing, while he continues raging, swearing, and making a complete ass of himself.
To this day he remains the only player on my ignore list
While waiting to enter the next ab i receive a whisper from the assassin
I respond that we were about to be decimated, and it was 10v2
****ING NOOB!!!!
so i begin laughing, while he continues raging, swearing, and making a complete ass of himself.
To this day he remains the only player on my ignore list