Seppo's & the rare pets competition! GRIPE
Cardinal Fang
Hmm. I assume I paid the same ammount to buy GW and play the same amount of ingame time as our illustrious George Doubleya lead 'allies', but how does it work that I could only choose between US or Europe districts at start-up, but can't enter the 'official' competition to go in the draw for a rare mini? Will there be an Australian only comp to win the rare Mini Glint soon? I know America owns the world, but surely online gaming fun doesn't need to panda (nice pun hey :-) to their every whim. GW is a world wide game, so why limit 'official competitions to 2 continents? Do I win a Ghostly Hero for raising a valid point? Cheers, Ample Handfull.
The reason is that countries each have different laws regarding contests. In order to offer it to each country, Anet would need a lawyer familiar with each countries laws, and make sure that each and every countries statutes were followed properly. Since Anet doesn't have the resources to do that, they can only offer giveaways where they have reliable access to lawyers to verify that these contests aren't violating any regulations.
Yeah as sykoone said, its a little more complicated (and expensive) than just having a competition.
Crom The Pale
For one example in Canada most contests exempt the province of Quebec simply due to the complex laws they have regarding any contests.
I would imagine Anet takes the simplest path to these things and avoids locations where litigation outwieghs the benifits of the contest.
I would imagine Anet takes the simplest path to these things and avoids locations where litigation outwieghs the benifits of the contest.
Cardinal Fang
Thanks for the info guys - I had no idea it was so complicated!
You can't see me
Meh, more rare miniatures coming into the market and driving down the price. That's dissapointing to those that bought a minipet for it's rarity. (If I hear one flame about buying for rarity I'll hex you with "STFU")
Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
For one example in Canada most contests exempt the province of Quebec simply due to the complex laws they have regarding any contests.