Zaishen Chest - Anets answer to 100k+xxectos
With the introduction of the Zaishen Chest and the 'rare' wepons dropping from it, is this the way that Anet have decided to bring the prices of 'rares' down? considering the chest has only been there a short time, there have been many wepons dropping from it that were only possible to get from a certain place before or were hoh drops, but this means that these wepons become more accessable.
Sasuke The Betrayer
They do become easier to access, but the drop rate on these things are ridiculous. 20 Keys and like 5 golds. It won't do much.
So many Crystallines in High-End. Also Eternal Blades, Stygian Reavers and other wammotastic rares.
Good move for the majority but it will annoy the comparatively small portion of bazillion-ecto traders.
WTB Crystalline req.9 5k ok.
Good move for the majority but it will annoy the comparatively small portion of bazillion-ecto traders.
WTB Crystalline req.9 5k ok.
Drop of Fear
with no more expansion coming, giving anything to anyone is the perfect solution to keep the masses playing till gw2 is close to release and the hype machine starts to work again
I am waiting for chest that drops rare mini pets
Can you earn 5k faction every 2 minutes?
That's how fast chest running goes.
That's how fast chest running goes.
/minipanda plz
The Zaishen Chest has nothing to do (ok, little to do) with Anets working with the in game economy. They are trying to revive PvP. With no way to buy keys from a merchant with gold, you have to earn Balthazar Faction or Reward Points. The only way to do this is PvP (or snowball fighting, etc.). PvE players who want to work on titles like Drunkard, Sweettooth, Wisdom, etc. will be playing PvP to earn free points towards those titles. It also allows people with permanent PvP characters a way to work on some titles normally left to PvE players.
Since the Zaishen will only give you 2k Faction a day, there is no quick, easy way to earn enough faction to open this chest a lot. The people who want to use it a lot will be playing PvP to earn the faction needed for more keys.
It means more newbs in PvP, but it also means more people in PvP. When those new people decide its fun, they may stay long term, and stop being newbs.
This has potential to be very good for PvP.
Since the Zaishen will only give you 2k Faction a day, there is no quick, easy way to earn enough faction to open this chest a lot. The people who want to use it a lot will be playing PvP to earn the faction needed for more keys.
It means more newbs in PvP, but it also means more people in PvP. When those new people decide its fun, they may stay long term, and stop being newbs.
This has potential to be very good for PvP.
Drop of Fear
Originally Posted by Antheus
Can you earn 5k faction every 2 minutes?
That's how fast chest running goes. |
BUY 100 keys
OPEN 100 chests in 2 hours or little more/less depends how good u are
and this is
BUY 100 keys
OPEN the zaishen chest 100 times in 5 minutes
Make it so that you can exchange keys for balth faction and reward points, or vice versa. That is ftw.
Onarik Amrak
I suppose it just means that now everyone has a chance, albeit slim, of obtaining something worth a whole lot of plat.
Fried Tech
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
The Zaishen Chest has nothing to do (ok, little to do) with Anets working with the in game economy. They are trying to revive PvP. With no way to buy keys from a merchant with gold, you have to earn Balthazar Faction or Reward Points. The only way to do this is PvP (or snowball fighting, etc.). PvE players who want to work on titles like Drunkard, Sweettooth, Wisdom, etc. will be playing PvP to earn free points towards those titles. It also allows people with permanent PvP characters a way to work on some titles normally left to PvE players.
Since the Zaishen will only give you 2k Faction a day, there is no quick, easy way to earn enough faction to open this chest a lot. The people who want to use it a lot will be playing PvP to earn the faction needed for more keys. It means more newbs in PvP, but it also means more people in PvP. When those new people decide its fun, they may stay long term, and stop being newbs. This has potential to be very good for PvP. |
Originally Posted by Drop of Fear
actualy chestrunning is
BUY 100 keys OPEN 100 chests in 2 hours or little more/less depends how good u are and this is BUY 100 keys OPEN the zaishen chest 100 times in 5 minutes |
But earning new 5k isn't as fast.
I suppose it just means that now everyone has a chance, albeit slim, of obtaining something worth a whole lot of plat. |
The chest is ment for UAX (unlocked Everything) players, that allready have hundreds of toruney tokens and have no desire to do dumb old IGANK hero battles.
I am happy they put this in now I dont have to keep adding to the endless Tokens in my invintory.
The zaishen challenge is for PVP newbies who cannot win RA or AB or TA battles and have to trap for faction which is sad.
There are many easy was for you to earn faction. Become a better player and AB/RA/TA/GVG/HA.
I am happy they put this in now I dont have to keep adding to the endless Tokens in my invintory.
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
The Zaishen Chest has nothing to do (ok, little to do) with Anets working with the in game economy. They are trying to revive PvP. With no way to buy keys from a merchant with gold, you have to earn Balthazar Faction or Reward Points. The only way to do this is PvP (or snowball fighting, etc.). PvE players who want to work on titles like Drunkard, Sweettooth, Wisdom, etc. will be playing PvP to earn free points towards those titles. It also allows people with permanent PvP characters a way to work on some titles normally left to PvE players.
Since the Zaishen will only give you 2k Faction a day, there is no quick, easy way to earn enough faction to open this chest a lot. The people who want to use it a lot will be playing PvP to earn the faction needed for more keys. It means more newbs in PvP, but it also means more people in PvP. When those new people decide its fun, they may stay long term, and stop being newbs. This has potential to be very good for PvP. |
There are many easy was for you to earn faction. Become a better player and AB/RA/TA/GVG/HA.
Originally Posted by IslandHermet
The chest is ment for UAX (unlocked Everything) players, that allready have hundreds of toruney tokens and have no desire to do dumb old IGANK hero battles.
I am happy they put this in now I dont have to keep adding to the endless Tokens in my invintory. The zaishen challenge is for PVP newbies who cannot win RA or AB or TA battles and have to trap for faction which is sad. There are many easy was for you to earn faction. Become a better player and AB/RA/TA/GVG/HA. |
This now means they will either go back to PvE, or learn how to deal with things like RA, AB, and HvH. If they decide they like it, they may move on to TA, HA, and GvG.
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
I agree with what you say about Zaishen. However, think about all the PvE players rushing to open that new chest. They will find they need Faction to get more keys. They are PvE players, and will want a fast, easy method to gain that 5k faction. Zaishen is easy, even for a PvE scrub. Zaishen, however, is limited. It will take 3 days of Zaishen to get 1 key. This is not fast, by any stretch of the imagination.
This now means they will either go back to PvE, or learn how to deal with things like RA, AB, and HvH. If they decide they like it, they may move on to TA, HA, and GvG. |
We should not care if they can not earn faction fast. thats the difference between good players and bad players
having a understanding of how the game works and skills/builds/chars makes you a better player who can gain faction like it is nothing.
If they refuse to develope these skills and only want to kill monsters for the fact of killing Stay in PVE and continue to be a bad player.
Shadow Spirit
I think this is great! Nice to have another way to spend faction.
I don't think it will have much effect on the economy though. I doubt the chests will just start spitting up crystallines like crazy. The rare stuff will still be rare.
I don't think it will have much effect on the economy though. I doubt the chests will just start spitting up crystallines like crazy. The rare stuff will still be rare.
Originally Posted by IslandHermet
they are not UAX and are spending faction on keys when they should be unlocking every skill they can.
We should not care if they can not earn faction fast. thats the difference between good players and bad players having a understanding of how the game works and skills/builds/chars makes you a better player who can gain faction like it is nothing. If they refuse to develope these skills and only want to kill monsters for the fact of killing Stay in PVE and continue to be a bad player. |
There will always, ALWAYS, be noobs in PvP, even if that is all the person does for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, and bought the PvP packs. You should be glad PvE players (even the noobs) will be playing PvP. It opens up more options for making teams, it gives easy victories for the experienced playing against the noobs, and it refreshes a stagnant part of the game.
Maybe, with luck, those PvE players coming to PvP for the sole purpose of the Zaishen chest will learn. If they find someone/guild that can teach them, they can become a good PvP player, and make the PvP part of the game worth playing again for many of the people who have stopped.
I got a crap lousy normal mesmer tome when I used a Zaishen Key. Definitely not worth the time it takes to accrue 5000 faction just to get a crap lousy mesmer tome. I imagine the extreme crappiness of my mesmer tome is typical of the "quality" of items that the Zaishen chest drops. Therefore I disagree with the OP's idea that the Zaishen chests are a solution to anything.
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by Antheus
This hasn't changed. Everyone has always had a chance of that.
Not everyone can capture and hold HoH.
Nor can everyone finish elite dungeons.
I want the game to have weapons I cannot afford. This keeps me playing in the hope of having them by trading/farming. This is just too easy.
Originally Posted by Turbobusa
I want the game to have weapons I cannot afford. This keeps me playing in the hope of having them by trading/farming. This is just too easy.
Kat Strongbear
As for the economy, it won't change it. A little added money sink of 2k per key for a 300g item (generally speaking).
It is a good feature. Many are overanalyzing this whole thing, breaking the economy, rare drops that anyone can get, high end is no longer high end, etc.
Complaints of "I have too many tournament tokens, I want it exchanged!" are a bit ridiculous. You purchased them (as I did) because of all the wasted faction. It was something to dump into "just because".
Now, there is a new system for 'dumping' faction instead of it going to waste or buying more tokens. It is a good thing... at least the crap can be sold for a few coins, consumed, or merched for the most part. A tiny bit of gold for faction that otherwise would have gone to waste.
The price of the keys at 5k may be steep considering the quality of drops. But seriously... what else are you going to do with faction? Buy more tokens? I'd rather waste it on either selling keys to people or popping it just to feel like a pirate.
I recommend not viewing this as a way for anet to 'screw us players' over. I do not believe they would ever purposefully do such an act. They tried to give option for that wasted faction and it being a positive aspect, instead it met resistance because we did not receive crystalines with our first key or mini ghostly heros.
Don't lose sight of the chest purpose.... it is a faction dump more or less. A small chance of getting something decent for free. If nothing else, maybe pop off some mods and get a couple freebie things towards titles.
It is a good feature. Many are overanalyzing this whole thing, breaking the economy, rare drops that anyone can get, high end is no longer high end, etc.
Complaints of "I have too many tournament tokens, I want it exchanged!" are a bit ridiculous. You purchased them (as I did) because of all the wasted faction. It was something to dump into "just because".
Now, there is a new system for 'dumping' faction instead of it going to waste or buying more tokens. It is a good thing... at least the crap can be sold for a few coins, consumed, or merched for the most part. A tiny bit of gold for faction that otherwise would have gone to waste.
The price of the keys at 5k may be steep considering the quality of drops. But seriously... what else are you going to do with faction? Buy more tokens? I'd rather waste it on either selling keys to people or popping it just to feel like a pirate.
I recommend not viewing this as a way for anet to 'screw us players' over. I do not believe they would ever purposefully do such an act. They tried to give option for that wasted faction and it being a positive aspect, instead it met resistance because we did not receive crystalines with our first key or mini ghostly heros.
Don't lose sight of the chest purpose.... it is a faction dump more or less. A small chance of getting something decent for free. If nothing else, maybe pop off some mods and get a couple freebie things towards titles.
i bought a key with 5 leftover tourney reward points, my prize =
Req 9 eternal blade
j/k it was a creme brulee
Req 9 eternal blade
j/k it was a creme brulee
Originally Posted by N E D M
i bought a key with 5 leftover tourney reward points, my prize =
Req 9 eternal blade j/k it was a creme brulee |
Sounds like the Sweet Tooth title just got a lot easier, though!
Does anyone know if the chest counts toward the treasure hunter title?
As pve'er you can also get your balthazar point/tournament points by competing in the xunlia tournament house.
As pve'er you can also get your balthazar point/tournament points by competing in the xunlia tournament house.
Kat Strongbear
It does not count to treasure hunter title.
Just opened two five minutes ago & got 1 crème brûlée + 1 crap bottle of whiskey......
I am so happy
I am so happy

T. Drake
I wonder if opening Zaishen Chests counts towards the Treasure Hunter title.
and ... this new Balthazar Faction sink is the epic addition for PvP?
Ok better than nothing, I won't complain.
and ... this new Balthazar Faction sink is the epic addition for PvP?
Ok better than nothing, I won't complain.
What exactly does it mean by rare weapons? I assume it just means gold weapons but it could be just HoH skins I guess. Any clarification?
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Have you tried the chest? Did you get your 300k weapon yet?
I'd like to see the chest give something like free invitations for guild members/ free merchants in GH, whatever which has no impact on the economy.
Originally Posted by Turbobusa
No just 100k+10e sorry. runic blade you know.
I'd like to see the chest give something like free invitations for guild members/ free merchants in GH, whatever which has no impact on the economy. |
Anyway, you still have to play the game to get more Faction, to get more keys...
if that's what you want to do. Or, you could just play for "fun" (I know, what a crazy concept).
Oh no, eternal blades might sell for 200k rather than 400k! Game ruined!
I got a req 9 spikey hammer which was pretty cool. Though I doubt this chest will drop all of the rares the other chests can drop.... Or it will atleast have a lower drop rate then the HoH chest.
Master Knightfall
People are paying exhorbatant amounts of plat for these KEYS I'm making a fortune again selling keys. lol 3-5k per key Yabadabadooooo. Ectoes are gonna drop in price like mad now. Those 100k weapons are a dime a dozen now. Only the rare greens will still hold any value. It's all over for high price gouging in GWs.
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Who complains about getting a 100k + 10 e weapon?!?
And its not like its rare, if you look at the "post what you got from zaishen chest " thread you'll see that what were rare weapons are dropping frequently, reducing their value.
I'm just happy that my 60k faction cap can finally get some more use.
BTW anyone who feels they haven't earned their drops from this chest can message me in game. I would be happy to take any item off you that I need. I'm mostly looking for a free Stygian Reaver since I pretty much have everything else (at least that I want).
BTW anyone who feels they haven't earned their drops from this chest can message me in game. I would be happy to take any item off you that I need. I'm mostly looking for a free Stygian Reaver since I pretty much have everything else (at least that I want).
pumpkin pie
If only one can sell creme brulee for 100k + xxectos..
This chest only makes the tyrian skins worth so much more.
Originally Posted by Turbobusa
I do, I like when i get this kind of item by not just pvping 30 minutes, but more economizing or having a lucky drop in a dungeon chest (HM).
And its not like its rare, if you look at the "post what you got from zaishen chest " thread you'll see that what were rare weapons are dropping frequently, reducing their value. |

Anet can't please everyone, but the Chest along with the Level 10 buff to GWEN is a great sign that Anet is still catering to the casual player.
(for some, that will be negative, to me, it's a HUGE positive).