This will probably have a better shot at being introduced in GW2, but for all of you that have played Hellgate london, you should perfectly understand what I'm about to say. In Hellgate London, theres a large variety of ways to change the appearance of your armor drastically from others who can have the exact same set. In Hellgate London, when introducing a new piece of equipment to your armor, if it has a different look (style/color scheme/texture) the rest of your armor will change to match it. Let me give a brief example...
In these screenshots, the only change I have done is equipping myself with different boots. dramatically changing the appearance of my entire armor set. (I could post more examples for those interested on the possibilities)
I strongly suggest that GW adopts this system for GW2. Not only will it further differentiate and represent an individual's style, it will also make armor combo mixing much more rewarding. No longer will you have to avoid leather textured armor because it doesn't match the metal chest piece you have, When instead you could have the leather gauntlets be retextured as metal.
Oh, and to clear up any concerns with how/when the retexturing takes place. Your armor set adopts the "skin" of the latest piece of armor you equip.
A new Dye System