Guild Clock
mazey vorstagg
Just to help with planning Guild Events I think it would be really useful if we could have a leader set Guild Clock on the guild tab. That way we could all have a common time to work with if the guild is spread across the globe.
What do you think?
What do you think?
A guild WARS clock would also be nice, so everybody has a common time in game. I guess that would be pacific time (gmt -8?) if I remember correctly, but having it displayed would be very helpful.
Woop Shotty
That's a fun idea.
I like this because it would help with a lot of things. Perhaps there would even be less people spamming questions about when such and such event is happening...
Yes, something like a countdown timer that the guild leader of officers can set for events would be awesome. I get tired of missing stuff.
Chronos the Defiler
it would work for holiday events too...people would know when events start, end and when specific things will take place.
Yes, a universal in-game clock would be useful since it would mean that everyone is at least operating on the same timezone. I wouldn't limit it to just guilds, but have the same clock visible to everyone.
Though as for which one to chose, I'd recommend choosing a timezone that doesn't have daylight savings because if the chosen one does have DST then there will be confusion whenever DST turns on and off.
And before anyone suggests a website to convert the time conversions for me, I can do the conversions in my head. So loading up a website is just a waste of my time, except when its near the DST on/off date. And I barely pay enough attention to catch those for my local timezone, let alone someone elses.
GMT/UTC is pretty much the standard one chosen, but and timezone without DST will do. Though I don't know of any others.
Though as for which one to chose, I'd recommend choosing a timezone that doesn't have daylight savings because if the chosen one does have DST then there will be confusion whenever DST turns on and off.
And before anyone suggests a website to convert the time conversions for me, I can do the conversions in my head. So loading up a website is just a waste of my time, except when its near the DST on/off date. And I barely pay enough attention to catch those for my local timezone, let alone someone elses.
GMT/UTC is pretty much the standard one chosen, but and timezone without DST will do. Though I don't know of any others.
I'm all for it, then I won't have to play in windowed mode lol. if they can have a nag spam telling you how many hours you played, a simple clock shouldn't be to hard to accomplish.
not just guild, but 'world'
not just guild, but 'world'
Sheena Inverse
We see alot of ideas brought up on forums every day, this one isnt just good, but actually would be easy to implement. I agree with the idea, a guildwars world clock would be great. We do that already in the real world, GMT time, or zulu time as the military refers to it, why not in gw? great idea OP
Phoenix Tears
ya, signed ..
would be cool to have an ingame time
would be cool to have an ingame time
Guild Wars clock, effective and simple.
Sooo useful, and I've wanted something like it for sooo long.
Sooo useful, and I've wanted something like it for sooo long.

Yeah i would be very helpful as time does fly when you are having fun and before you know it you have missed the tv show you wanted to watch.
A guild countdown timer would be good. But the main thing is a ingame clock!
A guild countdown timer would be good. But the main thing is a ingame clock!
Abe Grey
This is an absolutly great idea. It would help out in a big way.
i like the OP's idea too /signed
I mentioned this along time ago. Forget what forums. This would not only be very useful for knowing when ingame events are going to begin but would also help with it comes to online auctions and what not.
Add a /time command or something so you can see it in chat
also add an optional display in the hud.
Add a /time command or something so you can see it in chat
also add an optional display in the hud.
A little display clock that can be toggled on and off would be very useful, and wouldn't impose upon those that would rather not use it. Timezone really wouldn't matter, so long as it was consistent, maybe remove DST completely from it.
Ollson Gabire
A clock with a universal would be very useful, and would certainly remove some confusion - we would know when events started, and could organise our own easier.
nothing better for ingame time management than ingame time. great idea 

Oso Minar
This was one of the most simple, yet most effective, tools in keeping things organized when I played EVE. One clock that everyone can see.
Most certainly signed.
Most certainly signed.
Noel Hope
A Guild Wars "world clock" would be very helpful.
A Guild Wars "world clock" would be very helpful.
Just add one like in WoW.
Local Server Time displayed at the left upper corner of the mini-map (radar).
Local Server Time displayed at the left upper corner of the mini-map (radar).
Time zones are a mess
and anything helping a guild being spread among them would be higly appreciated.

A Guild Wars "world clock" would be very helpful for us all.
A Guild Wars "world clock" would be very helpful for us all.
Could all posters please take note of the Sardelac Sanitarium sticky which asks users to not simply post "/signed". Any attempt to by-pass the 12 character limit will lead to post deletion.
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Could all posters please take note of the Sardelac Sanitarium sticky which asks users to not simply post "/signed". Any attempt to by-pass the 12 character limit will lead to post deletion.
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Uhmm. Uhmm ok! Banstick right? Ok guys, how's the weather? Oh nice, it's blue? Really? How's the sun? Oh it's red? Cool!. Can I sign now?
/sign ^__^"
/sign ^__^"
My guild doesnt do events. So i have no need. BUT YET CLOCK PLEASE
My guild doesnt do events. So i have no need. BUT YET CLOCK PLEASE

/signed oh yea
Shadow Spirit
It would be very useful so... /signed