Were is thou AGP slot?
Eskimo Bob
I recently opened up my computer and looked if there was a AGP slot. But under those layers upon layers of dust I could not tell what is what (seriously I need to clean this thing out). Could someone tell me what the AGP slot looks like (what any slot looks like at that case) and where it is normaly located. I need a heavily detailed location, maybe a picture, a map, someone to hold my hand... It is like a blind man looking for a tulip in a rose garden.
My computer is a compaq persario if that will help any, about 2-3 years old.
My computer is a compaq persario if that will help any, about 2-3 years old.
Omg boy, use google...
Its probally the brown slot next to your PCI slots (the white one)
Its probally the brown slot next to your PCI slots (the white one)
Eskimo Bob
Oh crap... Mine only has 3 white ones.

That's bad. But I thought it's the case. Many big companies like Dell, Compaq, HP, IBM etc. use motherboards with an onboard graphics card (without an AGP slot), because it's cheaper.
You've got one of those beasts. I suggest you sell it and buy a better computer.
You've got one of those beasts. I suggest you sell it and buy a better computer.
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by Vorkronor
I suggest you sell it and buy a better computer.
If he has VGA onboard he probally also has sound en lan onboard...
What are specifications of your processor, hard drive and ram module?
What are specifications of your processor, hard drive and ram module?
If he doesn't know what an AGP slot looks like, I imagine properly migrating to a new motherboard would be a new experience for him. It's not that hard though! He's faced an important decision though: should he retain his current 3 year old processor (1ghz?) and get an AGP motherboard, or pick up a new processor & a PCI-E motherboard?
The reason for either purchase would be to get a better video card, and if you're planning on getting one you should really be planning for PCI-E.
The reason for either purchase would be to get a better video card, and if you're planning on getting one you should really be planning for PCI-E.
Principa Discordia
PCI-E won't come to into fruition for at least another year. I plan on using AGP until it's obsolete.

What do you mean by fruition? There are already a lot of motherboards for PCI-E under both Intel and AMD platforms. AGP is a dying breed, and I wouldn't make a purchase decision in that direction if I could help it.
Dumahim Ashenbane
Why limit your future upgrades by sticking with a technology on the way out? I mean, I can understand if someone doesn't want to upgrade their MB just to get PCI-E, but if you're going to buy a new one, why not get it? You know it's the future and will soon be the standard.
Principa Discordia
Yes, and by "fruition" I mean when it does become the standard. Like I said, when AGP is obsolete I'll upgrade to PCI-E, but at least for another year there's not really much point.
Originally Posted by Principa Discordia
Ideally couldn't he simply buy a cheap AGP motherboard and keep his existing processor, memory, hard disks, network cards, and optical drives?
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by Phantium
No, it's a compaq motherboard. So that won't work.

*Shrugs* Its probley the best way to go, sit around, wait for the PCIe systems to peak up a bit and hang around on AGP. Might as well buy a motherboard that isn't defective or could have problems.
And Compaq is thee worst possible pre-built computer in the entire world. If you want to send the system to me after you buy a new one, I'll do you a favor and send back pictures of what a computer looks like after I'm done destorying it.
And Compaq is thee worst possible pre-built computer in the entire world. If you want to send the system to me after you buy a new one, I'll do you a favor and send back pictures of what a computer looks like after I'm done destorying it.
Don't worry about getting a motherboard with AGP, by the time AGP is out to pasture, you'll have a new motherboard. It's a moot issue at this point.
Using a GEForce 6800 on a PCI-E right now. I love it.

Serafita Kayin
6600GT on PCI-E. Never going back.
Eskimo Bob
Well this is the family computer so I am not going to bother upgrading it to far, if any at all. I would rather get a computer of my own. I have a computer selected out already for $1450 Canadian, and no it is not a pre-built brand computer. I tried so hard to convince my mom not to get this computer but she said "no its cheap". But we have had nothing but problems with compaq. The first computer we got would not let us install tons of programs, so we had that one returned and got this one. Now with this one whenever I open up one of my previously-installed games it exists out once the screen goes black. Also, It won't let me un-install any games! It says a file is missing but does not say what file it is! I HATE YOU COMPAQ.
Ahhh, thats better. My computer almost ended up on the wrong end of a test of cuirosisty. The new computer I have picked out does have a PCI-E mother board, I wouldn't bother getting one without it.
Well I guesse I won't be able to play guild wars for a long time now (until I get my computer). Unless it will run on this beater. It has a intergrated intel blah-blah-blah card.
Ahhh, thats better. My computer almost ended up on the wrong end of a test of cuirosisty. The new computer I have picked out does have a PCI-E mother board, I wouldn't bother getting one without it.
Well I guesse I won't be able to play guild wars for a long time now (until I get my computer). Unless it will run on this beater. It has a intergrated intel blah-blah-blah card.
Originally Posted by Eskimo Bob
Well I guesse I won't be able to play guild wars for a long time now (until I get my computer). Unless it will run on this beater. It has a intergrated intel blah-blah-blah card.

Ack, your mom just bought a Compaq? That horrorifes me more then the endless horror movies I've seen.
Key words to say to parents when they look at a Compaq:
- It can't be upgraded.
- The parts aren't very stable.
- Some programs might not work on it.
- The online help is horrible.
Where did you get this information? From friends who work with computers daily.
If they still are bent on buying it, add a final word of "They attract more viri then the plauge in England." No one likes viri.
Key words to say to parents when they look at a Compaq:
- It can't be upgraded.
- The parts aren't very stable.
- Some programs might not work on it.
- The online help is horrible.
Where did you get this information? From friends who work with computers daily.
If they still are bent on buying it, add a final word of "They attract more viri then the plauge in England." No one likes viri.
Eskimo Bob
Well you see, we know noone that is good at computers. Curse you evil people at best buy for coning us into this crappy computer! By the way, this was our first computer to buy, and people normaly make mistakes on a first try.
Hey Bob. I have a cheaper solution for you. Go buy an ATI Radeon 9250 PCI card. They come in the 256mb variety, and will run GW with decent settings. They should cost you around 60 US dollars on a site like newegg.com.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
Eskimo Bob
Ya, I have been looking at PCI cards now that I know I don't have a AGP slot. The few I am looking at are:
I am not about to pay $60+ for a PCI video card.
Which one of those 3 should I get?
I am not about to pay $60+ for a PCI video card.
Which one of those 3 should I get?
Bob. Yes, those are your choices. The MX4000 is not very good. Don't choose that one. The other two are ati 9250 128mb radeons. However, both cost 50-55 US dollars. Why not spend 10 extra dollars (60-65) and get twice the power with one of the 256mb cards. If you don't spend the little extra, I'm afraid you will be dissapointed at having to run GW at the lowest resolution and lowest settings. The extra 10 dollars is very worth it.
Edit: If you are looking for the very very cheapest possibility, I actually have a near brand new MX4000 128mb vid card just like the one you linked to. There is nothing wrong with it, I simply found it to be underpowered. However, if the lowest cost solution is what you are looking for, I'll sell it to you for $25 US, and ship it to you free. (Half of what you would pay for a new one) PM me if you are interested.
Edit: If you are looking for the very very cheapest possibility, I actually have a near brand new MX4000 128mb vid card just like the one you linked to. There is nothing wrong with it, I simply found it to be underpowered. However, if the lowest cost solution is what you are looking for, I'll sell it to you for $25 US, and ship it to you free. (Half of what you would pay for a new one) PM me if you are interested.
Originally Posted by paulniswander
... Why not spend 10 extra dollars (60-65) and get twice the power with one of the 256mb cards. If you don't spend the little extra, I'm afraid you will be dissapointed at having to run GW at the lowest resolution and lowest settings. The extra 10 dollars is very worth it.
More memory is necessary in higher resolutions (for example 1200x1024, 1600x1200) and with activated anti-aliasing (AA). And low end cards (the 92XX Radeons and 6200 nVidias) don't have the power to support high resolutions nor AA!
Don't be sheep. Read reviews. I personally prefer hardocp.com, anandtech.com and techreport.com for gamer's hardware reviews.
Originally Posted by Vorkronor
The extra memory on such a slow card does not in any way contribute to any dramatic performance improvement! In select cases, there can be some increase (but do not expect more than 10%), but CERTAINLY not by a factor of 2!
OMG! I had no idea that the performance improvement would be so little. I continued to look at other cards, and the performance drop off was not so severe. However, thank you for pointing this out.
Wow, that really makes the point. Does anyone have a link to a side-to-side comparison using higher-end cards?
Svenn, look no further than this -> http://www.hardocp.com/reviews.html?cat=Mw==
But be aware, that they do the reviews a little bit differently (they usually test maximum playable settings, than just 1024x768 versus 1024x768), but they do excellent job!
But be aware, that they do the reviews a little bit differently (they usually test maximum playable settings, than just 1024x768 versus 1024x768), but they do excellent job!