The other day I loaded up a template for AB, pinged it and had the party approve of it. It was then that I noticed that the template had a lot of unspent attribute points, enough for +1 to all the used attributes. Luckily I caught it before we entered the match, but it would of been embarrassing had I not. I also wonder how many other people have been caught out by this.
So what I'm thinking is that whenever you look at a template, there should be another box alongside the skills and attributes. This box will show the number of unspent attribute points, assuming that the character with the build is a level 20 with all 200 attribute points.
Show unused attribute points in skill templates
if you loaded a template and it had a lot of unused attribute points, that is what you saved it as. (with unused att) my suggestion, use points and re-save to template. (and runes may come into play as well)
Sheena Inverse
yes, as stated above simply resave the template properly, however it dosnt take into account the runes you have equiped on your armor, ie. my sf build simply says 12 fire, 12 energy storage, dosnt say 12+4, or 16 total when ever i show it in chat.
Having a small window that is a mirrow image of your att. points window in the template wouldnt be a bad idea though. That way it could show and take account for what runes you were using at the time as well.
Having a small window that is a mirrow image of your att. points window in the template wouldnt be a bad idea though. That way it could show and take account for what runes you were using at the time as well.
Lady Raenef
Even if you went into battle, you could spend the attribute points, you just can't take them off.
Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
Even if you went into battle, you could spend the attribute points, you just can't take them off.
Originally Posted by flubber
if you loaded a template and it had a lot of unused attribute points, that is what you saved it as. (with unused att) my suggestion, use points and re-save to template. (and runes may come into play as well)
I think it was also one of those builds that looked interesting when someone else pinged it, so I saved it, which means that when they pinged it they were also running it on low attributes.
Showing the unused attribute points would of meant that someone would of noticed it sooner, probably when I first saw the build and saved it.
well it's not like you can't see your attribute points when you load (before & after) the template.(unless you have the menu collapsed) the attributes are right below the little disk icon.
why have a window showing the same thing twice, when you can clearly see the points and adj them accordingly?
why have a window showing the same thing twice, when you can clearly see the points and adj them accordingly?
why have a window showing the same thing twice, when you can clearly see the points and adj them accordingly? |