The GW Database



Community Works Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2007


Centre of the Aerodrome


For the past couple of weeks I have been slowly working on an access database which can be used to keep track of your accounts, toons, armor, and heros and their armor. The database itself is not very complex, but filling out the forms and using them may not be obvious at first. Feel free to look over the database, make changes to it, and see what you like and not like about it. I would love to hear some comments good/bad and ways to improve it. There are many tools on the 'market' that do something very much like this system so I dont expect many people to switch from what they currently use or anyone to switch at all. This is a tool for you to play with and see if it will help you in anyway.

here is a link to download. I did not inlcude the images so you may receive some errors.

Some general directions:

To add a New/manage Account:

1. When the database opens select the New or manage Button
2. Reload Database and the data will be refreshed

To add a New/Manage a Toon:

1. Load the account
2. Click the New/Manage button once you select a toon if managing
3. enter the data and click the save and close button
4. Click the force refresh button

To add a Hero to a Toon:

1. Select the Toon from the menu on the left
2. Click on the Hero tab
3. Click the add new button
4. select the hero from the window that opens and click save and close
5. Reclick on the toon to force a refresh of the data. The hero should show up

To Change Hero Armor:

1. Select Toon
2. Select hero from Hero tab
3. Click the Manage button
4. Select the armor from the window that opens
5. click save and close
6. Information should update

Changing Toon Armor:

1. Select Toon
2. Select Wardrobe to manage, click manage.
3. In the new window select the part of armor to change.
4. Select the new rune/armro/insignias
5. close the window, and reselect the wardrobe to reload data.


- If you do not place an insignia and Rune on an armor type for your toon when you make the armor an error will be created preventing you from making any changes to that armor types mods in the future. To prevent this when you are making a new armor type place both the rune and insignia on it even if they 'dont exisit yet' in game.

File History:
- Added Account and Toon management
- fixed some bugs

- Updated database to correct for hero armor not working.
- compacted and placed in a rar file.

Shadow Kurd

Shadow Kurd

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006


Scouts of Tyria


Upload to somewhere else than Rapidshare please. I don't want to pay and am always at the download limit for free people.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2007

Either I don't get how to use it or something's wrong, cause I can't seem to add heroes, and everything between "Vanquish" and "Green Weapons" is a blanc gray, and I dont get how to use the wardrobe function, and you've got a spelling mistake in the heroes section where the armor is: "The selected hero is currently waring..." should be "The selected hero is currently wearing..."



Community Works Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2007


Centre of the Aerodrome


Originally Posted by Proff
Either I don't get how to use it or something's wrong, cause I can't seem to add heroes, and everything between "Vanquish" and "Green Weapons" is a blanc gray, and I dont get how to use the wardrobe function, and you've got a spelling mistake in the heroes section where the armor is: "The selected hero is currently waring..." should be "The selected hero is currently wearing..."
It is definitly not done, and there will be some errors in spelling. Explaining how to use it will be tricky as there are some bugs that keep creekping in on the wardrobe function.



Community Works Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2007


Centre of the Aerodrome


placed some directions in the first post. Deleting the contents of this post.



Community Works Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2007


Centre of the Aerodrome


Updated first post with a new link and updates


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


Here's a big question. How do we add our own toons to the list and remove the premade ones?



Community Works Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2007


Centre of the Aerodrome


it the latest link in the first post you should have the ability to add a new account and new toons. Plus the ability to hide old accounts.



Community Works Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2007


Centre of the Aerodrome


When adding armor for your toon add both the insignia, armor type, and rune otherwise you will get an error and not be able to update them latter. I'll put that on the list of bugs.