This thread in the community works gave us a way of earning drunkard minutes quicker than the spending 6+ days/ weeks to afk and get the minutes.
That is even linked from the official wiki on how to earn them faster. But for some reason now it doesn't work any more. So can we get an official word if changed the way it worked?
A lot of people have been trying the same "windows of time". But they no longer get the results that others have had in the past. So did they close the windows inorder to make us wait longer for our minutes?
Gaile, undocumented nerf of drunkard minutes?
You were exploiting a bug if you used the window of time method. Did you really spend 3 minutes to get 3 minutes or 10 seconds? That's not a nerf. It's a fix.
Either way then the information on official wiki is wrong. If they fixed it they should stop saying that we should go to that thread to figure out how to earn it faster. So that's pretty much all I am asking is for them to update it.
You know, the whole idea behind a wiki is that if you find something on it that is inaccurate, then YOU can go change it yourself. Just FYI.
Anet doesn't actually administer any of the content, it's only the "official" wiki because they host it.
Anet doesn't actually administer any of the content, it's only the "official" wiki because they host it.