Boss Mode
I was just thinking, wouldn't it be interesting if there was a mode where all the mobs become bosses with bonus damage and all that? Sort of like Hard Mode+. Maybe the normal boss mobs could become Uberbosses or something like that.
The Meth
I think all it would end up doing is forcing you to use overpowered pve skills and/or degenerate into a boring 'tank and nuke' mode. We need enemies who are smarter and with better team builds, not enemies that have insane damage buffs, otherwise we are going to end up with this:
Hell mode: All enemies do infinite damage and attack 50 times per second. You die instantly unless you have 100% immunity through blocking or protective spirit + Shield of Absorption. Spiteful Spirit and Empathy will kill mobs instantly.
Hell mode: All enemies do infinite damage and attack 50 times per second. You die instantly unless you have 100% immunity through blocking or protective spirit + Shield of Absorption. Spiteful Spirit and Empathy will kill mobs instantly.
what Meth said.
/ not signed
Hard mode is enough already imo
Hard mode is enough already imo
I don't like double damage "zomg, you dead, haha" ele bosses already, why would I want an entire mob of them?
I don't like double damage "zomg, you dead, haha" ele bosses already, why would I want an entire mob of them?