As you can see, I am fairly new to GW Guru, but i have been reading the forums for quite a long time now.
Maybe you have guessed what this topic is about. If not, here's a short introduction:
For some weeks now, I have been thinking; It's a bit ugly to be wearing combat armor all the times. When you're on holiday parties, having fun with friends,... So i thought it would be cool to have other clothes. Clothes they wore in the medieval times.
Ok so let's get down to business.
My idea is for all professions to be able to access all the clothes availible. The clothes should also be dyable. To obtain these clothes, you would have to talk for example to Katya [dressmaker] in Lion's Arch and a window will pop up, as if you would talk to weaponsmith, armor maker etc.
So as i way saying, there will be sets of clothes (like there's druid armor, tyrian, fur-lined, and so on). You will have gloves, torso, leggings and shoes/boots. This will basically work like armor, but different skin. And there will be no armor level, but if there will be, it should probably be minimum.
Luckily, I have found some pictures on deviantart ( so it will be easier for you to imagine what i mean.
WARNING - big images
(don't mind the blood)
I have only found 1 male picture but i hope this gives you a better idea of what i mean. You might think this is a stupid and pointless idea. Well actually it is stupid and pointless but when you're on events (like christmas, halloween,..) it's a bit wierd to be in armor, isn't it? Ok so you probably won't like it but i do.
Thanks for reading

EDIT: I have seen many of you saying that all armors should be open to all players (for example if you are a ranger, you should be able to get mesmer or elementalist armor). I have been thinking about that too but for some reason i thought it would be a bit..wierd. But since i see people would want that, then i could suggest this too

But when getting the other armor, the attributes (for example the headgear (+1 in one of attributes)) should be for the profession you currently are.
I read every single reply btw