- After completing the tutorial area for their respective campaign, new characters get their level raised to max (20), receive one maxed set of gold weapons (with mods chosen by player) and 100 platinum in cash.
- New characters have all skills for their profession unlocked.
- Price of skills have been lowered to 100g.
- All map traveling locations (City's, Missions and Outposts) are now unlocked for new characters. Existing characters will have the missing locations unlocked.
- "L33roy the l33t [Accomplishments]" NPC has been added to all the city's, missions locations and Outposts. In city's and outposts for a fee of 50g you can ask him to completed any quest in the area. In a Mission Outpost you can ask him to complete the mission for a fee of 100g or 200g for completing mission and bonus objectives.
- You now get 10x more cash from quest and mission rewards.
- Cash drop rate from foes has been increased. Foes drop 10x more the amount of cash they used to.
- "S4nt4 Cl4us [R3w4rds]" NPC have been added to all major City's. After completing a campaign the player can talk to this NPC to buy any weapon skin from that campaign for 100g.
- "I4m th3 M3n [Titl3s]" NPC has been added to all major City's. Player can talk to this NPC to acquire any title for a fee. The fee is related with the complexity of the title but doesn't exceed 100 platinum.
- The title "Champi0n of l33ts" have been introduced. Players obtain this title by completing all campaigns in less than 15 minutes. This title can't be bough from "I4m th3 M3n [Titl3s]" NPC. There will not be any way for existing characters to obtain this title, except characters that have meet the title requirements.
- Increased the level of Henchmen and Heroes to 24 in Normal Mode and 30 in Hard Mode.
PvP Balance changes
All PvP/PvE characters are now limited to only two skills when in a PvP outpost except, assassins and paragons that have their skills limited to one. Next is presented the list of allowed skills for each profession:
- Frenzy
- Resurrection Signet
- Zojun's Haste
- Resurrection Signet
- Heal Party
- Resurrection Chant
- Signet of Sorrow
- Resurrection Signet
- Symbolic Celerity
- Resurrection Signet
- Earthquake
- Resurrection Signet
- Weapon of Renewal
- Death Pact Signet
- Mystic Regeneration
- Resurrection Signet
- Resurrection Signet
- Signet of Return
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that allowed foes to cause damage to players. Removed all skills and weapons from foes and lower their health by 50%.
The above humoristic text shouldn't be taken seriously and doesn't reflect the view of the actor about ANet and GuildWars comunity ... well, maybe a bit.