Could this be usable to screw up bots?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Among dead bodies.

The Republic of Sky Pirates


As I don't understand the minute details of bots, (i know they are mostly keyloggers etc) I cannot say whether this is a good idea or just trash. However here goes:

From what i've seen bots merely register keypresses and the redo them over and over and over. Still, could this be driven nuts by having the character spawn every time facing in a random direction?
If characters at point A of a town always spawn facing north, it's easy for the botter to navigate out and bot-farm till dawn. However if characters spawn facing a random direction this becomes a hell of a more difficult task. To legit players this is hardly a problem, as they have eyes with which to know where their beloved *cough* characters are going.

This could also be implemented in explorable areas to further lower the chance of botters of doing away with it, but then it may become a bit too annoying for legit players.

Just an idea that crossed my mind but let me know what you think.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


No wouldn't work, when you hit tab and then space, you move towards the nearest foe.
In good as every MMO doing tab + attack will have you facing a direction in witch foes are, so the bot know that is the direction to go in.

billy brute

billy brute

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006


If you ever watched bots at elona reach, they used the flag posts to navigate to the merchant, pressing the default of ";" then space, takes them right next to the merchant, then v and space to talk. They allways have someway of getting in the right direction.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


ja that would not work at all but what would work to destroy bots but would annoy players a wee bit is make all enemy spawns in compleatly random locations. players would be cause they cant find the boss they want but bots would be destroyed.

so really in the end the only way to stop bots is to piss lots of people off so i just say ignore the dumb bots they keep getting banned and buying new copies of GW so anet kinda likes em lol

Master Sword Keeper

Master Sword Keeper

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

Dead Isle

Farmers Of Woe [FoW]


easy to fix 55 bots.

Nerf one skill.

[skill]Protective Spirit[/skill]

nerf it in such a way there wont be any bots and then our loot % might up a fraction.