Moss Spider + LvL20 Pre-Searing = Pet? >>
Neon Ciaren
If I recall correctly the moss spiders in presearing had that faded green color meaning a capable pet, like other pets. Though when you attempt to tame it, it does not work. I always wanted a moss spider for a pet and then thought about this idea.
What if we made it tameble once your LvL20, I.E. "Defender of Ascalon Title"? It would be unique to those players that have it, and has the benefits of a Black Widow Spider, and wouldn't nerf or hurt the game play; what do you all think?
You know you wanna. ;_;
What if we made it tameble once your LvL20, I.E. "Defender of Ascalon Title"? It would be unique to those players that have it, and has the benefits of a Black Widow Spider, and wouldn't nerf or hurt the game play; what do you all think?
You know you wanna. ;_;
Mr. G
and has the benefits of a Black Widow Spider |
Originally Posted by Mr. G
what benefits?
I knew there was a reason I started two mesmers for LDoA.
I knew there was a reason I started two mesmers for LDoA.
Limu Tolkki
I cant see the point in ldoa anyway. Get yourself killed many many times to be "legendary defender". Also i dont like the idea, that this is not available to old characters.
I cant see the point in ldoa anyway. Get yourself killed many many times to be "legendary defender". Also i dont like the idea, that this is not available to old characters.
Woop Shotty
Originally Posted by Limu Tolkki
i dont like the idea, that this is not available to old characters.
I want a moss spider much more than I want a black widow.
It's irrelevant because I'm not going for LDoA, but /signed for the rangers who're actually going through with it. :P

You're so Legendary, that you used the arcane magics of Resurrection to make the Charr more powerful, and you killed them despite the additional power. Yeah, the title makes sense to me.
as far as i can see, this thread is about making the moss spiders in presear tamable after you reach lvl 20 in presear and not a cheese and whine thread about the alleged lameness of the LDoA title.
back on topic, perfect idea! /signed
i remember way back when, when i first made a toon in presear and wanting to cap a moss spider... ;_;
back on topic, perfect idea! /signed
i remember way back when, when i first made a toon in presear and wanting to cap a moss spider... ;_;
How about we change the title to Legendary Terrorists of Ascalon, or just change it to Member of Hamas? I like the idea btw, but the moss spider looks too much like the widow, and widow looks better IMO.
I think something unique, much like the rainbow pheonix, would be a better option.
I think something unique, much like the rainbow pheonix, would be a better option.
Could all posters please take note of the Sardelac Sanitarium sticky which asks users to not simply post "/signed". Any attempt to by-pass the 12 character limit will lead to post deletion.
Repeat offenders will be noted.
Could all posters please take note of the Sardelac Sanitarium sticky which asks users to not simply post "/signed". Any attempt to by-pass the 12 character limit will lead to post deletion.
Repeat offenders will be noted.
I like this idea.
LDOA is a hard to get title. It's not hard in difficulty but in boredom. it would be nice to allow people to have something to show for their trouble.
I think other tittle's could have similar rewards. And it won't hurt the game in anyway.
I cannot imagine anyone going for the tittle just to get the pet, so it would really reward the poeple who did it just to get the title.
I like this idea.
LDOA is a hard to get title. It's not hard in difficulty but in boredom. it would be nice to allow people to have something to show for their trouble.
I think other tittle's could have similar rewards. And it won't hurt the game in anyway.
I cannot imagine anyone going for the tittle just to get the pet, so it would really reward the poeple who did it just to get the title.
~ Dan ~
Pre-searing sucks. Post-searing sucks. LDOA takes a whole lot of proph boredom to get.
But, i guess some people care about a spider.
/signed then
But, i guess some people care about a spider.
/signed then
Uhmm well no not Moss Spider, it's dump. I would say the RABBIT ONE HA Ha ha....!!!
if Rabbit then I will sign HA Ha ha....!!!
if Rabbit then I will sign HA Ha ha....!!!
Limu Tolkki
Originally Posted by Woop Shotty
what are you talking about? LDoA characters who've left pre-searing, or regular Tyrian characters? Either way you can get an UW spider and not complain. They won't allow characters to go from post to pre, so scratch that idea if you had it...
Woop Shotty
Ah, rabbit, now that one is a very excellent idea for LDoA reward! Sadly it'd leave out LDoA to post sear folks.
All pets in preSearing are tameable anywhere else...
Well, the striders are a but different(taller), but are later again as moas.
Thee is a quest in postSearing that require you to have a Melandru stalker, so you'll have to get rid of your pre-Searin pet if you want to make that quest.
But it seems that Moss Spiders are not animal, but 'allied' Ranger Spiders.
As I've already said here:
I think they should add a tameable Moss Spider somewhere in The Falls, so there would be a reason to go there other than farming. That way they could be able to make preSearing spiders also tameable, since they would be also in postSearing.
I think they should have random flocks of Striders in post-Searing, so people can capture those huge birds too.
Well, the striders are a but different(taller), but are later again as moas.
Thee is a quest in postSearing that require you to have a Melandru stalker, so you'll have to get rid of your pre-Searin pet if you want to make that quest.
But it seems that Moss Spiders are not animal, but 'allied' Ranger Spiders.
As I've already said here:
I think they should add a tameable Moss Spider somewhere in The Falls, so there would be a reason to go there other than farming. That way they could be able to make preSearing spiders also tameable, since they would be also in postSearing.
I think they should have random flocks of Striders in post-Searing, so people can capture those huge birds too.