Loviatar is right. In the long term, if Anet offers the BMP as a standalone product in the online store, then no one who fulfilled their last promotion will ever participate in future promotions, whether that be for GW (Since GW2 beta is still a year away, so the game won't be released for another year and a half at least, I think it's likely that something will be added to the game to keep people playing), or for GW2. I definitely wouldn't participate, because it's much more likely, in my case, that it would be cheaper as a standalone product later on. I paid $10 extra than I would have for EotN through the online store (I'm from Australia, which means I get charged in pounds. And before anyone pipes up and says that everyone in Britain paid that same price, think about it. Australia has a very different economy to Britain. You guys are used to paying more for a product than the rest of the world, because you generally get paid more. Our economy over here is a lot closer to that of America). I'd also have gotten a cool, physical box with my game had I known the BMP would be offered as standalone.
But really, the main reason I don't want to see this offered is for this reason:
Originally Posted by Agent of Balthazar
I didn't say everybody should get it, I said this solves the problem of people who want the mission pack and didn't get it the first time. This solution serves both the players, and Anet, as it adds another item to be purchased in their store, and pleases the people who want it.
If you don't have access to a credit card, then you don't get it. That's not my problem, but at least this solution gives people the opportunity to get it.
Why didn't you get it the first time, if you had a credit card? To me, that says "I couldn't be bothered fulfilling Anet's promotion, and now I want the content that was offered to be available in a way that suits me." That's just not really good enough, is it. Why should Anet waste resources, and risk losing their loyal customers, to cater for someone who obviously couldn't care less about anything but receiving the content.
I'd understand if you didn't have a credit card, and therefore could not fulfill the promotion requirements (although anyone can get their hands on a prepaid credit card). I think the best solution would be to add some other form of payment to the online store, and offer the promotion again. That way, those of us who participated last time are not getting let down, those that could not fulfill the promotion last time have another chance, and those that would not fulfill the promotion get just what they deserve.