Oldest Quest in your Quest Log?
Bryant Again
What's the oldest quest in your quest log that you still haven't done? Mine's "Recruits for Hollis" on my warrior. Yo' turn.
final assault on my 4 original characters.....and it will be there for sometime to come.
Villainy of Galrath.
mallyx the unyielding
Originally Posted by OI-812
Villainy of Galrath.
Polymock: Defeat [random gnome-man]
Stupid Shizno
Defend Denravi...2 some years old.
Villainy of Galrath!
Yeah a lot of my characters haven't got round to Galrath because it bores me to tears, but they always talk to Sergio and get click-happy, so they have it in their log anyway....
On my main character the oldest thing is collecting the giants tusks in the Desolation..... giants love their tusks.
On my main character the oldest thing is collecting the giants tusks in the Desolation..... giants love their tusks.
Caravan in Trouble - its been sitting there at "completed" for 2 1/2 years.
Song and Stone - it's been sitting in my log for the better part of a year already
'Reversing the Scales' it's been completed for a long, long time but i can never find the willpower to go and talk to captain greywind

Originally Posted by Kahlindra
Yeah a lot of my characters haven't got round to Galrath because it bores me to tears, but they always talk to Sergio and get click-happy, so they have it in their log anyway....
Defend Droknar's Forge. I've never finished the titan quests.
Sakura Az
Villany of Galrath is stuck on mine too.. i like doing that quest, its kinda funsomedays and then salvaging the reward weapon for the 10/10 furious mod for heros is kinda nice.
actualy.. i haven't done any quests except for skill ones and primary ones for the better part of a year. just never felt like it.
actualy.. i haven't done any quests except for skill ones and primary ones for the better part of a year. just never felt like it.
Originally Posted by OI-812
Villainy of Galrath.
I have you ALL beat.....
"A Belt Pouch" FTW :P
"A Belt Pouch" FTW :P
The King's Message, been there for about 30 months.
Defend North Kryta Province... worst one of the Titan quests of you ask me. Unfinished for about... 2 years?
Hmm, its either the map quest one for my first NF char, dont know why i never did it before, or its the Defend Turai's Procession one, too many centaurs.
The Last Day Dawns. The only Titan quest I never got round to. Every now and then I go and get it off Glint again, give it a half hearted try and give up....
Caged Fury
The Lost Princess and The Royal Papers. Got those well over a year ago when I stumbled into Fishermen's Haven while out and about exploring, never got round to doing those quests.
I assume you wish us to discount mules or characters I haven't bothered to play enough to expect to actually finish the quests? Otherwise I have a mule still in Fort Ranik and only have done the main missions/quests up to that point and she is two years old. Likewise, until Nightfall I split my time between so many characters there are pretty much none of them that I have just left because I didn't feel like doing them.
My most played character is a Dervish, and since I'm approaching the 30 month mark it obviously isn't my oldest character and therefore does not truly have the "oldest" quest status - however it is the only single character that I can reasonably expect to have a cleared quest log. The three quests that seem to hang around are "seek out Brother Tosai" (I always find reasons for the Am Fah to be friendly and don't wish to ruin it) and the two mapping quests in factions (they just take too much effort for no real reward - I have more experience than I know what to do with).
Tyrian quests would be the Titan stuff - they just aren't terribly fun for a H/H player. I can certainly see the appeal to human teams given the pace of them. However, with respect to the question they are post-end-game quests where the Faction ones I ignore are early to mid game ones.
There are no specific Nightfall one I still have, well other than some used for farming LB points. Though once I finally get around to maxing that title then I will finish the quest.
My most played character is a Dervish, and since I'm approaching the 30 month mark it obviously isn't my oldest character and therefore does not truly have the "oldest" quest status - however it is the only single character that I can reasonably expect to have a cleared quest log. The three quests that seem to hang around are "seek out Brother Tosai" (I always find reasons for the Am Fah to be friendly and don't wish to ruin it) and the two mapping quests in factions (they just take too much effort for no real reward - I have more experience than I know what to do with).
Tyrian quests would be the Titan stuff - they just aren't terribly fun for a H/H player. I can certainly see the appeal to human teams given the pace of them. However, with respect to the question they are post-end-game quests where the Faction ones I ignore are early to mid game ones.
There are no specific Nightfall one I still have, well other than some used for farming LB points. Though once I finally get around to maxing that title then I will finish the quest.
Family ties
(The one in old ascalon)

The quest were you have to find a bunch of markers or monuments around old ascalon.
^ That one. So yeah, I've never gotten nor seen the -50 grim cesta.
^ That one. So yeah, I've never gotten nor seen the -50 grim cesta.
I still haven't completed "To Sorrow's Furnace". It's in my quest log for about 2 years.
recently got defend denravi off the log (been there for 1yr and a half).
Mallyx is going to be in alot of peoples and its weird how galrath pops up. Its probably because it takes so long to get to the person, plus people will pick it up when from lions arch when the transfer to tyria. Has anyone noticed how when you complete quests and stuff this one will appear when you press L
I have "To Sorrows Furnace"
Last of the breed (a collecting quest)
Last patrol (keep it for the npcs they give you)
most of my other charcters have the luxon faction quest to do.
Mallyx is going to be in alot of peoples and its weird how galrath pops up. Its probably because it takes so long to get to the person, plus people will pick it up when from lions arch when the transfer to tyria. Has anyone noticed how when you complete quests and stuff this one will appear when you press L
I have "To Sorrows Furnace"
Last of the breed (a collecting quest)
Last patrol (keep it for the npcs they give you)
most of my other charcters have the luxon faction quest to do.
Villainy of Galrath on a few of my characters. Titan quests on others.
Final Assault... will always be there.
The misplaced Sword, a desert quest, and then final assault.
Endangered Species..
I just don't think I will ever get that one completed, as each time I have changed pets I have forgotten to do the quest before capturing and levelling the new pet.
It's been on my quest list for about 26 months now :-) and no.. I am never going to abandon it.
I did try capturing a stalker with one of my Heroes and taking it to Ranger Nente, but he did not acknowledge that I had the Stalker with me.
I just don't think I will ever get that one completed, as each time I have changed pets I have forgotten to do the quest before capturing and levelling the new pet.
It's been on my quest list for about 26 months now :-) and no.. I am never going to abandon it.
I did try capturing a stalker with one of my Heroes and taking it to Ranger Nente, but he did not acknowledge that I had the Stalker with me.
Originally Posted by Stupid Shizno
Defend Denravi...2 some years old.

Shadow Spirit
Last Day Dawns...2 years.
I guess now that we have heroes I should go back and do that one
I guess now that we have heroes I should go back and do that one

titan quests. just can't be bothered to get a human group and H/H is tough against swarms of titans. Denravi was the only one I tried much. Couldn't get past like the second swarm without the npc dying or my H/H wiping.
Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
What's the oldest quest in your quest log that you still haven't done? Mine's "Recruits for Hollis" on my warrior. Yo' turn.
Didn't even know I still had it till I started unfogging the map for Old Ascalon and saw the arrow above his head.
mazey vorstagg
I can't sleep without an empty quest log, lol.
I just managed to get Duncan and the Titan quests off my chest, so it's just those two desolation farming quests I've got atm, not old at all.
I just managed to get Duncan and the Titan quests off my chest, so it's just those two desolation farming quests I've got atm, not old at all.
Villainy of Galrath
Still sitting in my warriors questlog, despite the fact that I wallhugged that area twice for cartographer -.-
Still sitting in my warriors questlog, despite the fact that I wallhugged that area twice for cartographer -.-
Phaern Majes
Sorrow's Furnace here, I have it like half-way finished but couldn't be bothered getting the other 2.
Angelic Upstart
Counting the Fallen and Fires of the North are present on quite a few of my chars, and i have actually finished one Titan quest with only one of five of my current Tyrian chars that have completed prophecies.
mine is Hungry Devourer