4chan down
Zeek Aran
*cry* Now who will supply me with wallpapers?
Google has your daily fix.
Also, hopefully its down forever =P
Only thing that site produced of awesomeness
was Pedo Bear lol.
Also, hopefully its down forever =P
Only thing that site produced of awesomeness
was Pedo Bear lol.
Zeek Aran
Google is pathetic. Only 4chan can deliver hundreds of amazing wallpapers in hi-res in minutes. T_T
And nothing of value was lost.
Zeek Aran
No, not really; I'm just bored and lusting for some amazing pixels.
www.adultswim.com has some pretty nice ones, if you are into that
I like the black and red Metalocalypse one
I like the black and red Metalocalypse one
Bryant Again
God Be Praised!!
So, any word on *why* it is down, saying you need a gold account to access the board, I don't understand. Never really went to it though, just curious and all.
there you go
Originally Posted by Brianna
So, any word on *why* it is down, saying you need a gold account to access the board, I don't understand. Never really went to it though, just curious and all.
After the DOS attacks against 4chan, Moot setup this page to announce status problems. It seems that someone managed to steal the 4chan.org domain.
Ahh okay I see now, so someone basically hacked them for the lulz?