Well I told my guild I was starting a suggestions comitee. I'll post here the things that have not been vetoed by any members.
We played LOTRO as well and got some ideas.
-A player /music system like in LOTRO. As long as theres a mute or a volume slider, this is not an annoying feature at all.
Basickly you type /music, and your character pulls out whatever instrument he has equiped. Your keyboard now becomes a MIDI piano in a sense. In LOTRO it was the keys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CTRL+(12345678) Shift+(12345678)
which came out to be C D E F G A B C and Flat/Sharp C D E F G A B C then next octave C to C. Eventually they added 3 octaves all with flats.
Basickly, you could play notes. It was awesome, you got recognised if you were good, and it was a really fun thing to do while waiting for AFKers. Some people played in groups.
(A mute button is needed for the button mashers)
-Backround music, compared to current GW music needs to be more like factions. Factions had very discernable choruses ahd didn't sound like fantasia (like a lot of prophecies music). Battle music should be regional and there should be more variety.
-Backround music volume can be turned up louder than in GW, but default is about 75%
-LOTRO had a reall funny and more personal emote system. The dances were lame compared to GW but they werent proffesion based and each could choose from 3 of em.
While GW MUST keep the epic dancing system, additional common dances would be cool.
BUT! The best part about LOTRO was the everyday emotes.
They had /faint, which was epic because you could just lay around cities all deadlike.
/smoke was cool for AFKing. It could be an ESRB issue though.
/talk was awesome. Thats sellf explanitory. GW players actauly do this emote in a way, but only in mission scenes.
One of the coolest thing was Mood emotes. They permantly changed your facial expressions untill you logged or changed it back. Miscievious was my favorite.
-Feign Death in the BMP was an AWESOME skill. If you dont make it a skill, please make it an emote.
I'll update this post with more stuff soon. If anyone in the community has any agreements/suggestions/dissagreements, let me know.
Suggestions by my guild for GW2(Music/Emotes/Items/Ect)
Lady Raenef
If you really want this, go download a mod to turn your computer keyboard into a piano, like I did. 1-0, and A-Z, plus a few symbols are all keys on the piano. I can type my name and sound like a professional.
I just dont see how it really helps the game. It would just be something extra completely seperate from the actual gameplay.
I just dont see how it really helps the game. It would just be something extra completely seperate from the actual gameplay.
Lady Raenef
Do you also realize how many times Guild Wars has been accused of copying WoW? Too many. Now they'll say "You're copying LOTRO!" since you're basically taking the idea from that game. Copyright is out of hand...I really wish I was the first person to take a shit in the world, so I can sue all of you for having the same human function as me.
Originally Posted by Isileth
I just dont see how it really helps the game. It would just be something extra completely seperate from the actual gameplay. |
It's pretty interesting when you walk into a bank and someone is doing a good job of "Highway to the Danger Zone".
It had great effects on the community as we taught each other some tunes and stopped to listen to eachother's music.
I know GW is a pretty task based game, but GW2 sounds like it'll be more community/hangingout type.
As for people complaining about GW2 copying LOTRO, Arena.Net could do the honorable thing and ask Turbine.
As for the actaul complaints, as soon as people heard that the level cap was beign raised they broke out calling it a WoW clone. Its gonna happen, people are going to make the dumbest complaints youve EVER heard. You cant stop it, don't let them stop you.
Originally Posted by DarkWasp
Anything that is an extra bit of fun helps the game. Kinda like christmas events, they help keep the game interesting.
You can't see me
Originally Posted by Isileth
However there is limited manpower to implement such additions. So when it comes to suggestions that dont actually effect the gameplay itself, I would generally prefer to see that time spent elsewhere.
the Puppeteer
Originally Posted by Lady Raenef
If you really want this, go download a mod to turn your computer keyboard into a piano, like I did. 1-0, and A-Z, plus a few symbols are all keys on the piano. I can type my name and sound like a professional.

If you wish to make suggestions for GW:2 we have a stickied thread, please use that.