Provide ability to specify which /bonus item(s) to generate
Having got all bonus items available, when outfitting a new hero/character with bonus items to start with, the /bonus command fills your inventory with tons of stuff that you then need to mainly delete afterwards.
It would be nice to be able to specify a filter after the /bonus to generate only those items you're interested in.
For example:
/bonus bow
would generate only the two bow items, and not all the other bonus items.
Alternatively, to be able to limit it to profession:
/bonus ranger
would give the bows, while
/bonus elementalist
would give the elementalist off-hand and the hourglass staff.
It would be nice to be able to specify a filter after the /bonus to generate only those items you're interested in.
For example:
/bonus bow
would generate only the two bow items, and not all the other bonus items.
Alternatively, to be able to limit it to profession:
/bonus ranger
would give the bows, while
/bonus elementalist
would give the elementalist off-hand and the hourglass staff.
I pwnd U
/signed, would mean I wouldn't have to throw out the bonus items I don't need
sickle of carnage
Already been suggested. Use the search button.
Onarik Amrak
Bleh. Use search. +1
I thought exactly this when i wanted an hourglass staff for my new monk in pre and had to drag all the crap to the bin after i got the 1 item i actually wanted
Wonder if it's possible to make Grotto Attendant without spamming for post count?
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
Bleh. Use search. +1
/signed it before, /signing it again. Please give us a panel so we can tick off the craploads of bonus items our account's unlocked! Usually I'm only doing it to cheaply outfit my mage heroes with hourglass staffs.
Operative 14
I'll sign this I suppose. But, I have to wonder, why is it worth making a change in the game over? If I got that kind of stuff for free I wouldn't mind having to spend an extra 20 seconds throwing everything else away.
This is more of an annoyance than having to click "Show me my Storage Account," and they fixed that.
This is more of an annoyance than having to click "Show me my Storage Account," and they fixed that.
Would be nice, but is taking the time to delete 6ish items that difficult?
It would be a good change, but theres countless other things I'd put before it.
but i will prefere the more needed changes to be applied first
but i will prefere the more needed changes to be applied first
Originally Posted by holymasamune
Would be nice, but is taking the time to delete 6ish items that difficult?
Try with all of them - 1 censor, 6 Prophesies upgrades, 2 factions, 2 nightfall and now 3 eotn - that's 12 items to delete when you only needed one, each requiring dragging to the bin, waiting for the pop-up menu to appear, move the mouse to the menu, confirm on the menu, then move back to the inventory for the next drag-drop-confirm.
With that many, the chance of grabbing the *wrong* item to delete also increases :/
Originally Posted by dawnmist
waiting for the pop-up menu to appear, move the mouse to the menu, confirm on the menu
that was muuuuuuuuuch easier.
i may have /signed but it doesnt mean it is hard to delete when your finished
Gaile has already talked about this in her suggestions talk page in the wiki.
Since there are no more /bonus items, they can fit in the 20 slots of a normal backpack, so they are not making anything about it.
Since there are no more /bonus items, they can fit in the 20 slots of a normal backpack, so they are not making anything about it.
Jaythen Tyradel
suggested before..but still /signed
and also
suggest /close
and also
suggest /close
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by JeniM
Wonder if it's possible to make Grotto Attendant without spamming for post count?
It's been suggested before and was /signed by most people.
Everyone who's signing this one is also registering +1s.
So what's your point?
i would love this as i have just spent an hour equiping and deleting piles of bonus items
i would love this as i have just spent an hour equiping and deleting piles of bonus items