E/Me Raptor farm - Can kill boss, NO ELITE REQUIRED!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Due to the change in functionality to Sliver Armor this farm is no longer functional - Marty

*CAN BE DONE ME/E* (posted below) Poor mesmers need something they can farm D;

Just a quick summary:
Tis a solo E/Me (Or Me/E) Hardmode farm, it can kill rekoff and all her babies (I usually leave 5 left, this build gets slower the less aggro -sliver armor of course-) Best part is it can be done without any elites at all (see build below) - so theres really no reason (other than not having an ele) not give it a try

Heres a pic, I cleared the entire cave. I dont recommend killing every last raptor like this, as it takes to long. Just did this for show:

Sorry for the quality, if anyone has a decent, free, game-recorder-thingie, let me know and ill do another vid with it. Or do your own and post it here, ill add it and give credit.

Originally Posted by Dr Dimento
Here, just posted it....that should help some. The cave itself is very dark....it's not just the video, but it doesn't help things......best to watch with the lights off.


So heres the pros and cons just to start:

-Get more drops by killing enemies with sliver armor
-No elite required for the build
-Can kill Rekoff Broodmother (the boss)
---- Elite sin tomes (have 7 so far) (Rekoff Benifit)
---- Gold scrolls (6 fow, 4 UW so far) (Rekoff Benifit)
---- 75 asura points (Rekoff Benifit)
---- Occasional green (broodmothers claws) (have 18 so far) (Rekoff Benifit)
-10x Easier than A/E or E/A.
Takes 1:30-2:00. (A bit longer than A/E) (I made a 58 sec run yesterday )

LOCATION (If you dont know already):

Riven earth, from the Rata Sum entrance.


-20% enchanting mod (on a one handed item, ex: axe, sword, wand)
-Sup earth magic rune.
-Earth magic headgear.
-Radiant insignias
-Attunement runes


[skill]Magnetic Aura[/skill]
[skill]Stoneflesh Aura[/skill]
[skill]Armor of Earth[/skill]<~~ Idk why its using the kinetic armor picture.
[skill]Ward Against Foes[/skill]
[skill]Sliver Armor[/skill]
[skill]Ether Feast[/skill]
[skill]Mantra of Resolve[/skill]

Earth Magic: 16 (12+1+3)
Inspiration: 9
Energy Storage:9

Advanced build

Ok, this isnt going to seem "advanced" to you, but It really is. I strongly advise getting the hang of the above build before moving ahead to this one, ill put reasons why below.

[skill]Magnetic Aura[/skill]
[skill]Stoneflesh Aura[/skill]
[skill]Armor of Earth[/skill]<~~ Idk why its using the kinetic armor picture.
[skill]Grasping Earth[/skill] Or [skill]Ward Against Foes[/skill] still works great, Ive just preferred grasping lately
[skill]Sliver Armor[/skill]
[skill]Blinding Flash[/skill]
[skill]Mantra of Resolve[/skill]

Energy storage-8
Air Magic-5+3


Air Magic-8

As you can see you will need a superior air/energy storage rune for this.

Basically the same as the last one, exept when you aggro rekoff you cast blinding flash on her. Why this is helpfull should be self explanatory.
Now for the reasons its "advanced":
1: The general way this build is best used is better shaped towards someone who has used the previous build allot. You are basically aggroeing the 2 nestling groups as fast as possible then moving along to rekoff - this build is alot faster-paced.
2: Having 2 sup runes leaves you with very low health, you are also facing 120 life stealing + deep wound and bleeding without a self heal, needless to say thats very unnerving. You will finish with around 50-75 hp and most likely degen to around 30.
3: With the above spike caused by rekoff, you have to be experienced with the use of sliver armor in order too kill her fast enough to survive. Please refer too the below posts, guildmaster caine and others have provided very usefull information regarding the use of sliver armor and various aggro tricks, please also read the notes of this: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Sliver_Armor

I also strongly suggest having a staff or spear with 20% enchant, rather than a axe, sword, or other sort of close range weapon. Having either staff/spear will greatly help the chances of sliver armor targeting rekoff.

(Rekoff will occasionally hit through blind, thats just bad luck )

Community Modifications/Builds

This farm is extremely flexible in the way you do it and the skills you use, so please post the way YOU do this farm and ill add it here!

Me/E: Done with a mesmer primary!

Quote: Originally Posted by Kaleena The build I run is as follows :
Stoneflesh aura, Armor of earth, Glyph of elemental power, Magnetic Aura
Sliver Armor, Channeling, Mantra of Resolve, and Air of Superiority (better) OR Ether Feast

points :
9 fast cast (8+1)
14 inspiration (10+4)
12 earth

The build is simple to use, aggro all the cave (with all enchants except Sliver armor), finishing with the boss group. Then cast Sliver armor attacking the boss with a spear/staff so that he doesn't break aggro.

I strongly recommend to aggro mobs along a wall (on their left) so that they can't run away (Screenshot proof on pg.2)

Mental Block Swap

Quote: Originally Posted by Bo Fairfield
I've been experimenting with this build, and I swapped out Magnetic Aura for the Asura Skill Mental Block. It works great, I cast it when Rekoff's mob starts running me, and it's a constant block until I recast it when I run over to the other side of the cave to aggro the last few raptors.(Keep in mind, I just have level1 asura on my ele, so it only lasts 2 seconds, but if you had a higher level asura, it would be MUCH more versatile, definitely needing only one cast if you were level10 asura.) *Edit*
This works great with the advanced/blinding flash build, since rekoff is blind you dont need 75% block, this works well as you can keep it up the entire run to insure the safety of your energy, with blind to stop rekoff.

S_Serpent's modifications

Originally Posted by S_Serpent
S_Serpent's modification to the Advanced build = Super Crazy Rekoff Kill Build :P

Major changes: no using of magnetic aura, addition of Glyph of Renewal (E) for a perma sliver armor build and dropping the snare, so you have the self heal again and a blind. Even with the snare rekoff could run away, without killing her.

The Build:

- Mantra of Resolve
- Stoneflesh Aura
- Armor of Earth
- Channeling
- Glyph of Renewal (Elite) (my modification)
- Sliver Armor
- Blinding Flash
- Ether Feast (modification to add the self heal again)

I'm only using one superior rune anymore since you waste to much HP if you use two to the pity low benefit you might get from it.

Earth-12+1+3 (earth headpiece + superior earth rune)
Energy storage-8+1 (minor energy rune)
Air Magic-5 (you could add a minor air rune here but so far I didn't need it)

Insignias are as you wish, really, blessed is good, radiant is good, ...
Superior Vigor rune on you armor
One handed melee weapon is what I prefer with 20% longer enchant and either +5 Energy or faster casting 10%
Offhand: Hajok's Prism (HSR 20% ; +30 hp)

The same as the guru advanced build usage, where you you aggro all nestlings in the cave and when you have them all aggro'ed you head for rekoff, cast blinding flash on her (why this is helpfull should be self explanitory) and renewal + sliver for perma sliver.

Now for the reasons its "advanced":
2: You are also facing 120 life stealing + deep wound and bleeding needless to say thats still unnerving. And tricky if rekoff runs off, but her it will come to experience in this run, there are two way of a good rekoff pull and aggro.

Triggering Sliver on Rekoff (my personal opinion):
1° you wait until rekoff is in front of her group and you aggro then, so she get body blocked between her group and the nestlings you already have in aggro.
2° you aggro the rekoff group where the boss is not the closest, but and this is very tricky make sure your not body blocked in the nestlings so that when rekoff runs off you can auto follow her, the more run you do the better you will become.


--There is a chance that sliver armor will target the broodmother too late, and there wont be enough raptor aggro left too kill her before she can run away. She will stay away, run in and use twisting jaws, then run away again. Use ether feast too negate twisting as long as possible (it wont work forever). Just follow her like mention in 2° Triggering Sliver on Rekoff


1: Spawn in riven earth, get the blessing and head to the cave entrance (put up resolve along the way)
2: get as close to the first few raptor nestlings as possible; refresh resolve and use channeling and armor of earth.
3:aggro the first few raptor nestlings (these guys should be solo aggros, 2-3 usually).
4: Run as far into the cave as possible without aggro'ing any of the large raptor groups, as soon as a group gets close to you, cast stoneflesh aura.

**1-4 should be done no matter what spawn, this is where the guide differs depending on the 2 usual situations**

---Situation 1:
The large raptor groups are fairly separate from each other, or most of the groups are separate. (there are 3-4 main raptor groups, 2-3 nestling groups and the broodmothers group).
(picking up from 1-4)
5:Circle around and aggro all the groups and solo raptors possible before aggro'ing the broodmothers group.
6: Get as close as possible to the broodmothers group, recast resolve, channeling, armor of earth, and stoneflesh if possible. Most important of these being stoneflesh.
7: Use magnetic aura right before you aggro the broodmothers group.

---Situation 2:
All the raptor groups are close together upon entering the cave.
(picking up from 1-4)
5: Aggro all the groups. (this situation means that they're so close together, aggro'ing 1 group basically aggro's them all.
6: Immediately run for the broodmothers group, there will be alot of extra solo raptors in the cave, but given the situation, you cant get these guys.
7: Cast magnetic as soon as they are aggroed.

----The killing:
(These steps should be taken no matter what which of the situations you had.)
(Picking up from 5-7)
8: Use ward against foes, wait until all raptors have surrounded you and are attacking.
9: Cast sliver armor.
10: The broodmother has probably Used twisting fangs on you at this point, this is a major spike (120 life stealing, deep wound, and bleeding) DONT PANIC! You are in very little danger, deep wound will wear off and you'll be back to about half HP. Cast ether feast to restore some hp.
11. The broodmother should get wtfpwned, you'll know because your skills will get recharged. Wait until sliver and the ward wear out then recast.
12: This should polish off all but 5 or so of the raptors, you can wait for another sliver or just /resign now. GJ.


--Stoneflesh, armor of earth, mantra of resolve, and channeling are to be on you at all times. Dont just use them when the guide says, use when necessary.

--With either situation (especially situation 2), there is a chance that sliver armor will target the broodmother too late, and there wont be enough raptor aggro left too kill her before she can run away. She will stay away, run in and use twisting jaws, then run away again. Use ether feast too negate twisting as long as possible (it wont work forever) and kill as many raptors as possible before you die.

--Remember you lose 6 energy every time a raptor tried to interrupt you. Bear in mind stoneflesh will be a major hassle as with the 2sec cast time.

--Also remember channeling works only when the enemies are near you. If you are gathering aggro, stop, let the raptors catch up, then cast your spell.

--Use the 1 sec cast time spells for energy, as they are hard too try to interupt with 1 sec cast time.

--When you aggro a new group REMEMBER that every raptor in that group has disrupting stab ready, if you cast stoneflesh when a new aggro gets to you, you're most likely screwed. You're energy will super spike down, ending mantra of resolve, and stoneflesh wont finish.

--Even the 1 sec cast times can be E-Spiked with a new aggro. Try to give a few seconds after a new aggro to let the raptors use they're disrupting stabs.

--Magnetic can be used to cover stoneflesh if need be. Sliver armor can do this aswell, though I dont recommend it.

--If you get surrounded by raptors (cant move) try /stuck, if that doesnt work, just use ward/sliver early and try your best too take down the broodmother. Although its unlikely to do so.

--Keep moving to avoid getting cornered.

--Also timing off your skills is important, before you aggro the rekoff group you should always just have renewed your mantra and enchants to be able to prevail in this farm.

Hope its helpful guys.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006


Holy Angels


Nice alternative to the people who don't have a few basic elites, and are in EOtN.

Guildmaster Cain

Guildmaster Cain

Desert Nomad

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Nice build, with the magnetic armor and stuff. I was wondering about using Mist Form, but that doesnt stop Disrupting Stab sadly. But Mistform + Magnetic Armor + Sliver + Mantra of Resolve might be nice. Then again, u cant keep Magnetic up long enough.

Still it should be noted that the E/A Sliver variant is much faster, since it can aggro all Raptors at once. This build will have to wait till skills (Sliver) recharges. I guess this build makes the farm take around 5 mins. With E/A you can clear it within 1 minute.

The build:
Stormdjinn's Haste
Glyph of Sacrifice
Shadow Form
Glyph of Elemental Power
Sliver Armor
Air of Superiority
Ebon Standard of Honor

Ebon Standard of Honor + Intensity will make the dmg of Sliver go from 27 to 41 for me. And I only have R2 Charr and R6 Sunspear. This is a huge difference.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by Guildmaster Cain
Nice build, with the magnetic armor and stuff. I was wondering about using Mist Form, but that doesnt stop Disrupting Stab sadly. But Mistform + Magnetic Armor + Sliver + Mantra of Resolve might be nice. Then again, u cant keep Magnetic up long enough.

Still it should be noted that the E/A Sliver variant is much faster, since it can aggro all Raptors at once. This build will have to wait till skills (Sliver) recharges. I guess this build makes the farm take around 5 mins. With E/A you can clear it within 1 minute.

The build:
Stormdjinn's Haste
Glyph of Sacrifice
Shadow Form
Glyph of Elemental Power
Sliver Armor
Air of Superiority
Ebon Standard of Honor

Ebon Standard of Honor + Intensity will make the dmg of Sliver go from 27 to 41 for me. And I only have R2 Charr and R6 Sunspear. This is a huge difference. You saying the build you posted here is 5 mins?
Because the one I posted about is about 2 mins, rekoff recharges sliver armor for you.

Oh and I tried a mist form version, by theory it shouldve worked, but for some reason when mist form is up, they dont seem to use disrupting stab at all. So when you go to recast (or the glyph of swiftness even) they completely destroy your energy, it might be a bug or something, idk. Its also tough finding a good spike when your main attribute is water, having to go water, earth (for dmg), inpiration leaves nothing left for energy storage. And with low energy they destroy it faster.

... And up top you said magnetic armor... do you mean armor of earth of magnetic aura? Lol. Dont get confused, for some reason it shows the kinetic armor pic, that skill is actually armor of earth.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

you know what would help ur build?

40% fast cast staff with 20% enchant wrapping. o.O



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

The Deep South

The Arctic Marauders[TAM] Former Leader and Officer | [SMS] Alliance


Originally Posted by legendary_Ace
Nice alternative to the people who don't have a few basic elites, and are in EOtN. I'm not positive this was supposed to be funny but God I lol'ed so hard.

Son of Olaf

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

Just wondering if this is doable with Me/E? Cause I'm way to lazy to make an Ele



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by Son of Olaf
Just wondering if this is doable with Me/E? Cause I'm way to lazy to make an Ele No sorry, you need 16 earth magic.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by masteroflife
you know what would help ur build?

40% fast cast staff with 20% enchant wrapping. o.O You need an offhand.
And I already had the 20% under required mods.

Guildmaster Cain

Guildmaster Cain

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I stand corrected, judging by your screenshot, you can pull it off quite fast. I salute thee.
Then again, as you said before there are several situations to aggro. I based my judgement on the first situation, in which you need to aggro the small group before going in. That would at least take 30 seconds away from your run, since there is no boss in it. And it doesnt seem sure that you kill the boss in time when you need the recharge. But maybe I am just criticising a build that I havent tried myself yet.

I meant Magnetic Aura, to make mantra of resolve cheaper when they try to interrupt you. And Mist Form has the major flaw that it doesnt stop attack effects, like Shadow Form would. Thus you can get hit by disrupts. Anyway, Mist form would only be there to reduce the damage to 0, not to stop the disrupts.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by Guildmaster Cain
I stand corrected, judging by your screenshot, you can pull it off quite fast. I salute thee.
Then again, as you said before there are several situations to aggro. I based my judgement on the first situation, in which you need to aggro the small group before going in. That would at least take 30 seconds away from your run, since there is no boss in it. And it doesnt seem sure that you kill the boss in time when you need the recharge. But maybe I am just criticising a build that I havent tried myself yet.

I meant Magnetic Aura, to make mantra of resolve cheaper when they try to interrupt you. And Mist Form has the major flaw that it doesnt stop attack effects, like Shadow Form would. Thus you can get hit by disrupts. Anyway, Mist form would only be there to reduce the damage to 0, not to stop the disrupts. That was situation 1, if it was #2, you'd see a bunch of solo raptors dotted across the map.

But thanks anyway... I think? Lol.

There are only a couple thing that can stop you from pulling this off:
1: Human error
2: Rekoff has a 2nd spike skill (Unsuspecting strike I think) This is what magnetic aura is for, but rekoff still has a 25% chance to pull it off. Although with well timed casting of ether you can survive this, it'll get you most of the time.
3:Sliver doesn't target rekoff soon enough. (If you dont do it already, make sure to have rekoff targeted and close to you when you use sliver, this will help a lot) this happens occasionally, but not often.
4: Group of angroden in front of the cave <~~ Very rare

Oh and also remember sliver is recharging while its up, so waiting for it is only an extra 19 seconds. You'll only need it twice, thrice if you want to get every last raptor. (which isnt worth it)

But yea, I suggest trying it.
Mist form is bugged I think, they all use they're disrupting in unisen when I try to cast, even with resolve my energy gets raped.

Imparator x

Imparator x

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


I use this build... works good

each run 168 points... no elites..Lots of greens


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2007

Castleford, England



When I used sliver armor, I had to attack the boss with my staff to make sure the bint didn't run away after 2 seconds.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by Imparator x



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2007

Glob Of Ectospasm [GoE]


Originally Posted by Imparator x
I use this build... works good

each run 168 points... no elites..Lots of greens
Look at your skillbar more carefully

[skill]Glyph of Renewal[/skill]


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Autonomy[?????????]

nice build dasullybear
it works!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by papryk
nice build dasullybear
it works! Thanks!
Hope it helps



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by MywayFtw
Look at your skillbar more carefully

[skill]Glyph of Renewal[/skill] Oh, and he might have ment no elites as in no elite sin tomes yet.

Bo Fairfield

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2007

Mu Tants [MU]


I've been experimenting with this build, and I swapped out Magnetic Aura for the Asura Skill Mental Block. It works great, I cast it when Rekoff's mob starts running me, and it's a constant block until I recast it when I run over to the other side of the cave to aggro the last few raptors.(Keep in mind, I just have level1 asura on my ele, so it only lasts 2 seconds, but if you had a higher level asura, it would be MUCH more versatile, definitely needing only one cast if you were level10 asura.)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by Bo Fairfield
I've been experimenting with this build, and I swapped out Magnetic Aura for the Asura Skill Mental Block. It works great, I cast it when Rekoff's mob starts running me, and it's a constant block until I recast it when I run over to the other side of the cave to aggro the last few raptors.(Keep in mind, I just have level1 asura on my ele, so it only lasts 2 seconds, but if you had a higher level asura, it would be MUCH more versatile, definitely needing only one cast if you were level10 asura.) *Edit*
If you swap out mental for magnetic when using the advanced build, it works great, just dont try it on the normal one

Guildmaster Cain

Guildmaster Cain

Desert Nomad

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Guildmaster Aeron [Rt], Arthas Ironfist [W], Guild: The Tyrian Templars [TTT]

If you wanna know how to keep Rekoff aggro:

Foe's don't run from non-aoe damage like sliver and VWK if there is a wall next to them on their left side. So when you face them, the wall is on your right. To accomplish this (you will need more time for good aggro, but not sure if its possible to do with this build), you should run around the big rock near Rekoff in COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction, with the raptors on your tail.

There are only a couple thing that can stop you from pulling this off:
1234 yadiyadiya
5 Computer locks up or lags


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Gatineau, Qc, Canada

Kiss of Anguish [KISS]


Originally Posted by Guildmaster Cain
If you wanna know how to keep Rekoff aggro:

Foe's don't run from non-aoe damage like sliver and VWK if there is a wall next to them on their left side. So when you face them, the wall is on your right. To accomplish this (you will need more time for good aggro, but not sure if its possible to do with this build), you should run around the big rock near Rekoff in COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction, with the raptors on your tail.

There are only a couple thing that can stop you from pulling this off:
1234 yadiyadiya
5 Computer locks up or lags I find myself killing Rekoff in HM and having trouble with killing the raptors before dieing, maybe this will help



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by Guildmaster Cain
If you wanna know how to keep Rekoff aggro:

Foe's don't run from non-aoe damage like sliver and VWK if there is a wall next to them on their left side. So when you face them, the wall is on your right. To accomplish this (you will need more time for good aggro, but not sure if its possible to do with this build), you should run around the big rock near Rekoff in COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction, with the raptors on your tail.

There are only a couple thing that can stop you from pulling this off:
1234 yadiyadiya
5 Computer locks up or lags Lol, true.
And how do you know about this whole left wall thing?

So if I understand right, its THEIR left side, not to be mixed up with your own.
That would mean the raptors must be on the far side of the rock (far as in farther from the entrance) facing out toward the large portion? (The other half of the cave, facing away from rekoffs spawn area)

It also helps to know that they will always run the opposite direction from you, so cast your ward then stand at the very edge for more distance of 50%slowness that they have to cross get away, you can also make it so that they end up running into a wall while trying to get away.

All this helps but it should be one of your last priorities, not getting stuck/killed/E-Spiked is your first



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2007

Bay Area

Looking 4 PvP Guild!


nvm I think I found the spot...

thank for the build works greats...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Oh and ive got a new and updated build ive made, better success rate, doesnt seem like this thread is getting much attention so I wont post it, but if enough people ask, ill make an update

also working on a video using the old build, been having troubles with the windows movie maker, but if it works smoothly ill make one with the new build aswell


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2007


can u post the new build


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Currently residing in ToA dis 1


how exactly do you deal with wild strike here?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by kade
how exactly do you deal with wild strike here? Lol, just try it. Idk why but has never posed a problem before. Just make sure resolve is ready for recasting once you aggro rekoff. If shes alive long enough for her to re-use it, you've RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOed up.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

It works nicely for those who do not have an Ele



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


How did you get stoneflesh to last long enough?

Oh, now I see that glyph there.
Nice job...

But id assume its got to be alot slower and tougher since sliver doesnt last as long, and you've got no speed decrease...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2007

Life Beyond The Rainbow[Life]


Im definitely gonna check this out when I get factions on monday.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Sure, but it's still a very nice farming spot

Imparator x

Imparator x

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Originally Posted by MywayFtw
Look at your skillbar more carefully

[skill]Glyph of Renewal[/skill] I mean no elite tomes droped.. dude



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by Kaleena
Sure, but it's still a very nice farming spot Indeed.
If you want to post the modifications you made I'll add it to the main post and credit you.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by peewt
Im definitely gonna check this out when I get factions on monday. I think you can do it without factions skills. Not sure though, ill look into it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

Exeter, UK

Great build but i can never survive the giant spike by rekoff, i can kill all the other rapters (if i remember to re-cast skills xD)

so yeah, thanks for an awesome build

Sir Seifus Halbred

Sir Seifus Halbred

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

I am thinking of trying this build, but first i need to make an ele. If anyone can help me out with this, send me a pm.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by fusion101
Great build but i can never survive the giant spike by rekoff, i can kill all the other rapters (if i remember to re-cast skills xD)

so yeah, thanks for an awesome build Lol, whats your max hp? Even with 330hp you should be able to survive.

Nelis Bonecrusher

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007


The Afterlife Warriors


got a question though, might sound a litle greedy...then again i'm dutch so i'm allowed to , how much do ya earn a run with this farm?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

You're basement, eating a ham sandwhich


Originally Posted by Nelis Bonecrusher
got a question though, might sound a litle greedy...then again i'm dutch so i'm allowed to , how much do ya earn a run with this farm? Depends... when I first started I was getting 2-3 golds, 5-8 event items (this was during the EotN event) 5-6 random crap (saurian bones, whites), 2ish sin tomes per run, and an occasional rekoff green/elite tome every 15 runs or so...

since ive done it atleast 300 times I get about... 2 whites per run now, lolz, Im gonna do some missions etc. To get rid of the farming code soon.

Oh, and out of 300 runs I got 3 ele swords in my first 100 runs, and 0 ele swords in the last 200, farming code much? xD
Q11 incrip (sold, 20k)
q13 inscrip (gave away)
q9 UNINSCRIP (what a gip, sold 15k)

Sold these with the runes that were on em when I ID'd em