Hello everyone.
For you who liked to play snowball fights with mesmer and assassin should remember that the so-called "unique" skill had some glitches last year.
I remember the mesmer skill was sopposed to interrupt the targets skill and blind him, but it didint actually blinded... wich is really really bad.
Edit: I dont remember if actually gave the Blind condition, but it didint stoped the enemy from hitting me ¬¬
The assassin skill was supposed to give +50 hp but it ddint some times... wich is also bad.
So please a.net, not bugs this xmas for me ok?
No Bugs this Xmas, mmkay?
the mesmer skill did blind actually, but the snowballs still hit because they are skills and not attacks. All the blinding does is reduce the accuracy of said snowballs.
There will be bugs, so drop your expectations now. After every giant build there are bugs, I think anyone who's played for over a year should understand this by now.
Rachel Crow
Yeah the rate anet fixs things is kind of sad so don't get your hopes up.
For non-believers and those who think they have all their priorities straight, here's a good example.
Go to Marketplace, zone towards Kaincenter, walk north towards the first bridge. You will see that the bridge is still glitched out and a giant thing is sticking through it! That's been around since the start of Factions. Also look at the sunglasses glitchs on so many hairstyles...etc.
Fix the bugs? I don't think so.
For non-believers and those who think they have all their priorities straight, here's a good example.
Go to Marketplace, zone towards Kaincenter, walk north towards the first bridge. You will see that the bridge is still glitched out and a giant thing is sticking through it! That's been around since the start of Factions. Also look at the sunglasses glitchs on so many hairstyles...etc.
Fix the bugs? I don't think so.
In theory, patches fix bugs over time until an acceptable minimum of minor issues is reached. In reality, bug fixes introduce new bugs in a recurring cycle, as Brianna said. I don't recall the assassin skill never giving me the +50HP tbh.
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by Gregslot
So please a.net, not bugs this xmas for me ok?

hahahhhahaha.....I almost fell out of my chair....no bugs...this is GUILDWARS bugs are as expected as say the sun coming out tomorrow......
gotta get a tissue was laughing so hard my eyes watered/cried.
thanks for the laugh, it does help get rid of stress.
gotta get a tissue was laughing so hard my eyes watered/cried.
thanks for the laugh, it does help get rid of stress.
Stolen Souls
Bugs....meh. I'm just looking forward to the lag.

Chrono Re delle Ere
Lag will be crazyness

Guild Wars > Build Wars > Bug Wars!
Arena Net said so many times that they are busy with Guild Wars 2, and they can't be bothered with all the ''small'' bugs Guild Wars has.
(I can't really think of any bug-free MMORPG)
Arena Net said so many times that they are busy with Guild Wars 2, and they can't be bothered with all the ''small'' bugs Guild Wars has.
(I can't really think of any bug-free MMORPG)