just a thought and arena net cld make some more cash from it

we all win, we get the awesome weps and arena net gets more cash - what more could we all want?
Sign - 5
Notsign - 3
Originally Posted by Dobermann
i wasnt aware of the offer and missed out on some seriously SWEET weps and id pay for the pack to get them again...
Originally Posted by TGgold
First of all, if you did not notice the HUGE BONUS MISSION PACK CLICK FOR INFORMATION, there is seriously something wrong.
Secondly, when all of us, who actually used the store to get the bonus mission pack while we qualified, went to get the bonus pack, it was in faith that it really was a "limited time". The purpose of limited time is so that there is an incentive to get something. If they had said "well, it's not really limited time, and actually, we're going to be offering other ways to get it...but using the store is kind of cool?" there wouldn't have been incentive for me to forgo getting a nice box for GW:EN, and for other that bought extra character slots just to qualify, I doubt they'd have gotten them either. We believed ANET when they said "limited time", and if there is another way offered it will make me think twice about trusting what comes out of ANETs mouth in the future. |
Originally Posted by SleetDragon
So perhaps you shouldn't trust a company whose first and foremost concern is making a profit.
Sir Pandra Pierva
Originally Posted by Dobermann
could people plz /sign or /notsign if they feel they must post and then post your random comments after plz
Drake Eleric
Cold Hearted Zero
Stormlord Alex
Fallen Hunter