So I still have a few of the "bad" wintersday 2005 gifts in my storage - you know the ones that explode on opening most of the time (and rarely gave a lump of coal instead).
1) I'd love to see this come back
2) Is it wrong for me to sell these during this event and not be ... 100% forthcoming?
I pwnd U
God of Spammers
Join Date: Oct 2005
in the middle of a burning cornfield...
Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)
21 Dec 2007 at 17:08 - 2
1) Don't think they are coming back if they follow the model of last year again
2) Not so long as you say exactly what they are and what they do. Some people might want them as a collectors item.
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Dec 2005
Scars Meadows [SmS] Officer (not recruiting)
21 Dec 2007 at 17:10 - 3
1) agreed
2) do it, people pay money to have their presents explode. YAY!
Lady Raenef
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Feb 2007
Oregon, USA.
Zero Mercy [zm]
21 Dec 2007 at 17:11 - 4
I'd like to see it happen considering I never got to experience Wintersday at all. I took a six month break missing last year's Halloween and Wintersday events. I wasn't playing until 4 months after the first one.