The Anet Holidays - A time for carpal tunnel for all
Engel the Fallen
Please for the love of god add in a selector thing to the traders. Trading in for 200 or candy canes is just plain painful. Used to be able to do trades in bulks, so baffles me why we cannot do these simple things like that.
Windersday should not be a painful event IRL ANET. Please fix now.
Windersday should not be a painful event IRL ANET. Please fix now.
I pwnd U
Ya they should do that, they should also do that for buying rare materials and such. It would really help to add in a simple amount selector.
I'm for any feature like this.
Games can be played for hours, and people may hurt their hands.
MAking the game hand-healthy is a developer's responsability:
Games can be played for hours, and people may hurt their hands.
MAking the game hand-healthy is a developer's responsability:
Now we keep this thread active and they should consider it.
Suprised they didnt have this already /signed
I love my wrists, they are connected to my hands, which help me play with my favorite thing....guild wars.
~the rat~
I love my wrists, they are connected to my hands, which help me play with my favorite thing....guild wars.
~the rat~
~ Dan ~
You mean that you have to buy rare materials one at a time instead of in bulks? 

Would <3 this.
Yeah. My wrists sounds now like a rattle. Please, no more.