Discrepancy in Wintersday NPC collectors - can someone explain me this?
I noticed that NPC collectors in LA Kamadan and so on offer for the same amount of collectibles, let's say for 2 frigid hearts:
- 1 spiked eggnog
- 1 fruitcake
I retrieved the following information from wiki:
- spiked eggnogs are a level 5 alcohol, and count for 3 minutes towards the drunkard title
- fruitcakes count for 1 point towards the sweet tooth title.
Provided that the above data are correct, I see this as a discrepancy.
As an opposite example, during Shing Jea event the collector exchanges 10 victory tokens for either 1 flask of firewater or 1 creme brule.
According to wiki, spiked eggnogs are equivalent to firewater.
So it seems that during Shin Jea events things are more "balanced", in the sense that for 10 tokens you get either 3 minutes drunk or 3 sweet tooth points.
During winterday you get instead 3 minutes drunk but only 1 sweet tooth point for the same amount of collectibles.
Are information on wiki wrong or is there actually such discrepancy?
In the latter case, I would like to see it fixed.
- 1 spiked eggnog
- 1 fruitcake
I retrieved the following information from wiki:
- spiked eggnogs are a level 5 alcohol, and count for 3 minutes towards the drunkard title
- fruitcakes count for 1 point towards the sweet tooth title.
Provided that the above data are correct, I see this as a discrepancy.
As an opposite example, during Shing Jea event the collector exchanges 10 victory tokens for either 1 flask of firewater or 1 creme brule.
According to wiki, spiked eggnogs are equivalent to firewater.
So it seems that during Shin Jea events things are more "balanced", in the sense that for 10 tokens you get either 3 minutes drunk or 3 sweet tooth points.
During winterday you get instead 3 minutes drunk but only 1 sweet tooth point for the same amount of collectibles.
Are information on wiki wrong or is there actually such discrepancy?
In the latter case, I would like to see it fixed.
And the problem here would be...?
Just buy the sweets at the Shing Jea event, problem solved.
Just buy the sweets at the Shing Jea event, problem solved.
Skyy High
You can also get candy canes, which while only giving 1 point to sweeth tooth, are far more useful (and valuable) than standard sweets.
Obviously, you should get the spiked eggnog then.
You neglect to account for the fact that Firewater was not changed 'til the Zaishen chest was added. The Shing Jea weekend still had Firewater as a level 3 (1 minute), not a level 5 (3 minutes).
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
You neglect to account for the fact that Firewater was not changed 'til the Zaishen chest was added. The Shing Jea weekend still had Firewater as a level 3 (1 minute), not a level 5 (3 minutes).
As far as I can see, the most common collectibles [orr, carvings, termite legs] al get normal eggnog, while the less commonly farmed get spiked. I think THAT is unfair.
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
If you use one firewater, wait a minute, then use one every three minutes from there, it's the same as using a spiked 'nogg every three minutes.
Besides, if we're going to look at the points of sweets, you need to look at the closest equivalent in alcohol, the level. During the past Shing Jea events, Firewater was merely a level 3 alcohol, so comparing it's current form with spiked is irrelavent. Will Anet likely change it for the next Shing Jea event? Probably not, but that would be the time to bring it up.
Now, as far as the collectables used being "fair" I don't know what you mean. It's not any harder farming Singed Gargoyle Skulls compared to Grawl Necklaces or Charr Carvings. Gargoyles drop dyes and shards enough to make it worthwhile for most people, whether they're selling the skulls or getting alcohol.
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
Now, as far as the collectables used being "fair" I don't know what you mean. It's not any harder farming Singed Gargoyle Skulls compared to Grawl Necklaces or Charr Carvings. Gargoyles drop dyes and shards enough to make it worthwhile for most people, whether they're selling the skulls or getting alcohol.
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
Termite legs and orr emblems can be farmed in Hardmode easily and quickly, but neither get you spiked eggnog.
To clarify better, in LA you have:
- a collector that for 3 orr emblems gives either an eggnog or a fruitcake: in this case you have 1 alcohol minute or 1 sugar point for the same amount of collectibles.
- another collector that for 2 tengu scalps gives either a spiked eggnog or a fruitcake: in this case for the same amount of collectibles you can get 3 alcohol minutes, but only the same 1 sugar point as before.
In my opinion the latter collector should offer something different for sugar points, something equivalent to a spiked eggnog in the sense that gives 2-3 points for sweet tooth.
Of course it will never be done, so for this Wintersday I'll invest my time toward the drunkard title
- a collector that for 3 orr emblems gives either an eggnog or a fruitcake: in this case you have 1 alcohol minute or 1 sugar point for the same amount of collectibles.
- another collector that for 2 tengu scalps gives either a spiked eggnog or a fruitcake: in this case for the same amount of collectibles you can get 3 alcohol minutes, but only the same 1 sugar point as before.
In my opinion the latter collector should offer something different for sugar points, something equivalent to a spiked eggnog in the sense that gives 2-3 points for sweet tooth.
Of course it will never be done, so for this Wintersday I'll invest my time toward the drunkard title
Ignore the fruitcake and look at the candy cane. Anet views those more beneficial than a 2 point item. It's true that any collector gives the same candy cane, but I would agree that the spiked collector should have peppermint (2 points). It's much easier to argue with anet about re-adding peppermint candy canes to the wintersday collectors because they honestly don't care whether you believe it a fair trade for sugar points.
Wintersday has always been about the alcohol and candy canes (not as use for sweet tooth), and I'm sure that's exactly how it'll stay.
Wintersday has always been about the alcohol and candy canes (not as use for sweet tooth), and I'm sure that's exactly how it'll stay.
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
As far as I can see, the most common collectibles [orr, carvings, termite legs] al get normal eggnog, while the less commonly farmed get spiked. I think THAT is unfair.
since it wont prolly be updated, pick the spiky, sell it and buy sweets with the cash
Master Knightfall
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
If you use one firewater, wait a minute, then use one every three minutes from there, it's the same as using a spiked 'nogg every three minutes.
As far as I can see, the most common collectibles [orr, carvings, termite legs] al get normal eggnog, while the less commonly farmed get spiked. I think THAT is unfair. |
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
As far as I can see, the most common collectibles [orr, carvings, termite legs] al get normal eggnog, while the less commonly farmed get spiked. I think THAT is unfair.
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by Blu
Obviously, you should get the spiked eggnog then.