Note: I know there's a thread for Kurz/Lux -> Zaishen transaction, which wasn't well accepted, and I had this idea for a few weeks now.
Why can't we trade in Kurzick faction for Kurzick keys, and Luxon faction for Luxon keys? With the new Zaishen update, it seems reasonable, right?
Granted, they'd have to maybe make the cost higher, considering there's no consumables dropping... and you can FFF so freaking fast.
What's a reasonable amount? 6k? 8k? The only thing wrong here is we're raising the bar because of Kurzick FFF, so it seems a little harsh on Luxons...
I'm just a big fan of chests, and if I'm doing quests through a specific area I like to stock up on their keys. I'm also not sure how this would correlate with the Kurz/Lux titles, would it grant double faction for the title? I'd say probably no. That would be another way to hamper Kurzick farmers.
Kurzick and Luxon faction for their respective keys
Ugoff The Unholy
Kurzick and luxon keys aren't exactly pricey. Trading faction for lockpicks, or deep jade or stoneroot keys would be a more reasonable suggestion.
You can't see me
5k faction per key if anything. Perhaps lower, but I'm for the idea.
Lady Raenef
I think 1k faction is reasonable, but only if you get the faction from an Alliance Battle so all you people who do quests can't get shit.
Minimum Deep/Urgoz scroll price: 200/100gold.
Luxon/Kurzcik key price: 600/300gold.
So... if 200/100=1k
Then 600/300=3k
They should be available in exchange for 3k allegiance faction.
Luxon/Kurzcik key price: 600/300gold.
So... if 200/100=1k
Then 600/300=3k
They should be available in exchange for 3k allegiance faction.
Trade your faction for Amber, Jade, or scrolls, whichever is worth the most at the trader. Sell at the trader. Go to merchant; buy key. Congratulations! You just traded alliance faction for their respective key!
IMO we should be able to use the Kurzick and Luxon skills in AB, kinda makes sence to use them there.
Dark Paladin X
5k faction may be reasonable for a kurz or lux key, but how much points gives to the allegiance rank would be the same as if you were trading for jade or amber.
/signed makes sense plus will it really break the econemy? not as i see it, just do the amber thing, sell then buy skills, this way jsut cuts out the middle man